Fan Fiction Challenge

Welcome to WWF / WCW Fan Fiction Central's fanfic challenge. This is for all the dedicated and new WWF or WCW fan fic writers.

Every month a new challenge will be posted and it's up to you whether you accept it or not. There will be a time limit on each challenge and you must notify the group of your decision. The fic must then be sent to the group and it will be judged and awards issued for the best fics. The fic will live immortally on this site for all to read.

"What do you want now?" Kaliey raised a brow in the direction of her best friend, Roxy. "Who said that I wanted anything?" She tossed her magazine aside, stood, and walked over to her. "Well, the normal first tell all sign is the wandering eyes. And besides, you're only nice to me when you want something, so I'm waiting." Kaliey folded her arms across her chest, and leaned back, waiting. "Well, you know, the Backstreet Boys are.." Kaliey rolled her eyes, smirking a bit. "Coming to Orlando. Blah, Blah, Blah. You think I didn't know that? C'mon now Roxy. You're my best friend and a Backstreet fan, I believe I know you a bit better then that. SO, listen, I knew sooner or later you'd ask me to do this so I went ahead and beat you to it." Pulling something from the back of her pocket, she waved it in Roxy's face, playingly. "I bought you one plane ticket to Orlando, and two front row seats and backstage passes to their concert, so take 'em before I burn them." She tossed them in Roxy's direction. "Plane leaves in 4 hours, better start packing, and the limo'll be here in an hour." Kaliey turned to walk out the door, "Oh, and uh, let me know if you run into Avril in Orlando, k?" Roxy nodded, and as Kaliey walked out the door, shook her head abit, smirking. Kaliey knew exactly what Roxy was thinking, and as she hopped on her 'bike, she too smirked. You see, it was perfect timing that those Backstreet Girls were coming to Orlando, because the Hardy Boys and the Omega crew were coming home for a while. In fact, Kaliey mused, glancing at her watch, they should be home right now. SO, she did not need any more encouragement to go flying by Gilbert's kitchen window. Gilbert Hardy could hear Kaliey coming before she even started up her dirtbike, and the smile on his face was pure amusement and admiration. Jeff and Matt Hardy walked into the kitchen, shirtless, both fighting over who got to take a shower first. Matt paused, one foot in the kitchen, the other in the hallway. Jeff was now watching his father with a curious look, expect, both his feet were in the kitchen, but not firmly planted in the earth's orbit. "Dad, I've seen that smile before and, it usually means Matt broke something, again, or, or you're up to something." Gilbert turned staring at his youngest son, a gleam in his eyes. "Jeff, go outside and rake for a while, please. I'm old, and my back hurts, and I just can't do all that I used to." Jeff nodded, despite the fact that he was tired, and wanted a nice, long, hot shower. Matt began to laugh until Gilbert turned toward him. "You, Matt, wash the dishes." Jeff, rake in hand, laughed, and shut the kitchen door with a smirk. Matt frowned a bit, but simply said, "Yes sir." Gilbert patted him on the arm, "Good boy." Gilbert started up the stairs as Matt looked back, "Where are you going?" Gilbert paused, "I'm taking a shower." Matt frowned as Gilbert's laugh echoed in the hall. It was a nice cool day, and Jeff really didn't mind raking the leaves. He, however, hated watching his brother, stupid older brother that he is, take a towel and rub it across his forehead, and toss it down. Shaking his head with a smile, Jeff went on with his work, until he saw a dirtbike go zooming past him, messing up the work he had just started. He stood, hands on hips, brows raised, and a frown on his face. Kaliey removed her helmet, and jumped off her 'bike. She glanced at Jeff, and said, "Sorry. I didn't think you'd be out here raking leaves." She picked up the rake, and started doing Jeff's job. He frowned, and held out his hand. "It's OK, now, may I please have the rake back?" Kaliey didn't pause, "Nope." Jeff folded his arms, and sighed, "Listen.." Kaliey looked at him, "Kaliey." He nodded, "Kaliey, it's not a problem, so give me back the rake." He stepped up to her. She looked at him, slightly amused. "Well, listen here Jeff.." She made it a point to point her finger at him, "If I want to take your job of raking leaves, then I'll do it." She went back to raking, and glanced at him, "Oh, and uh, Matt was holding a sign that said, "Wait it go Jeff! Obviously you are the blonde of the family." Jeff laughed, "Eh, well, he's the stupidest one. Mattitude? Man, now that one, whoa, that was roamin around in his head? Then I hate to see what he dreams about." Kaliey laughed, "Yeah. Really." Kaliey paused a moment, and throwing