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The X-Files Virtual Season

Season One

The Way Things Are
The River Crossing
Insurmountable Opportunities
Absolute Zero
First Impressions
De Rerum Natura
The Lighthouse Keeper
Puppet Master
Lost Paradise
Am I Not To Be Trusted
Out of Hell
Murder Incorporated
Modus Ponens



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Season One - Episode 1X13 - Puppet Master

Episode Number: 1X13

Episode Title: PUPPET MASTER

Written By: Christine

Original Post Date: 09/19/99



Havre De Grace, Maryland

Ray Bretts lay tossing in his bed. "No, can't…breathe. Walls. So. Close," he murmured in his sleep. He kicked the sheets off, waking his wife, Ellie.

"Ray? Wake up, you're having a bad dream."

"Small. Space. No. Air," he slurred. He tossed once more and screamed.

"Ray? Ray!" Ellie shook him strongly, but got no response. Her husband lay deathly still, eyes still shut. Ellie's hands trembled as she felt for a pulse. Still alive. She dialed 911.

"911, please state your emergency."

"M-my husband won't wake up. I checked for a pulse and he's still alive, but I-I can't wake him."

"Please state your address. I'm going to dispatch an ambulance."

"4 Juniata Street, Havre de Grace Maryland."

"Okay. Now, what you'll need to do until the ambulance arrives is…"

FBI Headquarters
11:30 a.m.

Mulder sat behind his desk, sweat beading on his forehead. An oscillating fan was blowing the thick air around at the highest setting. He snatched a paper that was about to blow off his desk, and set his mug down on it.

"You'd think of all places, the *Hoover* building would be able to get the a/c working!"

Mulder swiveled in his chair to face the frustrated voice. Scully stood behind him, one arm on her hip, the other holding a case file.

"What ya got?" Mulder asked eyeing the folder.

Scully pulled the manila folder from under her arm. "Some bizarre coma cases have been turning up in Hartford County, Maryland. Thought you might be interested," Scully paused. "Something else, there have been reports of mass nightmares. I'm really not sure how that fits in with the coma cases."

Mulder eyed her sideways, "Sounds…'spooky'. But there is a definite plus to going to Hartford."

Scully stopped fanning herself with the folder, "What's that?"

"At least the *car's* air conditioning works! So, where in Hartford is this happening?"

"Havre de Grace."

Scully's apartment
1:45 p.m.

Mulder sat outside of Scully's apartment complex, with the a/c on max. /Maybe it'll be cooler outside of the city./ he thought hopefully. Scully opened the passenger door and tossed her bag in the back.

"So where are we staying?" she asked.

"The Log Pond Condominiums. And for once we can be a legal part of the investigation. The local police department have asked for our help."

Scully nodded, "Good."

Mulder started the car and headed north.

They reached the condos a few hours later, and unpacked in separate bedrooms. /This should be cute, trying to share a kitchen./ Scully thought with a smile. /Good thing we have our own bathrooms./

Mulder had changed into a short sleeve dress shirt and slacks but had left the tie out, Scully into a short skirt. /We might as well *look* like we work for the FBI/ Mulder thought /But shorts and a tee shirt really does sound tempting…/

"Ready?" Scully's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Yep." Mulder grabbed his gun and badge, and stepped outside.

Brett Residence
10:00 a.m.

Ellie was in the kitchen fixing coffee, almost ready to go over to Hartford Memorial Hospital. She poured it into her thermos and was almost ready to leave when she heard the doorbell. /Who could that be? Please let it be the hospital telling me Ray's out of his coma./ She flipped the deadbolt and opened the door, revealing a man and woman in their thirties.

"Mrs. Bretts?" the man asked, "I'm Special Agent Mulder with the FBI." He opened his badge. "This is my partner, Scully," he said motioning toward the red haired woman.

"May we ask you a few questions?" Scully asked.

"Um, sure," Ellie answered. She led them to her living room. "Please sit down. Can I get you anything?"

"No we're fine," the red haired agent -- what was her name? Scully.-- answered.

"We'd like to ask you about your husband if you don't mind," Mulder said.

Ellie shifted on her seat. "The FBI wants to know about Ray," She said under her breath. "Now you're not gonna laugh are you?"

Mulder shook his head, "Please go on."

"Well it all started a few weeks ago. Ray and I started having these nightmares. I know it sounds kinda stupid, but then several of our neighbors said they were having them too. Next thing it seems the whole town is having them. Then last night Ray had a real bad one and the doctors say the shock to his head made him slip into a coma. They said a whole lotta technical stuff but it basically boils down to that."

Mulder nodded, while his partner looked skeptical. "Can you tell us about your dreams?" Mulder asked.

