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Spring 2004... Just when you think the nice sunny 60 degree weather is here to stay.. it starts to snow. What?! Lucky for my little sister, she left this morning for a glorious band trip to sunny 80 degree Orlando Florida. Lucky queer.

welcome back to the only place on the internet that gives you the tackiness of a personal website but the information overload and broken links of a dot-com! I welcome you back with all the heartfelt joy of a person who knows that her site doesn't get mega hits per hour but fools herself anyways. Note that things have changed a bit since you last were here, or maybe this is your first time and by all means please enjoy the changes I have made! Not only have I learned how to use the cheaters version of tables, but I've also revamped it with some neat tricks and turns like music, comet cursers, etc. I've also gone through a bit of personal changes as well that may be reflective on my website to those of you who have been here and done this. Never the less, please surf around and see what all I'm doing on here and give me some feedback or a shout out if you feel like it! i'm currently going through a whole process of uploading and creating new and interesting articles, graphics and the like so if you come back from time to time you might see something new and fun! was last updated on Sunday April 4th, 2004 at 12:41 a.m. Eastern time from the miraculous computer I sit my ass in front of every night at this time!lol. Thank you for viewing!

If you have anything to add or just something you'd like to ask please email me at the links provided to your left!