the rake down, she grabbed Jeff by the arm, pulling him toward the house. "What are you doing?" Kaliey didn't stop until they got to the door, and she had shoved him inside the house, "As much as I'd love to continue seeing you without your shirt on outside, Jeff, I've work to do, and if you walk your crazy Hardy ass outside while I'm doing it, I'm going to pinch I mean, kick it. Get the point?" Gilbert was walking down the stairs, as Kaliey was warning Jeff. "Hello Kaliey." Kaliey glanced up, "Oh, hey Mr. Hardy." She slammed the door, and went back to work, and as Jeff began to look through the frig for food, Matt smirkingly looked at his father, "Hey! I know what you're doing dad." Jeff grabbed a sandwhich out of the frig, "Well, I don't so tell me." Gilbert looked at his sons, "I'm not doin anything, except watching my son eat a tuna sandwhich, I think boys, you have been hit with to many chairs, or since we're talking about Nero, jumped off to many ladders." Matt laughed, and Gilbert turned to him, "What are you laughing at?" Matt stopped, "And you're the one who came up with Mattitude, jeesh, now, you must get that from some other side of the family." Raw Editions Eric Bishoff stood in his office, a smirking villian, but an intelligent businessman. Flipping his wrist he glanced at his watch, ran his fingers through his hair, and rubbed his hands together. He had just signed the biggest female superstar ever, at least in the Canadian sense. The door was shoved open, and the female he was waiting for, glared at him, annoyance and a great bit of hate in her eyes. McMahon hate, and Bishoff knew that she hated him about as much or worse as her cousin, General manger of SMACKDOWN, Stephanie McMahon. "Bishoff, let's get this straight, and I'll say it to the point of where you can understand, and to where your small Bishoff brain can process what it is I'm saying." He smirked at her sarcasm, raising a brow. Tessa McMahon was not in the joking mood, and even worse for Bishoff, she had just found out that she wouldn't be able to go visit her best friend in Florida. She tossed back those famed set of flame kissed curls, and glared at him. "You call me up, beg me to join RAW, so I signed the fucking contract, and oh, man. What's the first thing I hear when I arrive at the arena?" Tessa pointed a finger at him, "Miss. McMahon, your things are in Chris Jericho's lockeroom. Bishoff told me to put them there, seeing as how you will be sharing a lockeroom with him from this point on." She leaned forward, brown eyes flashing. "You're so lucky Bishoff, because, seeing as how I am a McMahon, I have some patience with dumbasses like you. Now, Eric, I, unlike, Stephanie, don't like or lust after you, so, do me a favor, and finish sticking your head up your ass, before I complete the job for you. Permantly." She shoved him, and turned, a wild expression on her face, "Never trust a McMahon. Remember that." She eyed him slowly, and popped a brow, grabbing her duffles, and glaring at him as she exited his office. Slamming the door, wasn't enough, but she smiled as it echoed throughout the halls. Bishoff smirked as Chris Jericho stepped out of the shadows. "Well?" Bishoff turned, "You were right Chris, she is a McMahon, and a royal bitch, but she is still one hot McMahon." The two smirked, as Tessa threw her duffles in Jeff Hardy's lockeroom. Jeff, who was changing shirts, glanced up, half shirt on, and gave her a questioning look. Tessa gawked only a second, and smiled, "Jeff, um, I hope you don't mind, but may I store my duffles in here? I've got to share a storyline with that stupid Chris Jericho, as if sharing a lockeroom wasn't enough." Jeff laughed and walked over toward her. "Sure, no problem." Tessa nodded, "Thanks. I'm Tessa. McMahon." Jeff nodded, glancing at her shirt, and Tessa smiled. "Oh, yeah, it's the same Omega. Big supporter. Omega. Support it. Live it. Survive it." McMahon Era "It was not my fault that he didn't do as he was told." Tessa McMahon glared at a fumed Stephanie McMahon, the general manager of SMACKDOWN, and her cousin, with mockery. "Tessa, that's not the point. Now, family or not, if you wish to work for me, on SMACKDOWN, then you have to learn to work under my terms and do as I say. Not what you want." Stephanie sighed, and stood, leaning over her desk. Tessa smirked, and brushed a strand of flame kissed tress away from her beautifully crafted face. Her deep brown eyes flashed with that famed McMahon temper, but she kept them coolly on her cousin. "Honestly, Stephanie, you know and I know that Shane cannot be controlled and if he doesn't want to join forces with his bratty little sister, then get over it." Tessa shrugged and headed toward the door. "Tessa." Tessa turned, "What?" Stephanie walked around the desk so she could face her younger cousin, "Just for that, you've