My pen name/Ezboard name is: Firebolt909

My email adress is:

I am: 24 years old

I am from: Atlanta, Georgia USA

I can be found on Yahoo Messenger at: Firebolt909

Tell us a little bit about yourself! (general description, hobbies, etc.):

I'm a grad-student on the burnout, working as a grad-assistant archivist at a small college part-time. Besides that, I'm normally online or writing.

I first discovered the Harry Potter Series:

January 2001- I kept on seeing all these Hogwarts pictures everywhere and thought it looked cool. I really wanted a t-shirt, but wanted to know exactly what Hogwarts was. I bought the paperback of SS in Borders one day and during a bout of pneumonia, I had finished all four books. All I can say is thank God, delivers. :)

My favorite Harry Potter book is:

It's a tough decision, but I think Goblet of Fire just because we have so much character development in it, much more so than the other books.

Some of my other favorite authors/books are:

Love Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Keats, all the classics, even though I rarely have time to read them.

Have you written any fan fiction, or any other types of creative writing?

Yes, I've several stories on here, on my profile at, and the "Queens of H/G" list I co-own with fellow fanfic writer Imogen.

My favorite Weasley is:

Ginny. I think it's because I can identify with her the most, out of all the characters in the series. It's also because I just *know* that JKR has big things planned for her in the up-coming books.