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The dog IQ test
How smart is your dog
  1. Does your dog repond to
    Its own name
    Its own name and it know the name of other members of the family
    After much taxing it sometimes responds to its own name
    It doesnt really do names

  2. take your dogs favourite treat and swap it from hand to hand in the dogs view, then close both hands and place them in front of the dog. Does your dog:
    Watches you like youve gone mad, but gets the right hand immeadiatly
    stares attentively following the biscuit and gets the right hand immeadiatly
    Thinks the treat has dissappeared
    doesnt know which hand but manages to sniff the treat out

  3. How many of the following commands does your dog understand. SIT, STAY, COME, ROLLOVER, HEEL, LIE DOWN, SHAKE HANDS, SPEAK, STAND, FETCH

  4. When your sad or upset does you dog:
    not notice
    get nervous and bark or chase its tail..etc..
    sit with you
    try and cheer you up

  5. does your dog prefer to hang around with
    other dogs
    other pets

  6. on the whole would you say your dog:
    does as it pleases doesnt really listen to any one or thing
    does what you say but can be stubborn at times
    does whats you say
    Is attentive to you but doesnt reallly understand what u want from it

  7. How much would you say your dog reminds you of a human?
    Its uncanny..if it wasnt for the fur and paws...
    it mimics alot of things, it sits on chairs, sleeps on a bed and thinks it can eat at the table
    its got some human traits but generaly acts likes a dog
    its all dog
