(Note: This translation is a combined effort between my daughter, Eleanor, and myself and reflects the combined writing styles of us both. Special thanks to Pedro Guzman for his help in providing the great variety of screen cap images.)

Yoshiki Fukuyama presents Fire Bomber 2005
A tribute to Nekki Basara
Disc – 1


Sunday, May 29, 2005 at Tokyo Studio Coast

Yoshiki Fukuyama presents Fire Bomber 2005
A tribute to Nekki Basara

Vocal & Guitar – Yoshiki Fukuyama
Drums – Shoichiro Aso
Bass – Tetsuro
Keyboard – HIDE

01 Holy Lonely Night
02 Rock'n'Roll Fire

Fukuyama – Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! There's a lot of you, isn't there! Everybody feelin' alright!? OK, about the CD… you bought it, right?
Even if some of you hadn't bought it, you wouldn't admit it, would you? A lot of you have heard the songs even though they hadn't been released yet, haven't you? For those of you who haven't heard the songs - some of you haven't heard the songs, right? – and for those of you who know the old stuff and those of you who are new to this – I'm sure there are a lot of you – so, anyways, without further ado, let's rock this joint!

And so, starting this with the new album – there are some of you who haven't heard the new album right? – MCing is kind of difficult, eh, when you think about it, there are various things to decide. Though it's kind of interesting (nervous laugh) I don't feel up to the task.

03 New Frontier

04 Submarine Street
05 Yume no Michi

Fukuyama – Thank you (in English)

06 Remember 16

07 Heart&Soul
08 Light The Light

Fukuyama – Thank you (in English again)
1-2, 1-2-3-4!

09 Hello

10 Namonaki Hate no Machi de

Fukuyama – Uhm. Hmm, well, OK, well, there's this thing called "Fukuyama Fire!"  which is embarrassing to say. Fukuyama Fire!! And you see, it's an album which just so happens to be sold at this concert… 'cause there was this guy that said 'make an album' when we decided we were going to do this concert, and we said "What? Make an album?" And he said make it full of original songs of DMX quality and we said, "How the heck are we supposed to do that?" And so yeah, we kind of made the thing and edited it.

And during our work we have found many interesting things. OK and among the albums' songs there was a particular - one particular song, almost like one particular person - that stood out and it sounded like a new song of Fire Bomber's… and I was like "…a new song of Fire Bomber's? There's no way this can happen." It was a moment of ; "What the heck's going on?"

And so I figured, work on the song, make it close enough to that feel, and if it works, that's good enough for me. Yeah!  That's how it was at first; it really was like that in the beginning. In the beginning I'd decided to do the concert this one way, and then when I was with Endoh Masaaki, that guy from JAM Project, he was all like "Why don't you go for it?" while we were drinking, y'know. And so we jammed out one or two songs, and we all setting up cues. And cues- I guess that's pretty much what they are – At least that's what I think.

And anyways since all of these people have come – I'm sayin', "All of these people! Have come!" And I'm MCing this thing. And so I'd like to give the new song a try.

Like a Fire

11 Like a Fire

12 Angel Voice

Fukuyama – Woah~ (sung), Thank you!

Well, and so, uh, setting Angel Voice aside, I'd like to move this thing along. Furthermore, the songs up to this point have been rather slow, but from this point I'm going to speed all of them up. And so to prepare you all for it, uh, we're going to work this through a piece at a time – That's ok, right? Yea, that's ok? It's really ok? Yes. (nervous laugh) – So, let's do this, eh. This one is also not on the CD, but it has a cool intro - so we figured "let's stretch it out a bit." when we decided to try out this song – and besides, they were saying "Let's do it because the name is cool." What's up with that?

Let's do this song!

13 Parade
14 Fukuyama Fire!

Fukuyama – Thank You.

OK then.  Key, Key, Keyboard! Keyboard! HIDE!!

~HIDE Fire!!

HIDE and Aso (sing) – Akiko-chan, Akiko-chan, love you, love you

Fukuyama – HIDE! HIDE!

~Tetsuro Fire!!!

Morita- Burn in the darkness! Enjoy yourselves!
(Then continues to play)

Fukuyama (sings) – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Tetsuro! Long, long Tetsuro!
(says) Drums. Drums. Drums! Drums!! Shoichiro Aso!!

~Aso Fire!!!!

Fukuyama (sings) – Yeah, go, Shoichiro~  yeah, yeah, yeah, Aso!

~Fukuyama Fire!!!!! (Reprise)

Fukuyama (sings) – Oh Yeah!

Audience (sings) – Oh Yeah!

Fukuyama – (sings) Oh yeah! (speaks) Needs more feeling. (sings) Whoa yeah!

Audience (sings) – Whoa yeah!

(Etc with the Whoa, yeahs…)

Fukuyama (sings) – Oooo~ yeah

Audience (sings) – Oooo~ yeah

Fukuyama – (says) What shall I do next?

(sings) Nekokoshan

Audience (answers) – Nekokoshan

(Etc with the Nekokoshans…)

Fukuyama (says) – You're all keeping up well today.
I'll never get used to this walkway. It's so narrow. I'm going to fall off. Back it up, I'm coming through.

(Back to the Whoa, yeas)

Fukuyama (sings) – Macross

Audience (sings) – Macross

Fukuyama (says) – Oh, wait, that's not quite it. (Audience laughs) Which way was I supposed to walk. Oh. This way.

(More Whoa yeahs, going softer, louder)

Fukuyama (says) – a bit deeper

(Then back to the Whoa Yeahs until he walks back to the front of the stage and starts an evil chortle into the mikes)

Fukuyama (says) – 1-2, 1-2-3-4!

(Starts intro of next song)
Fukuyama - Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah! Dynamite Explosion!

15 Dynamite Explosion
16 Starlight Dream
17 My Soul For You

Fukuyama (sings) – Thank you, yeah!
[Then the band members leave the stage and the audience begins chanting "Encore!"]

[Band comes out.]

Fukuyama – Yeah! Thank you for the encore! (Call and answer with the audience) Yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

[Music starts. Fukuyama-san has a real life version of Nekki Basara's guitar!]

01 Introduction

Fukuyama – Oh yeah! Listen to my song!

02 Planet Dance

[Decorative head breaks off the guitar while he's playing]

Fukuyama – Yeah!
Oh, hey, look. It broke. That sucks. What am I suppose to do with this. The top busted right off.

[He walks over to a roadie who hands him the piece that broke off; then holds it in the place where it should be.]

Fukuyama –  Thank you very much.
(Looks at guitar and says to self) That sucks.

Someone from the audience – You're so cool!

Someone else from the audience – If you don't want it, I'll take it!

Fukuyama – Oh, stop. I won't give it to you no matter how much you beg.
(About the guitar) I'm really shocked by this.

Thank you very much. That was Basara's guitar!
And well, the next song really will be the last.

Ah! That's bad form. (laughs) Ah, I guess it'll be alright.
Sing along with this last one. OK? OK! OK!!
This song… Whoa, yeah!

03 Totsugeki Love Heart

Fukuyama – Yeah. Thank you! Thank you! Bye bye! (in English again!)