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The Bridge

Hello, and welcome to The Bridge! This is a gateway between Raquel's Writings and Torra Ayes, so that, though they are still two different sites, there is something connecting them so they are one. Maybe this will make it easier to understand, if that was confusing. Imagine a one-level house. There is a door that leads in. In front of it, is a hallway. At one end, there is one room, and at the other, there is another room, each filled with great things, and different stuff. This place, The Bridge, is the hallway, which connects the two sites. And the sites are the two rooms. The house...well, that is only to help you understand what I mean.

U understand? I hope so, cause I don't know how else to explain.... sorry if that was confusing!!

Raquel's Writings <---------------------------------------> Torra Ayes

Do you want to link to The Bridge? If you wamt to link to Torra Ayes and/or Raquel's Writings, linking to The Bridge is MUCH quicker!! Just copy and paste the following code! (thats in the textbox)

Please, only edit either the colors, sizes, or what u want the cursor to look like, or the font. And u can get rid of the explanation if u want. Please dont change ANYTHING else!!

For links, go here.
part of The 054827 Network

-Does The Bridge offer anything but a way to connect Torra Ayes and Raquel's Writings?-
If you are asking: is there anything but stuff connected to those sites on this page? the answer is no. But if u mean that exactly, then yes. The Bridge offers cliques that both of them are in, there favorite links, and stuff they BOTh like/agree on. All that stuff is going to be linked as soon as they figure out what to put up.

In the meantime, there is just a link to each of them. Everything goes above this, though this won't be needed when the other stuff is here... :)

You may think its strange that we refer to ourselves as "they". Or maybe you haven't noticed. It is just easier that way. If it really bugs you, then just email one of us (links are on our sites) and we'll fix it. :)
Thats all of the "bottem notes" that we have, so.... enjoy!