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Hi everyone and Welcome to scamwatch! My names Lisa (my Neopets Name is Alienbabies) I made this site beacause i'm SICK to death of SCAMMERS, I hate them. They want to steal YOUR items and take YOUR account! They're horrible LAZY people who wont play the game fair and ruin it for everyone else! If we all know and follow these simple guidlines then the scammers will have no one to fall for their tricks and will be ebolished from Neopia!!!

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Theres two types of Scammers and MANY different Scams:

The first type of scammers are those that try to completely steal your account, with every thing in it, such as neositting, fake login screens, and acting as neopet staff. Remember- Neopets Staff do not ask for your password.

The second kind of scammers are those that try to steal your items, such as accounts for sale, fake contests in shops, guilds, and theme parks, over priced items, trading without the trading post, fake items in their shops, and many other ways.

Stealing account scams to watch out for:

Fake Login Screens: Fake login screens are one of the most popular ways of stealing accounts, and most effective. There are many fan sites that have them including geocities fan sites, angelfire fan sites, and other hosting sites. A fake login screen is were some one takes the login screen on neopets and puts it on their website, changinf the form information to send it to their e-mail address. Make sure when you come to a neopets login screen it says, and is not a neopet site like (Example), since some times people use their neopets home page to put the fake login screen on.

Neositters: Neositters is another popular way to steal accounts. It's people that say they will baby sit your neopet and take care of them. Don't believe them. Usually they just want your password, and username to take your account. If you get a neomail from someone that says they will take care of your neopet for some neopoints, don't believe them. Send your pet to the Neolodge and report them to immediately. The Neolodge only cost you about 140np for one neopet for 14 days.

Shop HTML: Shop HTML is an easy thing to stop. If you get some one to do HTML for you, they do not need your account username and password. Just ask them to send the HTML to your e-mail account as an .txt file (Text File, it is not a virus format, and can not be used as a virus), or tell them to post it on a page, and click "View" at the top. Then click "Source", and the html will show up.

Neopet Staff Impersonators: You'll receive a neomail from someone claiming to be neopets, they'll either say you've won a prize, database crash, password loss, pets about to die, etc... Then they'll either ask for your username and password to fix the problems or they will say that they need to verify their records and ask you to neomail them back with your username and password. This is just another attempt to steal your account. Just remember that Neopets will never ask for your password!! There is only one official neopets account, that is "theneopetsteam" and they would not ask for your password in a neomail. The real Neopet Team already has your username and password in their database and if their database crashed they would say so on the news page. Also, if they need to contact you regarding something, they will email you. Also if you check the account of "theneopetsteam", you'll see that it says that The Neopets Staff is a Neopets Monitor in red.

Change Emails: Never change your email to one that isn't your own. If someone ever asks you to change it to something different because of a contest you entered or they are a say they are a neopet staff member (If a Neopet Staff Impersonator), then report them immediately. Changing emails means that the scammer can then enter your username into the "forgotten password" box and have your password sent to them. That allows them into your account and they can do with it what they like, including changing the password and locking you out.

Sharing Accounts: What this one normally involves is someone offering to share an account with you, which includes sharing the password to that account. It also involves it being their email that any passwords get sent to by neopets. Basically they'll wait for you to build up the account a bit, and act like they are helping. Then go in changing the password and stealing all the items, as well as neopoints to their general account. This also includes giving the password to someone that says they will do something in your account to give you more neopoints.

Stealing Items Scams to look out for:

UPDATE- the latest SCAM! Theres a new scam about! The scammer will tell you to go to his/her shop where he/she will have a lot of OVERPRICED items, they'll tell you to 'right-click' on the item, open in a new window and you will get a hidden tower item or some other good thing. THIS IS NOT the case, if you do this you are actually BUYING the item, so you just paid 10000np or more for a jar of sand!? NOT GOOD! Report ALL people you see doing this!

Trading Items: Never trust people that want to trade items without using the Trading Post. Always trade using the trading post. It is the safest way to trade. The trading post is the surest way to trade, and is no problem to do. If the other person says it would be too much trouble to trade with the Trading Post, then don't trade with them. Always trade using the Trading Post.

Contests: Contest is another way people steal your items. One of the ways it works, is people put a fake contest on their shop and ask people to buy items from their shop. Whoever buys the most items wins. Usually, these contests are just scams. The owners wait tell every one buys something, then they say some one hacked them, and they can't pay every one back. They are just lying. Don't join or be in a contest unless it is one is having or a person, or website that you can really, really, trust very well. If you find a cheating contest please report it to immediately.

Fake Account Sales: Watch out for this very common scam to steal your items, and, or accounts. The way they do it is by advertising on the chat boards or by having a cheap item in the trading post, stating in their wish list that "The highest bidder will get this account!" etc.. Never bid on these types of things. They are usually worthless accounts anyway. If they were really leaving neopets or giving their account away, then why would they need any rare items at all? Some of these scammers will even say that they have so many neopoints, yet asking for rare items for the account, like I said, if they were really leaving neopets or have so many neopoints then they would not be selling their account away. Don't fall for this common scam. If someone really is leaving neopets, they'll generally just give their account away to a friend or else they'll ask you to neomail them the reason as to why you deserve their account.

Selling Cheats or Secrets Remember, never use cheats. Neopets now knows all the cheats, and will freeze all accounts that use the cheats. Usually selling cheats involves them asking you to once again bid on cheap items or to send them rare items and they'll supposedly send you a great cheat for neopets, Most of the time they offer nothing and you've just lost your valuable items you sent them.

NeoPet for Sale: Never try to buy a pet, unless you can really trust the person you are buying it from, and you can contact the person at any time. The only way someone can give someone else a pet is via the adoption agency and you are not guaranteed of getting it then, as someone else could grab that pet before you do. So never try to buy or trade items for a pet, unless you can really trust the person you are buying it from, and you can contact the person at any time. If you're looking for another pet, just continue to browse through the adoption agency.

Job coupons & Nerkmids on the Auctions or Trades This is a new scam that's just came out. What happens is people will put like a silver job coupon up for auction, so you believe you're making a bid for a silver job coupon, same goes with the nerkmids. Unfortunately, there is a glitch with the neopets system and these people can still use those job coupons or nerkmids while it is in the auction, so in other words you're paying for a silver one, the owner is using it still, so by the time you get it, it's been downgraded to a green job coupon and you'd paid more as you thought you'd be getting a silver one. My advice in this situation is to avoid buying job coupons or nerkmids on the auctions and trades, if seeing one in the trades, then just neomail the owner and arrange for them to put it in they're shop for a set price or only buy them from shops.

Basic Rules to Follow:

1) Don't give your password out to ANYONE!!!

2) Never change your email to something you don't have access to!!!

3) Don't bid high on cheap items!!! (check the shop wizard for market value)

4)Change your password regularly!!! (to something completely different each time)

5)Have numbers, capitals in your password!!! (example: 46n8oc0mp278)

6)Never login to a website!!!

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I usually have neomails and neofriends turned off, so if you wanna tell me anything or have any comments about this site just sign my guest book and leave your neopets username and ill write back to you!

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