House Of Stones

Allow Us To Love You

The Rolling Stones live together in one giant house! Brian never died I don't think and Ronnie still joined the group! That's the setting of our role play here, come join us!!

Currently now is a great time to join. I'm looking for people who don't care extremly about facts and just want to let loose and have fun, play non-seriously and just enjoy the fantasy. And remember it's a Rolling Stones role play. :)

Join the houseofstones
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Once you have joined you can send a description of your charchter & a picture to be posted here at the group home page to the email address below!

Rules Of The Game:

#1 Absolutely no controling others characters,no voting on a temporary charchter when someone is not availble to role play for a certain period of time (ie.They're on holiday,just haven't been able to get online for a little while,can only get online once a week etc)

#2 No killing other people's characters, you can hospilatlise them but try not to make this too much of a habit a person may be tired of they're character always being in the hospital due to another characters bullying

#3 Do not bring any problems you have with someone personaly into the game, also try not to take comments such as insults personaly when they are directed to your character, they're only playing the game.

#4 Have fun and if you have any questions regarding the rules of the game feel free to ask me any time!

#5 You can take on any character you'd like from the list of available characters {highlighted in pink} to play. If you've already joined and have your limit of 3 characters and like to play someone else you can always trade in a character for one that is availble. (i.e. you play Ringo Star, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney but would like to play Bill Wyman you can give up playing either Ringo,George,or Paul and start to play Bill)

#6 You can only take a limit of up to 3 characters

About the Characters:

Ronnie Wood

What the hell?! You've caught Ronnie in the middle of some wild transvestite orgy! You've seen too much! So before we kill you here are a few facts about Ronnie. (Ronnie Is-)The baby of the group; solo guitar player and sometimes bass;matches Keith;has a solo career of his own;sweet and good natured to put simply, Ronnie's a nice chap

Mick Jagger

Uh oh! You've ran into Mick in the bath tub! Now he's mad at you! But he's going to flash you a smile anyway! Mick is the lead singer of the group;thinks he owns the place (Well, he does!); sometimes he can be a bit vain or bossy but most of the time he's quite sweet!

Charlie Watts

Brian's other best friend (see JOhn Lennon). A quiet soulful being who knows when to sit back and watch the parade go by. Keeps to himself mostly but when he does show himself he usually ends up making some sort of suggestive comment about Brian. Turn-ons: Quiet, Brian's eyes, Brian's hair, Brian's face, Brian's legs, and Brian's man parts. Turn-offs: Loud things, when he has to talk, not getting to use Brian's legs/man-parts, Brian's suggestive comments toward others besides him and people touching his drums.

Brian Jones

A bit more extroverted than Charlie. Charlie and John's best friend who doesn't seem to know it (but he does). He can be quite mysterious and creative at times. Generally a very caring, loving soul but he tries so hard to be the ultimate rebel he'll forget sometimes and be mean to people accidentally. Turn-ons: Lager, brandy, any form of hookah, musical instruments (foreign and other), Charlie, staying away from Ron for long periods of time, Charlie using his legs/man parts in ways indescribable here, money, nighttime, Chocolate covered cherries, food in general, girls. Turn-offs: Having to be around Ron for long periods of time, Ron in general, Charlie being so jealous, Everybody paying any sort of attention to Ron ever at all, tourists, people who take him to the hospital when he O.D's, people who wake him up when he's just got a good sleep going and it's three in the afternoon, head colds, and the fact that he can't shop for clothes at night.


The real Twiggy was a 1960's model, but since this place *IS* really out of whack here she's not even a model yet but someone Ron befriended on the street and later become a model and whatever else she wants. Very independent and quite the man teaser.

John Lennon

Brians other best friend (see Charlie). A squinty, sniffy being who is always getting into some sort of wierd trouble with or without Brian (usually with). Turn-ons include (but are not limited to): Cats, lager and lime, scotch and coke, sex, whatever he wrote on that peice of paper in A Hard Days Night. Turn-offs include (but are also not limited to): Yappy dogs, backstabbers ("Literally. I had a bad experience once." *sniff*), and trying to figure out who Charlie is.

Yoko Ono

A bit soft in the head. Enjoys interesting noises, conceptual art, toe socks and those long rambling stories that don’t have a point. Dislikes sanity, chintz and Gareth Gates.

Keith Richards

Always and all-the-way a musician & 'perhaps the only person on earth who has NEVER written off the Rolling Stones', coyly mischievous and still of the combative ilk, he'd rather look you in the eye when talking to you. Says of himself "I'm a reprobate through & through, but the most unexpected mercy comes when I'm really grasping for it" and believes "There is a higher court" [than the earthly kind]. A.K.A. "Keef Riffhard" and "The Human Riff" (heh, heh) emphasis on HUMAN,mon.

    List of Available Characters & Players.
  • Mick Jagger: Britney Moore
  • Keith Richards: Kymberly Brown
  • Bill Wyman: Available
  • Charlie Watts: Whitney Moore
  • Ronnie Wood: Britney Moore
  • Anita Pallenberg: Jamie Franklyn
  • Mandie Wyman: Available
  • Chrissie Wood: Available
  • Josephine Wood: Available
  • David Bowie: Nobody
  • Sherlie Watts: Available
  • Rod Stewart:Available again
  • George Harrison: Available
  • John Lennon: Whitney Moore
  • Ringo Starr: Available
  • Paul McCartney: Rebecca Mason
  • Brian Jones: Whitney Moore
  • Jerry Hall: Brenda
  • Andrew Oldham:Rebecca Mason
  • Marianne Faithful: Joanne Collins
  • Patti Boyd: No body
  • Cynthia Lennon: No Body
  • Yoko Ono: Jun
  • Linda McCartney:available
  • Maurren Starkey:available
  • Micheal Cooper:available
  • Eric Clapton:available
  • Ian Stewart:available
  • Bono: Nobody
  • Twiggy: Britney Moore
  • Bob Dylan: Jun
  • Pete Townsend: available
  • Keith Moon: Available
  • John Entwistle: No body
  • Roger Daltrey:No body
Before we drive away

Rod - "Come here Ron I've had one too many!"

What Stone are you most like?

My new full length album!

New Site!-Looking for slash writers to submit fan-fiction stories for their grand opening.
