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House of Aphrodite

The Goddess Aphrodite is of course, the Goddess of Love
and Beauty.She had no other jobs than to be beautiful which she could do very
well.She was born on the island Cythera, and it is sacred to Her.Apples are also sacred
to her,as they are to all love goddess.
Some say Aphrodite's mother was Dion. Some say her mother is a Titaness, Oceania which would make her a Titan not even a good. Zeus knew she was beautiful and the gods would fight over her,so he arranged a marriage between Aphrodite and Hephestus, God of Metal.

Aphrodite wasn't faithful however.She had many lovers(She is the goddess of love) and among them were Ares,her brother and the God of Battle. One night,Hepheastus found out and was enraged.He set up a plan,and when Ares and Aphrodtie would go to meet,he threw a net over them.Then he called down the gods and they all had a good laugh,much to Hepehastus's surprise.

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