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~We join Apocalypse standing outside of a large, domed arena looking upward to get a good look at the place. He looked up and down and from side to side. After he was done looking around, he pulled out a small piece of paper and examined it~

Apoc~ 145 Main Street. Yup this looks like the place. Just never seen anything quite like this before. Its so, BIG. Well I better get inside and check out whats going on in there.

~Apocalypse walks towards the employees door still looking up at the tall building. As he was walking he accidently bumped into the security guard because he was too busy looking upward. As he tryed to move on into the arena, the guard stopped him before he could go any farther~

Guard~ And where do you think you are going??

Apoc~ Where the hell does it look like im going? Im going into this damn arena if you dont mind.

Guard~ Dont be getting smart with me now. I wasnt the one who bumped into you. You were the one who bumped into me, which by the way you still havent said sorry for yet.