

Offering a tribute to the man I whore for...What I adore most about you Brian:




Your eyes, your smile, your touch, your voice...your essence.

That look on your face when you ask me, "Where do all whores belong."

Your strong hands and how they feel entangled in my hair holding me in my place, right there on my knees with your big hard cock forcing it's way into my hot mouth.

How gentle those same strong powerful hands can caress my flesh. 

The taste of your kiss...the taste of you.



That feeling I get in my belly when I know your coming over.

That feeling I get in my soul when I know your not.

The longing for you, and although that means that I miss you terribly I treasure the longing as it means I have someone wonderful to long for.

The way my soul bows down to you and waits for your command.

The way you think, the way you speak, the person you are.

The way I feel you thinking of me.  

The way every pore in my body craves your touch.

The way I feel when your beautiful cock big, hard, and wet is rubbing all over my face and lips leaving me totally overpowered and breathless.

The very scent of you.

The way I wake up hungry for a taste of you. How you are so often my first thought as I awaken and my last thought before I drift off to sleep.

The way I drip with desire for you.

The way that knowing you is loving you and loving you is wanting you, adoring you, worshipping your cock, your strength, your manliness, your very essence.

The way that I lust after you even when I have had you. I've drank from your cock and you sit right next to me and I still want you.

The way you knew when you saw my full lips that you would have to have them wrapped tightly around the head of your cock.

The way you read my stories and letters and really hear me.

The way you have me so enamored that I can't help but do what ever you want, your want has become my want and your pleasure is my own.

The way you have turned me into a total whore strictly for your pleasure. Yours to own, to use, to do with as you please. To leave waiting hungry for you until you return.

The way that your visits with me only seem to grow more pleasurable the longer I know you.

The way that I trust you like I have never and could never trust another.

The way you make it hurt so good.

The way that you made me suck your cock as you whipped me when I was a bad slut. Reminding me just what a whore I am and just who I belong to.

The way your eyes burrow right into the core of me and make me feel more naked than I ever have before in my life.

The way that you fill up my senses, standing tall as my purple mountain as I bow down adoringly at your feet.

That I have hungered for you all my life and now you replenish my soul with your kiss, with your touch, with your strength. The more that you demand the more that I give the more that I gain.