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lady of the lake
Lady of the Lake copyright:Josephine Wall

Page Two
Do you see anything you would like me to make with YOUR name on it??
Please no more than THREE per request O:-)
You are welcome to take anything you like.
Just PLEASE right click and save to your OWN hard drive O:-)
These are samples that can be made with any name :)
PLEASE DO NOT put a request in my guest book....the
only reason for that is because I don't read my guest book everyday.

One more thing about my love for making these and having them all here
for anyone to SNAG...I'm shareing my work,
and it makes me so sad when I see things that *I MADE* on someones
website and they have the whole thing SNAG PROTECTED!!
PLEASE DO NOT Snag my graphics if you
are not going to in return share them with others...that's pretty rude.
Yes, there's lots of things that say Cher or Princess Cher...they are my samples
for you to request in your own names.
Reminder : I do not claim credit for all the graphics used to makes tags. Some yes, but not all.
I try my best to put links to tubes and graphics in my link section at the bottom of each page :)
Any tags I use I keep the water mark in tact if there is one :)))

You can use one of these 4 graphics to link back to me at


if you choose. It's not a Rule...Enjoy O:-)

See what my graphics look like with a LIGHT Background

Josephine Wall

mystic designs
© copyright 2002 All rights reserved
Artwork of Josephine Wall
Background set Mystic Designs