got to face Shannon Moore tonight in a match." Tessa laughed, "Oh! Stephanie anything but that! I beg of you, please!" Tessa smirked and loved the way sarcasm sounded escaping her lips. Stephanie rolled her eyes, "In a hardcore match, falls count anywhere." Tessa bit her lower lip and a smile formed, "But, Stephanie." Tessa pointed a black painted nail at her cousin, I don't want to take your previous job, but I have been told that I am Hardcore inside the ring, and out." Stephanie raised a brow as her cousin swayed out of the room. A smile formed on her face and as she walked back to her desk, to call her father, she muttered, "Typical McMahon." Presents Secure "Matt!! Why the hell did you give Ryne my car?" Matt stood across from his brother, who wasn't in a good mood, slightly hiding his amusement. "Well, I thought that you said she could you use it." Jeff groaned, "OH, man. Matt, Ryne is pissed at me, do you actually think, that I'm going to let her borrow my prized 2000 corvette?" Matt shrugged, and said meekly, but with a slight sense of humor, "No." Gilbert Hardy walked into the room and into the mist of things. "What's going on here? Boys?" Matt shuffled his feet as Jeff stared out the window. "Nothing." Gilbert smiled, "Jeff, Matt, if nothing was going on, then why did I hear you all the way down the road, as I was pulling into the driveway?" Jeff sighed, "Matt let Ryne borrow....MY CAR!" Jeff pushed past his father, and ran outside, leaving the door swinging open, behind him. Gilbert smiled as Matt swaggered over. "Think we should tell him that I didn't loan it to Ryne?" His father nodded, "Nope. We'll tell him after Christmas, that way, he won't look in the trunk for the presents." Ass Kicking The house was silent and Ryne knew that that was not a good sign. Running her fingers through her famed flame kissed curls, she slowly made her way down the stairs toward the livingroom. After finding no one, she stood in the doorframe of the kitchen, and was caught between a frown and a smirk. The frown was, for her ex boyfriend, Jeff, sitting at her kitchen table, shirtless, and eating her last ice cream cone, for breakfast. The smirk, was for, her boyfriend, Shannon, who was digging through her refrigerator for something that normal people like to call food. Glancing at a nodding Jeff, she walked up behind Shannon, and promptly kicked him in the ass. He hit his head on one of the shelf's and came up muttering something that his country accent hid well. "Tell me, Shannon, what in the hell are you doing?" Shannon turned, a smirk on his face, and, a hand on his ass. "Stealing your food and rubbing my ass, a great way to start the morning, even without the complete breakfast." Shannon shot a look over at Jeff who, was just finishing Ryne's last ice cream cone. Giving Shannon a quick kiss, she walked over toward the table, as Jeff pulled out a dollar. He placed it on the table and looked at her. Raising a brow, Ryne asked, "What is this for?" Jeff shrugged, "Earning my keep and paying for the ice cream cone I just ate." Ryne picked up the dollar, and looked at it. "It is real, Ryne. No need to check." She only glared at him, and removed a lighter from her back pocket. "I don't need this dollar, Jeff. Why don't you go give it to Beth? I know she needs it what with her corner street business running slow lately, I mean it is the holiday season, right? 'Tis the season to be jolly. Even with a HO. HO, HO, HO." Shannon's mouth fell open, and the sandwich he had managed to make fell as well, as Jeff just stared at her. Ryne leaned forward and blew the ashes in Jeff's face. "As for you eating the last ice cream cone, I hope you choke on it, of course, I forgot, that is Beth's job, eh?" With one last icy glare and a smile at Shannon, Ryne slammed the door on her way out, a sudden smile on her face. She glanced at her watch, five seconds and she knew Jeff would come running out of the house, her house, defending his bitch of a girlfriend. "Whatever it's name is." She glanced over her shoulder, and noticed that Shannon, while, smile on his face, and food in his mouth, he managed to look worried, and amused. Walking toward her dirtbike, Ryne removed the keys out of her pocket, and cranked it up, after wiping off the seat. Jeff came running out her backdoor, as a car was pullin into the driveway. Beth. Either this is perfect timing or Jeff called her, Ryne thought. Jeff walked over toward her as she shut the 'bike off. "Ryne, stop talking about Beth like that. She is a person too ya know, and I don't let her talk about you like that." Her brows raised a bit, "That's just to protect her. You know, and I know, that I'd kick that bitch's ass while tying my shoes." Beth came strutting over, fake smile, natural blonde roots, small mind and all. "Why, Ryne, it's so nice to see you. I didn't think you