Lesser Sabbats


The Sabbats are known to be special times when solitary Witches and Covens alike celebrate the changing seasons,pay homage to the Goddess and the Horned God,and perform magickal rites.

However,magick is not limited to the seasonal celebrations of the Wheel.

Keep in mind that the more positive magick we fill our lives with,the less negativity we will encounter,the closer we become to the Goddess and Her consort,and the more fine tuned our powers become.

From the Norse word iul, meaning the Wheel. This is the shortest day of the year and is associated with death and rebirth. After her long sleep,the Goddess gives birth to her son. The Dark King is now reborn as the Infant of Light. Oak or Pine are burned to represent the sun.

The festival of spring and resurrection. The leader of the Wild Hunt, The Horned God, resumes his place as the young Forest King. Typical actvities include planting seeds and decorating eggs.

The festival of Midsummer, associated with Fire, the Sun, and fertility. The Goddess and the God are married. This is the longest day of the year, and bonfires are lit to celebrate the Sun and the forces of life. People sometimes leap over the bonfires for purification and to assure fruitfulness.

This is the festival of the final harvest, associated with purification and preparation. The God (in his aspect of the Forest King) is in his last days. The Goddess mourns him and prepares for sleep. Traditional activities include baking cornbread and gathering dried leaves and seed pods in the woods for decoration.