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One of online friends, Andrew “Sorin” Davenport, gave me some very inspirational and very heartwarming e-mails the first week the tragedy happened. I thought I would share these thoughts with you all... and think this to yourself while you’re reading them. Andrew is Canadian, so this is an experience I’ve had with someone from another country. Indeed our pain is the world’s pain as well. Thank you so much Sorin for everything that you have done for me, Andromeda Princess, and now the world.


Greetings A.P

It's Sorin

I was lying in bed this morning (Sep.11/2001) when I heard about the TRAGIC Terrorist attack on the world trade centre and the pentagon, It's hard to beleive, all those innocent lives lost, I'm not sure if you live anywhere near there, but if you do I hope with all my heart that you are safe and well. I'ts almost impossible to emagine that the world trade centre, the Largest buildings in the world are now nothing more than piles of rubble. Who ever is behind this has earned my most hateful contempt, this person/people are the lowest of life forms and the greatest cowards in history.

All my Sympathies to every U.S citezen


Greetings A.P, this is a copy of the letter that I sent to your President, I want you to know that I have nothing but the deepest sympathy for your great nation as it now takes this walk into the darkness of Tragedy and dispair but know this, you are not alone.

I also sent this letter to my local radio station (Mix97.1)


I am still devastated by the heinous acts of violence and cowardly terrorism, but what hurts me the most is the palastinians who cheer over the deaths of those innocent American Citezens, yesterday I was useing a public computer and saw to palastinians beside be reading an article and laughing and cheering and praising God that this happened.....needless to say I almost threw up and I came close to doing something to them that would lets just say, be regretable, I am a Canadian Citezen I live in Belleville Ontario and I cried last night, I cried so hard I almost passed out, and the only other time I have ever cried was right after the Oakla-Homa City Bombing, I believe it has something to do with all the children who lost their lives, and will never grow up, who will never experiance the joys of love, and life's great gifts, children who will never know the simplicity of a mornings sun-rise or waves lapping on a beach, children who will never experience their dreams to do the things that life grants them.

So I have only two things to say, the first is to the U.S Citezens: In The wake of Tragedy and loss, there grows the strength to carry on, For the ones we know and love are taken from us but not completley gone, For Not even Death itself can take them from us, and their light will always shine, as it has always shone.

And the Last I say to the ones responsible and to all those who cheer these events and have the gual and audacity to call themselves "Human": Though we now weap for our great loss, the pain is felt by more than one, know that in this Darkest Hour LIFES TRUE JUSTICE WILL BE DONE!!!

From the deepest recesses of my heart I send out my undying sympathies and sorrow to all those who lost family and friends and to all U.S Citezens who must now begin to deal with this Great tragedy, and I also send out my sympathies to President Bush who must now lead his great nation through the thrawls of Tragedy and Loss, "Mr. President, I pray that you be granted the wisdom to help your people through this trying time, my heart is with you"

Finally From the deepest recesses of my heart I send out nothing but pure unadulterated contempt and anger to those responsible and those who cheer this tragedy, I say you have no right at all in this world to call yourselves Human, you are NOTHING but the embodyment of pure cowardess and evil and whatever punishment you recieve I feel is rightfully and Justly owed to you, for it is innevitable you will be punished.

P.S I hope portions of this note if not the entire thing are read on the air so that the people responsible and the people who now suffer can hear the message I have to share.....the message of a simple Canadian.

-Yours truly- -Andrew Davenport-

You can e-mail Andrew at