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The Long Patrol

Hello, everyone! This is the Long Patrol Homepage, a group based out of the Redwall MUCK and based -upon- Brian Jacques' Redwall series. Hopefully, this site provides a good bit of useful information for those already in the group, and those wishing to join. There's not much else to say, other than this. - Enjoy! :)

Current Events:

 ~ August 01

    The website has been updated, again - with a new link. A page has now been dedicated to Halyard Village, a new roleplaying location along the Western Shores, within two hours IC traveling distance of Sala. If you're interested, give it a look. It's nothing fancy, but the information's there. ;)

 ~ July 21

    The website's being updated - with a new log's page. So, anyone who wants their logs up, please send them to Make sure that they are edited, and that you include the date of the RP. Thanks!

 ~ July 20
From the MUCK MOTD: On sunday July 20th at 1 PM MUCK time, the Long Patrol wil lbe having a grand TP feast, to honor both the dead and the living from thier battle with the Corsair Confederation. Also, the return of the 67th hares in the middle of the feast will be a pleasant surprise.

 ~ July 1

    We've got a busy weekend coming up (no, not the fourth of July weekend, for any of you Americans out there). The weekend of the 11th-13th, we have two TP's planned. The first, at the 67th, will be on the 11th, a Friday. A fire will break out in the kitchen of the HQ, and, despite valiant efforts, destroy all of the hares' food stores as well as the kitchen itself. Due to these events, the hares stationed at the 67th will be forced to return to the mountain until further notice.
    The second event will be taking place on the 12th, and will be set in the area around Salamandastron, quite likely on the shores. The morning of the 12th, a young leveret will innocently wander off, away from the mountain, and a patrol will be sent off to retrieve the little hare. Unfortunately, a new corsair group in the area, the Corsair Confederation, will find them first, and he will be killed. The unlucky patrol stumbles upon the situation and a battle ensues... This will be but the first of many encounters with this new enemy upon our shores, so stay tuned!

 ~ January 12

    This current event is somewhat OOC. There is to be a building expansion at Sala. New rooms will be added on, and old rooms possibly revamped a bit. Several ideas have been put forth already, such as a library, sentry room, and something of a new training area, centering on a boxing ring. If there are any further suggestions, they're very welcome. Just try to think of any room that would feasibly be in the mountain, but that we don't actually have created, and suggest it. The more RP options, the better.

 ~ January 12

    Relating  to the last, SalaBuilder is in need of help. The creation and linking of rooms and the like, while time-consuming, is doable by one person. However, descriptions take a bit more time. SalaBuilder is in need of a descing staff. Anyone who feels that they are up to the task, please get in touch with SalaBuilder as soon as possible. We also need some description help on the 67th HQ.


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Log's Page

Halyard Village


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