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Broken Towers

you knew that this was a bad idea. but then again, not taking care of the problem might mean that you would never get to go home. if you could find out what had drove Ma'ar over the edge, perhaps you could end this. but this place was so odd.... you found the minor knowledge of this place playing in your mind, as you approached the area. you were not sure how you got here, not really. there was water here- blocking you from the towers. you could see a dock in the distance, and realized that you could get there quite easily from a series of large round stepping stones. you had no trouble at all getting across, but you stopped in the center to view the water. you gazed in, and found that the water was a rainbow of color- different colors here and there, and very beautiful. the water also seemed to be made up of something that reminded you of Aya and Vree- clear, shimmering milky liquid glass. and then, it hit you when you saw a spirit in that lake, looking up at you. you scrambled back to the edge of the stone as it poked its head out of the water, and stared at you- just stared, with hollow white eyes that chilled you to the core. several others like it were rising as well, on all sides of you. this was the Spirit River- you could not touch these. you quickly jumped away, now afrade to fall in. you skipped across the stones, and nearly kissed the dock when you reached it. you fealt an air of safety here- like you could talk to the souls if you wanted to. the Towers were off to one side, far behind you. you were not quite sure which of the Broken Towers this Draining Sphere was in, but you had to get to it before Ma'ar's sister.

Go to the Tower
Study the Water?