Ellie swallowed, "Yes. Well mine were slightly different than Ray's, but everybody's are basically the same. You see whatever frightens you the most. For me it was drowning. I almost drown in the ocean when I was younger."

Ellie closed her eyes, "I am underwater and can see the surface above me. I try to swim toward it, but the harder I kick the more I sink. Right when my lungs are about to explode, I see His face. He's grinning down at me, l-like I'm a puppet or something." Ellie opened her eyes, "Everybody sees Him."

"Can you describe him to us?" Mulder asked.

Ellie frowned, "I can't really remember his face. It's fuzzy, like it's right there but I can't see it."

Mulder nodded and thought for a second, "Would you be willing to see a psychologist to resurface the image?"

Scully shot Mulder a warning glance. Ellie shrugged her shoulders, "I guess."

Mulder and Scully stood. "We'll let you get on your way. We'll be back again tomorrow."

Once they had stepped outside Scully stopped "Mulder, care to tell me what you're planning?"

"I think someone is making these people have nightmares."

Scully raised a brow.

"I know, you probably don't think that's *scientifically* possible. I think it's someone with above normal psychic abilities. There have been instances reported," Mulder quickly defended, "I think if we get Mrs. Bretts to remember this phantom face and we can get a sketch of it, then we can find him."

By now Scully's brow was ready to migrate to her scalp, "Okay Mulder. We'll try this. Since, for now, I can't think of anything better."

"Now, I'm going to find a psychologist who can work on a day's notice," Mulder said.

Brett's Residence
10:00 a.m.
Next day

Ellie heard the doorbell ring at ten sharp. She opened the door to find Mulder and Scully back again, this time with two other people.

"Hello again Mrs. Bretts," Mulder greeted her, "This is Dr. Bateman, she holds her degree in regressive memories and hypnotism. And this is Officer Thopmson with the local PD. He's a police sketch artist."

She nodded, "Come in."

Ellie lay on her couch, Dr. Bateman crouched next to her. "Now I want you to lie still with your eyes closed. Think of a safe place, with good memories."

Scully looked at Mulder questioningly as Dr. Bateman went on. Soon Ellie was in a light trance.

"Now we're going to go into your dreams. I want you to remember a face for me," Dr. Bateman said to Ellie.

"A face," Ellie murmured. "Red hair."

"Good. Can you tell us more?" Dr. Bateman coaxed.

"Short hair. Thin nose. Hard lip and chin," Ellie's head twisted and sweat broke out on her forehead. Officer Thompson had already started on his sketch.

"Long thin face. Eyes…deep in their sockets…like a…a…skull," Ellie fought to get this out.

"Now, Ellie," Dr. Bateman soothed, "I want you to go back to your safe place." Ellie's face softened. "Now come back to us."

Ellie's eyes opened and she sat up. Thompson walked over to her with his sketch. "Is this the man you've seen?" Ellie's face grew a few shades whiter, and she swallowed.


Thompson gave the sketch to Mulder. "Thank you for your time, Officer," Scully said. Mulder stood, "Thank you Dr. Bateman, and you for your time Mrs. Bretts."

She shook Mulder's hand and her grip tightened painfully. "Catch him," she whispered desperately.

Log Pond Condominiums
10:00 p.m.

"So what do you think now?" Mulder asked Scully.

"Okay, so all the people we interviewed today saw that man," she answered pointing to the sketch. "But what I really am thinking now, is that I'd like to get out of these shoes!" Scully went into her room to change.

Mulder smiled remembering dinner. They'd found Coakley's an Irish pub when they were out interviewing residents.

'Scully did you just take off your shoes?'

'Mulder, we're sitting down. Besides I don't think *you'd* be able to walk around for twelve hours straight, interviewing people about nightmare in *high-heels*!'

'You never know. I do have some…extra curricular activities…'

She had just rolled her eyes at that comment and studied her menu.

I'm getting a shower, so don't run any water." He heard from Scully's room.


Scully stepped out of her shower, and threw on a robe. She walked out into the kitchen to get a glass of water, only to find Mulder asleep on the couch in their living room.

Scully pulled an extra sheet out of her closet, covered him with it, then made her way back to her own bed.

Mulder stood on an island at night, it was dark and he could see the stars. Then a blazing white light shone on him and around him. He had to cover his eyes with an arm.

"Fox? Fox?! Help me!"

"Samantha?" Mulder cried out, blinking so he could see. They were taking her again.


This time it was Scully. They had her too. Mulder found that this time he could move. /This time I can save you Sam!/ Mulder thought breaking into a flat out run. Almost there. Keep going.

