Welcome to my only vampire page. I had to add them because I would be a bad fan if I did not.Come and view my beautiful men.

Master of the City in Saint Louis

Jean-Claude,the ever beautiful vampire who lets us have our sweetest of wet dreams come true. He has been in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Seris since the beginning. Who could not but place his picture amongst the beautiful in Anita's life. Midnight black hair and deep midnight blue eyes. He is a mystery to fans until Book ten, Narcisuss In Chains, when he shows his true vampire self. Explaining the facts to Anita about his true role within the vampire community. Do not underestimate this beautiful creature. He can tear your throat out and not blink an eye.

Vampire Servant

Damian was introduce in book six, The Killing Dance. Anita didn't like him to well. Funny how someone who you don't like to well winds up making you happy. Anita's first bonding, with Damian, happened with a little experiment the trio did with calling their powers together. She called Damian from his resting place. The second time she bonded with him was in book seven, Burnt Offerings. Anita rescued Damian from true death by mixing some of her blood with his. In book eight, Blue Moon. We learn exactly what Anita did. Put a little of her power inside him. Then in book ten, Narcisuss In Chains. Anita finalizes the bond between her and Damian, making him her vampire servant for as long as she is alive. Now I ask you, who would love to have a thousand year old vampire as your personal servant?

Témoin~Second In Comand~

Asher our angst vampire. Half of him is enternally beautiful and the other half scared badly. We meet him for the first time in book seven, Burnt Offerings. He traveled to St. Louis with the council memebers who wanted to check up on Jean-Claude. They also wanted to know why Jean-Claude didn't take the seat on the council. It seems he killed a council member in book three, Circus of the Damn. Well, Asher wanted more than to see the council punish Jean-Claude, he wanted to torcher Jean-Claude's human servant. We all know who that servant is, our loving Anita. With sure will Anita was able to show Asher that his injuries weren't a turn off for her. Asher decides to stay with Jean-Claude in St. Louis. It seems Anita has healed a little of the friendship that was severed two hundred years ago.