Annie's Profile Thing-a-ma-bob whatever!!

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Updated 7/19/03

Hi, This is me, WYSIWYG

01. Name: Leighann C. Johnson
02. Nicknames: Annie, Leigh-Leigh, Leigh, Johnson, Mademoiselle Pussycat :-D
03. Screen name[s]: AIM - iceblueanjel Yahoo! - novatigress
04. Age: 19
05. Sex: Lady, born and bred
06. Birthday: November 21, 1983
07. Zodiac sign: Scorpio, if you're into that stuff. I'm not. Apparently, according to a fwd. that Lacey sent me, I'm a butter bean. See the "southern signs" link
08. Hospital where you were born: Halifax, Daytona Beach, FL
09. Location: Florida
10. Height: 5'3½"
11. Hair Color: Medium Copper Blonde
12. Big Hands or Small Hands: Small
13. Eye color: Blueish gray... or are they grayish blue?? Usually appear to be blue though, a soft, mellow blue with golden flecks within.
14. Siblings: Two brothers - Alan, 34, and RJ, 16
15. Parents names: Pam and Johnny
16. Hobbies: Dance - Ballroom, latin, anything fun. Writing, Singing, drawing, dancing, downloading music, working on my site, dancing, playing with Leo. (*_*) (smiley)
17. Piercings: 5!! Two in each lower lobe... the one in the cartilage had to be taken out... got infected.

~The "Crush" Side~

18. Crush: No... see answer below. Besides, I may be looking, but he's got to be a God-fearing man.
19. Girlfriend/Boyfriend: No guy is worth my tears (yes, I've cried over a few), and when I find someone who is (which hasn't happened yet), he won't make me cry.
20. If you could go out with anyone in the world, who would it be?: Michael Rosenbaum or Shawn Ashmore (absolutely got to love the blue eyes... dreamy)... um... alright, don't laugh... Angel. Not David Boreanaz, but the character he played on the first season of Buffy.
21. When and who was your 1st crush?: uh.... Eric someone when I was 12 (he was 16 or 17)
22. What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: His hands, hair and eyes.... (more hands, because I'm usually too shy to look him in the face.)
23. Your idea of a perfect date: dinner, dancing, then a walk on the beach, and a good night kiss....
24. Are you romantic: I'd like to say yes, but then I see that it's simply alot of emotion... I don't know.
25. Biggest turn-on: A guy who can really dance, lol. Nah, more like a guy who isn't a put on, but the real deal... in other words, no big macho front is necessary (and is advised against)
26. Ideal girl/guy: Angel, on the first season of Buffy!! Bad boy image, with a big heart that's hidden beneath layers of 'protective' anomosity... Whoever God has picked out for me.... must be someone who is funny, God-loving, who can dance, and can accept me for me. (That's the short list... if you could see my list, you'd fall over, *grins*)
27. Most sweetest thing that happened to you today: Um... *still thinking*
28. Memory [thing] you miss most: Hanging out with Sacha
29. If you could go back in time, where would you go?: Back to when Sacha was still here in FL
30. Thing that you regretted doing after you had done it: Not backing up files when I knew there was something wrong with my computer.... it crashed the next day, and I lost most of the stuff on the drive... there are several other things I'd rather not mention as well...
31. Memory you would like to forget: The time when Becky convinced me that her mother knew where we were.... and more recently, the car crash
32. What'd you do yesterday?: Worked... then vegged in front of the TV, played with Leo, stretched... I know, boring. Sorry.
33. Last person you talked to on the phone: RJ
34. Last thing you said to him/her: See you later... bye.
35. Last song you listened to: "When the Going Gets Tough" by Billy Ocean
36. TV show you wish they would re-air again: Avonlea, Sons of Thunder(Marco Sanchez would be the main reason, of course... rrrrr), Birds of Prey, Dr. Quinn
37. Dream Car: Black Corvette or BMW (Would name it Pierce - don't know why - gotta name cars), or a lemon yellow VW bug (the new ones)
38. Marriage: I suppose... if the right guy comes along
39. Kids: Adopting, thank you. Too many kids in this world need a home.
40. Future son's name: Austin or Jeremiah
41. Future daughter's name: Cassidy Meara, Isobel Angelise
42. Honeymoon: Don't know.... Hawaii maybe (the pics Bernie's showed me are beautiful - not the pastor, the Hawaiian guy in WP)
43. Where will you live?: Florida, near the beach, like I do now
44. What are you doing tomorrow?: Sleeping, anticipating the Lasik surgery.

~The "On Guys For Girls" Side~

45. Boxers or Briefs: Does it really matter?? I'm not really that picky, hee hee
46. Long or Short hair: Seeing as how only a few guys who can pull long hair off, I'll opt for short.
47. Tall or Short: tall - I'm 5'7" or 5'8" in some of the shoes I wear... so he'd have to be taller than 5'8".... though most guys are.
48. Six Pack or Muscular arms: Doesn't hurt to have them both (*_-)
49. Good or Bad guy: Bad boy image, good boy heart...
50. Ears Pierced or not: as long as they arent over done then its cool
51. Tan or Fair: Either
52. Stubble or Neatly: either works... he's a cutie shaven or scruffy
53. Rugged or Sporty: Doesn't matter
54. Studdly or Cutie: HmMmMmMm... someone once asked, "Studfully Cute??"