He was so close he could see Them this time. One of the alien's faces twisted into something else. A person's face. Red hair. Skull like grin. It was Him. Mulder's lungs filled with smoke. His eyes watered as he choked on the vapors. A wall of fire blazed up out of nothingness to encircle him. Mulder broke out into a sweat, not from the heat but from fear. He stood there paralyzed.

::You can't save them! You're too afraid of the fire!:: Skull man laughed.

"Mulder!" Scully shouted as they drug her away.

"No!" Mulder shouted hoarsely from smoke inhalation.

They grabbed Samantha. "Fox, help me!' she cried.

"No! Samantha!"

Mulder reached out as close to the flame wall as possible. Then they were gone, leaving him alone in the ring of fire. Mulder fell to the ground, coughs racking his body. Skull man stood on the other side of the fire, the flames casting shadows on his face.

::You couldn't save them. And you can't stop me:: He said without moving his lips. He laughed an empty laugh that echoed in Mulder's mind.

"No!" he rasped, "Shut up! SHUT UP!"

Mulder bolted upright on the couch, Skull man's words still echoing in his ears. ::Can't save them. You can't save them:: Mulder wiped sweat from his forehead, and sat breathing heavily. He stood shakily and went to get a glass of water. When he had gotten a glass, he heard a shout from Scully's room. Mulder ran to find her tossing on her bed. He shook her, "Wake up Scully!"

Scully's eyes fluttered open and she blinked a few times. "Mulder?" she breathed, "I was…an island…He was there…a gun…I couldn't stop…I had no control…I-I shot you Mulder…"

"Scully, it's okay. It was a dream," he said pulling her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his back and he rested his cheek on the top of her head. "I'm still here. It's okay," he soothed. She trembled in his arms and he felt her warm tears on his shirt. He kissed the top of her head, and held her closer. They eventually fell asleep locked in that embrace, free of dreams for the rest of the night.

Scully awoke to running water. /Was I asleep?/ she thought groggily. She went into her bathroom and brushed her teeth. /Mulder must be in the shower./ She brushed her hair and got dressed. Scully heard the water shut off. /Might as well go make some coffee./

Mulder stepped out of his room to the smell of coffee and bagels. "Morning, sunshine," he greeted Scully. "Thanks for breakfast."

"You're welcome. Here," she handed him a mug. "I would've made ice tea…but that's not a morning thing."

Mulder sat next to her, "I think the rocky island we saw is important. I saw a marina on our way here, Penn's Marina I think it was. We should ask them."

Scully nodded, "That's what I was thinking."

Penn's Beach Marina
9:00 a.m.

Mulder drove through the gate of the marina. There were some old boats up on cinder blocks being repaired. He drove through the gravel past them, and a machine shop, to the main office building. He and Scully stepped out of the car and walked over to a set of cement stairs leading to the office. Three men sat out on the porch exchanging stories.

"Excuse me," Mulder interrupted, "I'm Agent Mulder with the FBI. Can you tell me where the owner is?"

One of the men motioned toward the office with his head, "That'd be Jim. He's in there."

"Thank you."

A thin man with glasses was bent over a chart. "Excuse me, Jim?" Scully asked. The man looked up. "Yes? What can I help you with?"

"I'm Agent Scully with the FBI. This is my partner Mulder," She said and they flashed their badges. "We're looking for a suspect and we believe he's on an island with an abandoned building. Is there one near here?"

Jim nodded, "Only one like that around here is the Battery, out about five minutes. I can get Mike to take you out there."

Scully nodded, "We'd appreciate it."

Jim led them to the machine shop they'd passed on the way in.


Mulder and Scully saw an oily face pop out of the door. "Oh, hey Jim. Whad'ya need?"

Jim nodded at the two agents, "They're with the FBI. Think you can give 'em a ride out to the battery?"

"Sure," Mike wiped his hands on a rag. "Boat's down here," Mike said as he led them down a weather beaten dock to a fishing boat. He untied it and shoved off the dock.

"So what's the FBI doin' around here?" Mike asked as he putted through the six mile per hour zone outside of the marina.

"Investigating coma cases," Scully replied.

"The nightmares?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," Mulder answered.

Mike sped up as soon as his boat passed the last six mile per hour buoy. As Jim had predicted they reached the island in about five minutes. Mike slowed as he followed the channel into the U shaped island, and pulled up to a dilapidated pier.

"Nobody much comes out here," Mike said, "Channel's pretty shallow. You can call the marina when you're ready to come in."

Mulder and Scully walked up to an old two story brick building with chipped paint. "Guess this is the Battery," Mulder said. He took another step forward and fell to his knees, hands on his temples.

