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Anakashar's Den of Silence

Going to pay a little more attention to this site. No new logs to post right now, just what you see is what is up.

What I'm going to put up here:

So for now here are some links

The fight with Kwinn the Outlander
The log of a GM telling me that they purposely intended for Gwan to path off the isle
The log of the Pawbuster fight
What Brother Qwinn says before and after the turn-ins
The ever elusive Raster, caught on log
The fight with Rinmark (where we actually won)
The fight with Targin
What Veltar says when doing the Shackle of Tynnonium
A partial log of the Shackle of Rock turn-in

Name logo created by B. A. - "Lythethn"
With much thanks, heh.