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Welcome to the Wall of Fame!

This page will serve two purposes.
For one thing...It will have a complete member list, congratulating ALL members equally on their outstanding personalities, charm, and intelligence, because all of you ARE the cream of the crop.

Secondly...It will occasionally give extra pats on the back to those who participate even more than usual: greeting people on the board, coming up with ideas, answering the riddles that get tossed out, bringing up topics of discussion, helping people! There are so many things that make you special.
There are five different colors of ribbons, and each person will start with one yellow one.
When you get 10 yellows, it will be exchanged for a blue...10 blues will be a green, 10 greens are a red and 10 reds are a purple.

The colors do NOT set you any higher or lower than anyone else and are meant only to keep the board from becoming filled with ribbons once people begin participating more.
Tiny award buttons for very novel ideas will join the ribbons. For instance, someone may have the "Zaniest Riddle Award", or the "Night Owl Award" for being online the most hours, or even the "Oops! award" for the most consecutive typos
Participation in ANY way, shape or form is encouraged and people can nominate others for "Wacky Awards", by just posting their nominations on the message board. Not all nominations will win, as of course we cannot make buttons 24 hours a day, but we will do our best to keep up with you!

Divine Members
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Mystic Gods of Neopia