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cLaN wOlF hOmEpAgE


New Warrior:CW-anggye28


11/4/02: As was the brief yesterday, there is no new news. If there are people visiting this site that want to join Clan Wolf's Shareware StarCraft Clan, click on the link near the bottom of the page, underneath the Ultimate Patch link. For those of you that do not have the Ultimate Patch, you may download it by accessing the link at the bottom of the page.

11/3/02: No new news to report today, none worth mentioning. Will all members please forward me a letter stating weather or not they want the Clan to grow in size or in number as soon as possible. The Adress is on, so feel free to write me. That is all, oh, before I forget, everyone, please welcome a new addition to the team, CW-anggye28.

11/2/02: The Campaign was sick today. CW-Hellot got on-line and spanked a few peeps in the BGH $4N category, as well as spanked a few boyz and girlz in the Byways (no modz) category. In other news, I, CW-HuNtEr got online and consistantly spanked 2v1 ZVT $4ns, (fourpeat) and won a few BGH $4N campaigns as well. We are adding a new member to the mix, once Hellion can remember the dude's name. Thanks a lot Hellion. In other events, Utopia is getting pretty grueling, my KD has been savagely raped by larger provinces twice now, but we will do likewise to a weak KD soon. That is all for today. Good times.

11/1/02: Just another day in Hawaii, no new news to report. The Shareware domain is getting locked down heavily by the new Clan Wolf invasion. Check in frequently, we will be adding a new link for the actives, it will be a time zone thing so that we can coordinate and play together.

10/26/02: Today we welcome new member Resident into the halls of Clan Wolf. We are expanding our empire, so we must go out and recruit more. Hellot has been out searching out volunteers as the_great_pen15, but has found no new people for our clan. Welcome to the crew Resident. Be sure to add your CW- prefix onto your name and check here every so often to find out whats happening. Even though we are recruiting, try to stay away from recruiting from other clans or tribes or groups, and stay within the shareware realm. We also welcome new recruit mekilleryousuck to our ranks as a trainee. His awesome turret defense prevented a quick demise against an overwhelming offense of mutalisks. Thats all for today.

10/25/02: Nothing new to report today, Hellot is still hunting for new recruits as am I. Members who have left and are returning back, you know to email me at Hurry on back. KryptKeepr is on vacation still and will not be back for a while, I am taking his name off the active warriors list.


Where nature's laws threatened the weary;
When food, water, even air itself ran low,
It took just a command, a word, a smile,
From the General to light the way.
He was comfort, stern courage, compassion
To our sires as he led them from the fires
That grew and fed on those they left behind.

-- The Remembrance (Clan Wolf), Passage 2, Verse 14, Lines 18-24

About the fallen hero they gathered,
None able to give voice to his shock.
Khan Jerome Winson knelt, tears streaming,
To cradle Nicholas Kerensky's head.
To wipe the blood from the cold brow,
To close the lightless eyes, Peace, great Hero.
Choked with sadness and anger
Khan Jerome Winson spoke. "Khan Cal Jorgensson,
I cry, not for myself, nor for others.
I weep for your Clan Widowmaker.
There is a price for such a crime
As you have committed. A price you
And your Clan will pay."
- The Remembrance (Clan Wolf), Passage 154, Verse 34, Lines 16-28






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