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Here at the Wilbanks Home, we LOVE pizza, as do many others around the world.
Having owned a pizza shop for a few years, I've come to the conclusion that
we all can enjoy pizza right in our home, without having to call on the
pizza delivery guy! What is needed is a good, basic recipe for the pizza
dough and a good, hearty sauce to go on top. Beyond that, your imagination
is the key to the best pizza of your life~!

I've decided here, to share a basic pizza dough recipe, which has been
a staple of mine since I left the pizza business behind. I can always
count on rave reviews from those who have tasted my pizzas. All you need
to do is let your imagination run wild with the toppings you or your
guests prefer.

You may also add seasonings to the that fresh or powdered
garlic, onion, assorted edible seeds and various herbs of your liking.

For Best Cooking Results: I would recommend preheating your oven
to at least 425* for about 30 minutes, NO less. Keep in mind
that a pizzaria oven temperature would mean blasting our ovens
to at least 700 and we wouldn't want to do that in our homes!

For those of you who may need a little 'push' in getting creative,
I've included just a few suggestions. Now on to the dough recipe~

Basic Pizza Dough & Suggestions