~The "Favorites" Side~

55. Food: Shrimp, frozen grapes, popcorn, cucumbers, strawberries, white peaches, and anything cheese (except cottage cheese)
56. Drink: Grape Juice, H2O, Lemonade, and Root Beer
57. Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner: Dinner
58. TV show: Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye, Just Cause, Andromeda
59. Movie: The 10th Kingdom, Dirty Dancing , A Knight's Tale, X-men, Center Stage, and White Christmas
60. CD: That's hard... anything I've mixed, because it has songs I'm familiar with, and like, on it.
61. Band/Group: 98 Degrees - Stay the Night, You Don't Know, and Invisible Man, or Breathe - Hands to Heaven
62. Color/s: Purple, ice blue, burgundy, black, and silver
63. Animal: Tigers, or any large cat (Panther, cougar, clouded leopard)
64. Actor(s): Hugh Jackman, Shawn Ashmore, Heath Ledger, Ryan Merriman
65. Actress(s): Meg Ryan, Mandy Moore (Don't say anything), Rosemary Clooney
66. Weekend Activity: dancing, listen to and downloading music, talk to friends online, working on my site, writing stories, crocheting
67. Favorite day of the week: Monday - My day off!!
68. Month: July
69. Book or Book Series: The Night World Series (best book there is Witchlight), The Acorna Series and Rowan Series by Anne McCaffrey
70. Holiday: Christmas
71. Number: 6
72. Cookie: Oreos, chocolate chip (the ones from publix bakery are the BEST) or grasshoppers
73. Phrase you overuse: "What can I say??", or "You are such a nut."
74. Toothpaste: Crest
75. Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
76. Clothing: A nice dress, and dance shoes (or, for relaxing, a pair of overalls and a tank-top... or spandex)
77. Candy: Sweettarts, Dove Dark Chocolate
78. Teacher: Miss Nella
79. Restaurant: Red Lobster... Shrimp Scampi, yum!! Also, Sapporras Japanese Steakhouse (Also the Shrimp)
80. Channel: E!, FX, or Disney
81. Radio Station: 103.3, 107.7, 105.1, 106.7
82. Type of music: Anything with a good dance beat, though sometimes slow, sad music that touches your heart
83. Shampoo/Conditioner: Redken Color Extend
84. Song(s): See Lyrics section
85. Music Video: I don't know... don't watch them
86. Sport: Ballroom Dancing, Gymnastics, Ice Skating, Cheerleading
87. Website: see my links section
88. Relative: Do adopted sisters count??

~The "People You Know" Side~

89. Friends: You all know who you are.... I love ya!!
90. Person you most admire: Dorice - she has her own business, dances, and is dedicated to Christ
91. Most loved person: All of them

~The "One Or The Other" Side~

92. *N Sync OR BSB: N'Sync
93. Peanut butter OR Jelly: neither... unless you're talking Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
94. Coke or Pepsi: Neither... Root Beer
95. Matt OR Ben: Ben Affleck in Daredevil
96. MTV OR VH1: VH1
97. Apples OR Oranges: Apples
98. Vanilla OR Chocolate: chocolate
99. Flowers OR Candy: flowers
100. Romantic Comedy OR Horror: romantic comedy
101. Book OR Magazine: Book - more like novel
102. TV OR Radio: Radio
103. Is the glass half full OR half empty?: half full

~The "Do You Believe In" Side~

104. Angels?: yep... they're in the Bible.... God said it, I believe it.
105. Aliens?: I don't think so
106. Heaven & Hell?: Oh yeah... see angels answer
107. God?: You better believe it
108. Yourself?: Sometimes

~The "Have You Ever" Side~

103. Been on a plane: You bet - TWICE - I even got to fly a J3-CUB!
109. Cried in public: unfortunately
110. Climbed a tree: Yeah
111. Fell asleep in a Movie Theater: Almost during Hollywood Homicide
112. Met a celebrity: nope
113. Met the president: nope
114. Been scared to get a shot: oh yes, just about every time
115. Gotten a cavity: a surface one.... didn't really hurt
116. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: nah
117: Broken a bone: yep.... fissured my wrist (cracked the bone about halfway to three-quarters, though not a complete break)
118. Did the nasty: it's not nasty.... waiting for that special guy
119. Said, "I love you," and meant it: not yet
120. Gone skinny dipping: not yet
121. Skipped school: can't when you're homeschooled
122. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: oh yeah
123. Gone to a theme park and checked out all the cute guys/girls: Nah... no need to... I won't be hooking up with them anyway, so why waste time??

~The "Which Do You Prefer" Side~

124. Dog/Cat: both.... Cat, I guess
125. Blue/Purple: Purple, then again, both
126. Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
127. Pen/Pencil: purple glitter gel pen
128. Rich and unhappy/Poor and happy: Poor and Happy
129. Tall/Short: Tall guys

~The "Questions That Don't Matter, But I'm Still Asking" Side~

130. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Nope
131. Last time you showered: Last night
132. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: light blue, though according to some quiz, I'd be green
133. How many buddies do you have on your list?: Which one??
134. What are the last 4 digits of your number?: which phone?? cell would be 7778
135. One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: Four, cotton
136. First initial of the person you hate the most: W
137. How long are you in the shower?: depends on my mood, and how much time I have
138. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Buttercup?: bite off the bottom half with the pb, then suck on the top half
139. What does your screen name mean?: IceBlue is one of my favorite colors, and of course, I'm an anjel; Nova stands for November, and Tigress is what I am
140. Right, Left, or Ambidextrous?: right
141. What is under your bed?: another bed (it's a daybed, go figure), though at the moment, the bed is downstairs, and the ferret is under it, playing with the feather duster he drug under with him...
142. almost done.. *yay*
143. Time you finished: 1944 hundred hours (7:44pm)

This profile was borrowed and modified from Geri's Survey.