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Poetry Page: Updated!

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Ok...well new developments on the page....first, there are a lot of new pics.  Secondly, there are a bunch of new give me feedback or more pics if you want....Good luck on finals everyone and I hope everyone's first year of college has been as great as mine!  

Hey everyone-
Its me again....Barbara....I'm assuming since you're here, you know me somewhat....

Yeah I've decided to scrap the not-so-fun, boring webpage and change things up a little, you know, kick it up a notch; that basically means, I'm bored, and have enough free time to mess with this webpage stuff.  Yeah.  Well, you all know I'm a big computer geek, but s'all good. 

And you can email me too. check out my page....I've got the all about me thing going on....some pictures......some shout outs to my peeps....quotations and thoughts and stuff so y'all can see how weird I really am (not really, I'm just outspoken about stuff).......and of course a bunch of very cool links which you all should check out right away.  I mean it.  Yeah.  So anyways.....