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  • Name: Leslie
  • Nickname: Amaris
  • Age: 16
  • Birthday: Sept. 14
  • Location: California
  • School: Notre Dame
  • Grade: Junior
  • Zodiac: Leo/Virgo ( I was supposed to be born Aug. 25, and i do have characteristics from both. )
  • Chinese Zodiac: Tiger, Year of Fire
  • Craft Name: Rouge Scarlett
  • Length: 9 years
  • Tradition/Path: Mostly Solitary Eclectic. Currently studying Correllian Tradition. Hellenic Influence.
  • Coven/Group: Celestial Fire Circle and Group. (If you live in the south bay area and are interested, please email me!)
  • Element(s): Fire and Earth
  • Deities: Greek Pantheon. My Patron Deity is Selene. Zeus is my top spirit guide. I also pray to Hecate and Artemis along with Selene as the Greek Triple Goddess trio, and Helios and Eos along with Selene as the Celestials.
  • Divination: Tarot, Dowsing, learning Runes, and Fire scrying.
  • Abilities: I'm a Psionic (Psi Haven Guild. Precog, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience(hints of telepathy), Clairaudiance(not as advanced), Astral, Lucid Dreaming, and Manifestation. I can hear/feel spirits, mainly my spirit guides and deities. I have a strong bond/connection to dogs; mine, neighbors, stray and wild. I'm not empathic, but i can detect change in mood or feelings.
  • Interests: Sports, Singing, Acting, Paranormal, 'Supernatural', UFOs, Nature, Old Earth, Animals, Pyro Magick, and Mythology.
  • Hobbies: I play sports, sing, act, and yack to my friends on all my instant messengers.
  • Fave Sport: WATER POLO!!! Totally!!!
  • Fave Music: Pop, Hip Hop, R&B...basically anything but Country and Classical.
  • Fave Food: and rhines!
  • Fave Drink: Pepsi!
  • Fave Actor: Josh Hartnett totally, and some other cuteys.



    Heylo All! I'm gonna just talk about myself more in depth now lol.

    • I go to Notre Dame High School; it's a private, all girls CP school. CP means College Prepatory.

    • I'm on the Varsity and Junior Varsity Water Polo Team and the Varsity Swimming Team. I play driver and hole D on JV Polo, and lowdown on Varsity. My swimming events are either freestyle or butterfly in relays, 50 butterfly or 50/100 freestyle, either 100 or 200 freestyle relay, and my main event is the 500 freestyle.

    • I plan to major in Veterinary Medicine. I have a very good gift with animals, especially dogs. I believe everyone is given certain gifts to help them in life. Which is very true. If i didn't have these bond with animals, i wouldn't have any friends to turn too and would probably go nuts lol. And in turn i want to use these gifts to give back to the animals that helped me.

    • I play Volleyball in my free time (Water Polo and Volleyball are in the same season - though in middle school i was MVP for our Volleyball Team). I'm the Athletics Aide, which means i help out with setting up the gym for games and work the music, scoreboard or shotclock.

    • I am the Senior Manager of our Basketball program; I get to leave school early to go with the team to games, practice with them, hold meetings, and do the team's website.

    • I am a Soprano/Alto (better alto) in our school churchy songs lol. I was just asked to join Music Ministry.

    Onto my spirituality side.

    • I'm taking GSL(Gifts, Spirituality, and Leadership) in school, it's a high, interview class. We plan and design and perform our liturgical rituals for the whole school, using incense, candles etc. and altars with things for the elements as well as for the occasion.

    • I am a psionic (politically correct term for psychic). I've had my abilities since I was born, even in the womb. I've been using my abilities, well when i figured out what they were, since i was 7. I would occasionally meditate every once in a while, now i try to meditate every night if possible. I've been 'training' to control my abilites since i was 12; getting books etc.

    • I do tarot readings for my friends. I've had my Raider Waite deck for about 2 years now. I didn't realize this at first, but whenever i got bored of card games I'd just doodle with the cards and i found myself doing playing card readings. Now i use my tarot cards that i've bonded with, and share a strong bond with.

    • I am the Founder of my wiccan group, Celestial Fire. We are a teen and young adult group for people in or near the South Bay Area(San Fran bay area). We currently have 43 members, and are still growing. We hold Sabbat rituals, and possibly Esbat rituals. We attend different events such as Pagan Pride Day and workshops at local Metaphysical Bookshops. We also get together for simple things like movies, going shopping, to the park etc. We teach, study, and learn together.

    • I am currently studying the Correllian Tradition. I am on Lesson 8 and plan to graduate First Degree in 4 weeks. After I am going to study Correllian Philosophy and Ministry, and receieve my clergy credentials to become a Reverend.

    • I am currently studying at Elemental Wizzardry. It is a White Elemental Wizzardry school to learn how to use healing energies and elemental work. At the moment I am an Advanced Energy Mage. I've taken a break from this and my other studies in order to finish my First Degree and get my clergy title. I'm one of those people who has to get one thing done first before moving on to another thing LOL.

    • I am currently studying at Mystic Circle's School for Psychic Abilities. This school is an invite only school, connected to the Mystic Circle Temple. I am a student and assistant faculty member(until i turn 18). I lead the Animal Communication sub group of Psychic Abilities. I also help run each sub group and make sure all students are accounted for, adding/deleting, and making sure everything is working correctly.

    Blessed Be!

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