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By: Christina Ho
Links --> [Free the Children] [McDonald's Article #1] [McDonald's Article #2]
This statement McDonald's = Happy Children isn't always true! The children who receive the Happy Meal Toy and who don't have a care in the world are the Happy ones. But the ones who are living in China, making them 20 hours a day for as low as 50 cents an hour in sweat shops aren't! This is why I have chosen to create a web page. Although it is important to understand that production capabilities simply do not exist in the North American toy industry, it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen in other parts of the world.The purpose of this webpage is to make everyone aware of where these Happy Meal toys come from. It is to inform you of the unjustice that still prevails in our world, even though we fight for our rights time and time again.

Picture yourself as a 10 year old child. What do you picture yourself doing? Probably going to school living a great life right? That's what it is suppose to be like. Unfortunately, many children living in China don't have the opportunity to go to school and plan their future. They are forced to work in factories in order to support their family. Children should not have to work; they should not have to take on such a big responsibility as to raising money for their family. They should be at school learning how to read and write, they should be having fun, not being forced to work and treated as slaves.

Thirteen year-old Jitti works 11 to 14 hours a day in a leather factory with two days off each month. Although he hates the job, he can't quit because his family depends on his earnings.

Rosie - sugar cane worker - 9 years old Started working in the sugar cane field since she was 7. She stopped going to school because her father died and her family needed the money. She makes barely enough money, just enough to buy her family a little bit of rice.

My main focus is McDonald's and their Happy Meal toys. Kids may think it's great because they don't understand where the toys come from or what child labour means. I think it's the adults who should take into consideration whether to purchase these toys for their kids or not. They are old enough to understand where these toys are coming from and how they are made.

Next time you go to McDonald's, think twice about that "Happy" meal toy. Happy Meal toys aren't the only items being produced by these young kids. Do yourself a favour, before purchasing anything, check to see where it is made. If it says "made in China" you will know who made it.

If you would like proof or evidence to back up what I have been saying, above are some links to articles. Once of the links is to an organization called "Free the Children", it was founded by Craig Kielberger who back then was only 12 years old. He fouhgt for the freedom of children's rights against child labour. This oragnization can answer any questions you may have, so feel free to link to them and explore this issue some more.