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Mommy`s Pregnancy

This is my mommy when she was 8 and a half months pregnant with me.

Mommy and Daddy found out they were going to have a baby April 13, 2002.
Mommy took a pregnancy test and the pink lines barely showed up, so Daddy
made her take another one the next morning to make sure!  Mommy and Daddy
were really happy.  The first people they told were Aunt Allison, Stephanie,
Adam, and then pretty much everyone they came in contact with.
Mommy went to the doctor at Green Clinic in Ruston, Louisiana.  Her doctor
was Dr. Harper.
They found out I was a girl on September 9, 2002 at my first ultrasound.
Mommy and Daddy loved to feel me move... They loved to hear my heart, too.
Mommy craved Mountain Dew, Cabbage, Orange Pineapple Juice, Kit Kats,
Potatoes, and Chocolate anything!  She didn`t like Ramen noodles or
Cooler Ranch Doritoes.  They made her feel sick!
Mommy and Daddy chose AnaElise to be my name on September 9, right
after my ultrasound on the way down on the elevator.  Daddy chose Raine
way before that... He says he`s always liked that name.


Mommy 5 months pregnant with me

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