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~The Land of Tara~

Welcome to the land of Tara ! You might wonder where this is well the second Tara in the world is the fable home to Scarlet OHera from the book from Gone with the wind .Of corse the first one is in the Emerald Island Ireland ! Well this is a bunch of lovley picter of my second home. I came to Georgia in late 80's to live out my life . Im a native Californian but my heart all ways belong to Georgia . Were I use to come to visit my family as a child . so hear are a few picters of Georgia some are near were my family roots belong and some are places were I have been ... and few are barowed picters from a friend ... ejoy the sight seeing trip on down the page when the music starts then you can begin.... Glad to see you have come ....

~Atlanta ~

~St Mt~


~Tybe Island~

