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Welcome to Suzanne's Spot

(this page is still under construction, so please bare w/ me)


Hello, my name is Suzanne =)  This is my webpage.  It's not too exciting because I know nothing about webpages, but I'm going to have a crack at it.  I am currently a fourth-year student attending the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy.  Being a P-4 is the best - trust me!  

Last Updated:   11/26/02

About Me
Things I Love
Photo Gallery
Pharmacy StuffFirst order of the day:  Please sign my guestbook =)

Second:  Visit any of the links on the left (hopefully, they will be operational)

Third:  Sign my guestbook if you still haven't done so


Pharmacy links, on-line references, etc............................
Fun Links


Questions, comments, concerns?  Email me HERE or sign my guestbook!  Thanks for visiting =)


View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook



Many thanks to: "The Rock" and Sharon Yeh for sparking my interest in web building & design again.

Also, to the following:  

Lissa Explains It All Dynamic Drive