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Welcome to the new and improved Guild's Directory! Woooo! lol. Here's the Member Directory where you can look up interesting information about some of the different members. Each log offers you a personal bio, ways to contact them, and nice plastered mug shot, heh. Enjoy! Here is an example of what they will look like. If you'd like to be added, fill in the form at the bottom.

  • Username: _Blessed_Be_
  • Craft Name: Rouge Scarlett
  • Age and Bday: 16; Sept. 14
  • Location: California
  • Religion and Tradition: Wicca, First Degree Correllian Tradition, Eclectic Solitary
  • How Long: 9 years
  • Deities: Patron is Selene. Zeus and the Greek Pantheon.
  • What element(if any) are you?: Fire and Earth.
  • What divinatory skills do you possess?: Tarot, Fire Scrying, and Dowsing. Learing Runes.
  • Any other gifts?: Scarily psionic up the yin yang. Healing.
  • Screen Names (AIM/AOL, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ): Princess Reiko5, i'll add you, reiko_hime5, and 143580777
  • Email:
  • Personal Bio: Hello. My names Rouge. I'm looking forward to my dedication when i turn 18. On the side i enjoy sports! Water Polo rox! I love to sing and act, and i hope to major in acting and become a pro actress and make millions one day lol. Lol, ok no. I'm going to major in Veterinary Medicine, and possibly minor in acting. Hey, anythings possible. Lol, well, i have a gift, better put it to some good use. Off of wicca, I LOVE Laurell K. Hamilton's --Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter-- series. I am currently on book 8 lol, but this is the best series i have ever read in the world! Humor, intensity, romance, and action packed into one lil book, the author is very talented. And boy is Richard one hunk of ulfric man meat...woooo lol. I practice tarot readings, as well as fire magick and am training myself to better my psionic abilities. Let's see, i'm Otherkin and a Therian, it's wonderful, gets me to know myself better! Hehe, and Buff's my anam cara ;) go buffsterz! I love to rp, ish mucho funo. If theres anything you'd like to know, feel free to neomail me, or IM me.

Your Username:
Your Craft Name:
Your Age and Bday:
Where do you live?:
Your Religion and Tradition:
How Long:
Your Deities:
What element(if any) are you? :
What divinatory skills do you possess? :
Any other gifts? :
Screen Names (AIM/AOL, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ):
Personal Bio:
Your Email Address(tell me yes/no at the end to use it you want it posted):
Your Picture URL(s):


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