were going to be home." Beth glanced at Jeff, who was looking at Ryne's pool, not meeting her gaze. Ryne took off her helmet, and got off of her 'bike. She glanced at Beth and laughed. "You know, Beth, you can drop the supposed to be innocent little girl act. You knew damned well that I'd be home, and naturally I would be, because I live here you fucking blonde!" Shaking her hair, Ryne bit her lip, and pointed a black painted index finger at Beth's car. "Jeff, you and your trash get out of my yard, or her and her car leaves. I don't care, just as long as she and her ugly face get off of my property. She's welting my petunias." Jeff didn't say anything, and turned to go back into the house. Beth sent a panic look over in Jeff's direction, but he just shrugged. Ryne shook her head a bit, frowning, "Shouldn't you be go stealing someone else's ex-boyfriend's? You could go try and steal Matt from Amy, but I'd rather record that, so if you wouldn't mind waiting a while, maybe I could send it to AMFHV." Beth laughed, and shook her finger. "Ryne, why don't you go finish chasing after Adam, and get a life?" Ryne's eye's flashed, and Shannon and Jeff knew, a fight was on. "Hey, Beth, why don't you finish shoving your finger up your ass, and get your head out of Gilbert's ass? I've heard how you've been trying to suck up to him, since you broke Jeff and I up. You think he doesn't see through it?" Ryne laughed, gloating a bit. "Everyone knows it, and you know what? They don't even like you. Hell, they just put up with you. They all thought, Jeff and I made the cutest couple, but you couldn't stand it. You couldn't stand the fact that I, was loved by the Hardy family as one of their own, and it drove you crazy. As for Adam, and my "chasing" him, I dated him, in the past, which is more then what you can say in your past. I heard that you didn't date guys, you were always a "goodtime kinda girl." Ryne let those words hang in the air, as Beth struggled to take all of that in. Finally, she blinked and said nothing. Beth dropped her bag, and went to attack Ryne, who in turned, tackled her. Within minutes, Ryne had her on her back, which is what she's used to, and finally just beat the shit out of her. Neither Jeff nor Shannon decided to stop it, because, they knew that, Ryne'd kick their ass for interfering. Beth got in a few punches, hits and such there, but Ryne just really kicked her ass. Kicking her one last time, Ryne stood, glared at her kitchen window, and jumped on her 'bike, leaving, heading toward her cousin's house. Shane Helms opened the door, a smile on his face, phone in hand. "Ryne, I just heard through the not able to breath because he was laughing so hard grapevine that you beat the hell out of Beth." Ryne shrugged, and threw herself on the couch, propping her feet on the table, while flickering through the TV channels. He had cable. "I warned that silcion stuffed airhead, and seeing as how she can not understand a verbal approach, I was nice enough to show her why they call me the Canadian Punk. Figured the hands on approach would keep the bitch at bay." Shane hung up the phone, and threw a pillow at her. "Guess, who that was?" Ryne bit her lip, after stopping on MTV, and drooling over Good Charolette. "Wha?" Shane shook his head, "Guess who just called?" Ryne blinked, "If it wasn't G.S, then I don't care." Shane smirked, "Gilbert. He apparently got a call from a hystrical Shannon, who couldn't breath because he was laughing so hard, and he said that all he could catch was, "Ryne, Beth's ass, black eye, bloodied lip, pissed off Hardy." Ryne raised a brow, smirking a bit. "Hand me, the phone, will ya, please?" Shane picked up the phone, and threw it. "Aw, man, you're being nice, you must be tired." Ryne stood, shoving past Shane, "Nope, I'm callin Gilbert." Gilbert answered on the second ring, "Gilbert? It's Ryne. Just callin to tell you, I did kick Beth's ass, and she's lucky I wasn't that mad, and tell your son Jeff, to go fly a kite and get over it. If he touches my autographed HBK jacket, his ass, and everything else is mine." She hung up, and yawned. "Shit." Ryne frowned, and recalled Gilbert, "Forgot to add that everything was mine to start with. Please make sure Beth hears that." She hung up, and threw the phone at Shane. "I'll be back later, and knowing my dear Shannon, he's already called everyone in the whole god damn county." She shrugged, laughed, and raised a brow. "Hungry?" Shane shook his head, "Nope." Ryne nodded, "OK, I'll be back in a few." She walked out the door, grabbing Shane's car keys on her way out. Jumping in, before he could protest, she headed into town. She was hungry, and a Subway sandwich was calling out her name, and laughing. These are various stories written by Kaliey Callaway. Enjoy!

More soon.


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