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On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the United States faced a horrible tragedy that affected everyone in the world. A hijacked plane crashed into a tower of New York's World Trade Center, while minutes later a second one crashed into a second tower. A brief time later, the world (still shocked from the first two events) finds that the center of America's military and intelligence in Washington D.C., the Pentagon, has also been crashed by another hijacked plane. A fourth is found crashed near Pittsburgh a while later, but that was just the beginning of the horror.

Not only were many lives lost in the Center's towers, but different forms of authorities (police, firefighters, etc.) rushed to the first scene, later to be revealed as missing once the second plane hit. If that doesn't move you, this part will. One of the towers from New York's famous towers suddenly collapsed, and moments later, the second one followed its lead. Nearly 50,000 workers alone work in the World Trade Center, the 110 story building near Manhattan. There has been no definite death count available now, but just the thought of something like this (which sounds like to come from a movie) sends chills down our spines.

And if that's not bad enough, all of this was the horrifying act of terrorism.

President George W. Bush addressed the nation many times, letting them all know of the recent tragedy. People were stunned, shocked, disturbed, and terrified with this awful ordeal. For the first time in United States history, the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) required to have every airport in the country to be shut down. No flights were allowed to take off or arrive in their destinations. However, there were several planes already in the air when the act was committed. Indeed it does sound like something to come from the movies, especially 1996's alien science fiction hit Independence Day.

But it is no Independence Day. This disturbing incident sounds quite familiar to another thing most Americans remember quite well. This incident was on December 7, 1941, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, which entered the U.S. into World War II. But if you think about it, this 21st century event seems a hell of a lot worse than Pearl Harbor nearly 60 years ago. However, there is something else you should know. This entire ordeal of terrorism was planned ahead by whoever committed this awful crime. Several coincidences played in this game: all four planes from the east coast headed to the west coast. You're going to need a lot of gas. Yes, a lot more gas can have a bigger explosion style impact.

The worst one of all, though, is the date. Everyone will remember it. No day like September 11, 2001. 9/11/01. Emergency number: 9-1-1.