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Full live concert from San Antonio, TX on the 1999
Human Clay world tour. The concert has been split
up (in order) into the following tracks:
Ode size: 2.94MB Download
Torn size: 2.83MB Download
Beautiful size: 2.09MB Download
Illusion size: 2.57MB Download
Say I size: 3.17MB Download
My Own Prison size: 2.57MB Download
What If size: 2.23MB Download
With Arms Wide Open size: 2.31MB Download
Faceless Man size: 3.04MB Download
What's This Life For size: 2.75MB Download
Higher size: 2.83MB Download

I'm Eighteen size: 2.91MB Download
Is This The End size: 2.79MB Download
Riders On The Storm LIVE size: 6.68MB Download
Roadhouse Blues LIVE size: 2.66MB Download
To Whom It May Concern size: 4.76MB Download

If you have problems downloading any of these files, please email me.