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Armageddon 2

So here goes the story of Armageddon 2, aka "Armagddon". Some highlights: I joined House HellHammer. I believe this move came in conjunction with a large 'turnover' point in my time in fighting in which all the sudden my social spectrum in Belegarth expanded tremendously and people began to know my name. Its a nice feeling, and I was not without company throughout the event. I thoroughly enjoyed my barrel, shananigans, 3-person J races, and listening to the DA bardic squad drum out mad beats. The journey to the event however was a grand time in and of itself, as I got to know the past present and future of some fine folks known as Nanga and Mordeath of Dur Demarion. This is our journey, caught on camera:

Dishande, Dragonball-D(Mordeath), Nanga, and Lady Grey were all my company at some point in our trip. Many thanks to Grey for letting us crash at her place, making me a new custom HH tunic, and of course, being the coolest chica I know of who is a teacher in her "responsible mundane life".

We had to stop in Metropolis, home of Superman. Or shall I say Super D-man.


Alcon my gangly freak ass doesn't fit behind this cutout and my neck is lopsided man.

In this scenario the Keiich would say, "Holy Craaaaap! We fail! F minus. This is V'hil of the Duruk-Hai! We rise from dirt to shit and die in head on collision. Holy Craaaap."

A new force has come into existence within Belegarth. Hellhammer core, Shield & Hammer, Northern Horde, and Southern Horde have joined forces to form the most powerful new fighting conglomerate. After much debating and rejecting of the label "The Doo-dad", I settled upon "The Double Deuce" because its certainly the name of a porn star (Keiichi's illegitimate father).
Double Deuce members were most recently cited chillin' around a campfire and flashing the infamous Kentucky Snake Bite.

Goat, leader of Hellhammer and front man of the Double Deuce, knows how to start a morning off right with Jagermeister and Bartles & James.

And my camera actually made it to the field for a brief time:
Brutus cries.

Dante loves flat, warm grape soda... or pretty much anything that's flat and warm... like the palm of his hand... or his mom. In fact, he loves it like a fat kid loves cake.

I forget what this dude's name is. He never makes it blaringly obvious by yelling about himself in the 3rd person.

Cyric vs. The Triad

Ninuvin and Peter going to weapon check.

In other news concerning my Eriador and/or Dur Demarion families, Ninuvin was invited to BoF, Peter joined TDK, Eyrtk and Cane joined HH with me, Falkor sadly couldn't make it to the event, Nanga has become the first Headhunter (Horde form of knighthood), and I was pleased to place 2nd in the sword/board tournament after Darius. The Kentucky Snake Bite and bad rap musik by Bone Crusher (Puttin' the heat to your Hilfiger) were both made legendary and were used in Hellhammer field tactics that proved to Annhilleate all opposition. I had an absolutely surreal week that was awesome and forsee similar happenings in events to come with plenty of newfound friends within the Belegarth community. Thank you all for times well had.

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