"AAGH!" he cried as a piercing headache washed over him. ::You can't save them and you can't stop me::


He exhaled sharply and stood shakily, "I'm fine."

"That's my line Mulder. Are you really okay?"

Mulder nodded, "He's here."

They stepped inside the old building. It was dark other than the light rays shining through cracks illuminating dust floating in the air. The whole building smelled like wet dirt and rotting wood.

"There's a flight of stairs here, Scully," Mulder called and started up them. Scully had made it up two of the stairs when she suddenly felt a wave of extreme nausea. She looked down and the stairs, along with the whole building, were swirling. Like when you spin around really fast. ::You can't stop me:: Said a voice in her mind, shattering the nausea. Scully looked up and the stairs had stopped moving, but Mulder was no longer in sight. She had to run up the old stairs to catch up.

"Stop! FBI!" she heard Mulder shout above her. She reached the top in time to see Mulder, weapon trained at a man, the skull man, who was a few feet away from him. He turned and grinned as Mulder's gun flew from his hand as if a giant had wrenched it from him.

He stepped over and placed his hand on Mulder's face, his finger's spread. Scully watched, amazed, as sparks of blue flashed from his finger tips to Mulder's face. Mulder's back arched and his feet left the floor.

Scully drew her gun, "Freeze. Take your hands off of him now."

Skull man followed her instructions complacently, letting Mulder fall to the floor. Blue dots glowed faintly on his face where Skull man's fingers had been. Mulder stood and rubbed his face. "I'm okay Scully," he reassured her.

Scully turned to face Skull man, "What's to keep me from blowing your head off right now?"

Skull man pulled a lighter from his pocket, "I wouldn't shoot if I were you." He flicked the lighter until a flame came dancing to life. He placed a hand millimeters from the flame's searing tip. Scully heard Mulder scream in pain, and saw him clutch his hand.

"Whatever happens to me," Skull man said with a grin, "happens to him."

"Mulder, you have to fight his control over you," Scully said to him.

"I'm. trying. Scully." He spat out, mind focused on one thing. "I…can't…too…strong." /I have to distract him./ Scully thought. She put down her gun and grabbed an old piece of wood. "Sorry Mulder," she said as she cracked the board on Skull man's leg.

"Agh!" Mulder cried.

Skull man's leg crumpled and he fell, momentarily. "You shouldn't have done that." He stood and snatched the board from her, then broke it over his knee. Scully inhaled and stepped into a fighting stance. Skull man just stood there, hand stretched out. She heard a rattling from her right and turned as an old pot came flying at her.

Scully whipped around and shattered the pot with a round house kick. But didn't hear the other pot Skull man sent flying behind her. Scully fell on her side as the pot shattered on her head.

Mulder saw Skull man grin as he levitated an old desk over to Scully. /He's going to crush her!/ ::You can't save them:: Mulder let out a yell and plowed into Skull man. As Skull man fell he lost control of the desk and it fell inched from Scully. Skull man turned over and groaned. He lifted his arms and Mulder felt his feet leave the ground.

"I'm gonna throw you through that wall and watch as you fall," Skull man growled.

"Not if I can help it," he heard from behind him.

Mulder watched as Scully pulled her gun and shot Skull man. He fell to the ground, never to rise again. Mulder fell from his suspended state, and Scully ran to him. /Is he alive? Oh god did I kill him like in my dream?/

She cradled his head, "Mulder?" He blinked his eyes a few times and smiled.

"But how?" Scully asked.

"When I saw he was going to crush you that gave me enough strength to break free from his control. I couldn't let him win." He got up and stood over Skull man's body. "I *could* save her, and I *will* save Sammy."

"C'mon Mulder. Let's go," she said putting her arm around his waist as much to steady him as to steady herself.

Brett's Residence
Three days later 10:00 a.m.

Mulder rang the doorbell and was surprised to see a man answer the door. "Mr. Bretts?" Mulder asked.

"Yes, who are you?"

"Agents Mulder and Scully with the FBI. We talked to your wife," Mulder answered.

"Oh yeah she told me. She's in sleeping right now. You caught that man right? They think that's why I came out of the coma. I owe you my life," Mr. Bretts said gratefully.

"We just wanted to check back and see if you were doing well. It's good to see your fine," Scully replied. Mulder and Scully said good bye and turned to go back to the car.

Ray shut the door behind them. "Hey Ellie, that was those FBI agents. Ellie?" He rounded the corner to find her asleep, twisting violently under the covers.


The X-Files, Mulder, Scully, and all related characters are copyright 2001 by Fox Entertainment. This site is non-profit and is for entertainment purposes only. The stories are to be archived only with permission from the writers.