Realm of Virtue

Stones: Call of the Avatar

Lyrics by: Rick Beiswanger

After Mondain's evil minions were defeated and his son,
Exodus, was no more, Happiness finally did come.
The people joined under Lord British but we lost direction,
in our lives. And so he, revealed the three principals:

Now with Truth, Love and Courage, we began, to live our lives.
Eight virtues, assigned to, eight great towns!
Honesty, Compassion, Sacrifice, Justice Valor,
Honor Spirituality, and Humility.

A Rune Stone, and mantra, belong to, each town's virtue,
Stone circle, made from eight, monoliths!
Built outside, each city, sacred shrines, to seek great truths,
Concentrating, on the virtues, in, meditation.

"This land needs a, new hero, a herald of, the Virtues,
Leading Britainia, to new heights, of enlightenment."
As his proclamation's called, Lord British waits in his throne,
For the one, a hero, the Avatar.

It is said, through moon gate, shall this hero come to us.
Could it be, that he's not, from this world?
Matters not, whence he came, only he, can face this quest,
And become, Avatar, of, the Virtues.

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