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Managing Change

Organisational and Workplace Behavior

Team Development

Marketing Principles

Urban Sustainability; Planning. Design
and Energy Principles

Social Skills

Image Make-Over

Pro-Active Behavior

The 21st century will be as dynamic and challenging as ever, placing urgent and thought provoking demands on our ability to deal with changing situations in a global world economy, raising questions about how wisely available resources are used.
Wide ranging environmental, urbanisation, organisational, social, technological, personal and security issues also impact upon our quality of lifestyle - because nothing stands alone - everything is inter-connected.

And because nothing really stands alone...

How we act, the quality of our health, vitality, our relationships & where we live & work are inter-connected--And each element is ultimately inter-dependent on each other for balance and excellence. When we apply creative, pro-active thought and action to our lifestyle & environments it will significantly enhance our social and biological well-being as well as substantive economic growth.

A balanced ecological relationship between the Built, natural & human environments is paramount as is the importance of good organisational design because of its impact upon internal and external customers--

The inter-linking of visionary and practical objectives will also enhance the social benefits for humankind in the quality of the creative design of built environment and their surrounds
--Because very little remains in isolation

Enhancement.  Creates excellence in Personal, Organisational & Professional growth.

Phone: 04111-83-745
(Sydney Australia)


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