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Echoes of Angelic Screams


I don't know where to start...

I guess through all the mental anguish I have undergone throughout my life I had totally lost my mind... or I have found myself amongst my shadows.

Looking deep within my soul, I saw something amazing. Chained and caged up was all my repressed emotions from my childhood. As I unleashed them, I went through the most difficult time of my life.

I went through times where I'd lose myself in these emotions and feel as if there was no one to turn to and nowhere to go.

Pain ran through my mind and my veins, aching with each breath that I took. The depression had engulfed my soul... or at least it seemed that way.

I sometimes can break free from this torment and channel it into my art or poetry to lessen the pain I felt.

I would try my best to change who I was, thinking that this was not normal and that I was a freak to always feel so depressed. I would shun the sunlight and hide in the shadows of my room.

I could not fight my depression anymore, it was devouring me. But it fuelled my desire to draw, paint, write... I was drawing off of this pessimistic energy I felt for myself and creating some of my best work.

In a way, my art and poetry have made me more complete and in a way more sane. There are still times I feel like all is lost... but my inner strength has endured and grown to such immensity that I'm a better person because of it.

So, with the informailities out of the way.
I hope you enjoy my site and feel free to contact me with your insight and comments.


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