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Welcome to my home page.

My Xanga Basic Gym


February 17, 2005

Today i got the basic layout done. its nothing special but I'll see what i can do on making it better.

February 22, 2005
Making a story line to fit the one I have planned in my head is harder then I thought. It’s like an English project that I want to do, but have no means or basic background of informational reasoning behind it... So the question is do I write a separate background to the town and gym, and just go straight into to gym on another page, or do I make the readers suffer threw the introduction to get to the gym.. (That sounds like the best way for me to go. I can throw in unexpected battles...)

School is kicking my bottom, and I’m supposed to be working on a project...but I’m lazy and I really hate skills for the work place... it’s a pain in my bottom...

So until I get less homework and shit to do during the days, ill be working slowly on my gym. But I have a basic crapy version for you to battle and the likening. Ill talk to every one later

Enjoy the View.