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Deacon Frost (Stephen Dorff)

Vampire from the movie/comic Blade.  Hunted by blade for many years, I don't know how old he is, but he bit Blade's mother before blade was born so that makes him a least 50, but don't worry vampires age so much slower then humans.  Frost's radical ideas of vampires ruling the earth where rejected by the 12 members of the house of Erebus (The pure bloods).  Frost is not a pure blood vampire.  He tries to bring about the blood god "La Magra", which as I understand it will turn every human on the planet.  He does not succede and his killed, more like exploded by Blade.  Damn it Blade!  You always have to save the world, don't you?!

More sites for Deacon Frost.

Deacon Frost - Elements of the vampire

Deacon Frost

