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I found NECROPLASMA from NEODAWN Production (Germany) promo. And since I always put my decision on plain animal instinct, I just got to know more about the band & the souls behind it, and share it to all you fuckers!!! This interview is originally written with HELLGOAT as contact, now, this is answered by Spinegrinder de Sate.  So read on... the answers here are as straight brutal fuck as the musick!!! And since my mind is in ultra fucking green slime, all text in green are mine! mine! fucking mine! har har har har

Greetings Hellgoat & to all of NECROPLASMA! How's the band doing specially through the holidays? Did you enjoy it, did you play somewhere or spend it with the family? Anybody got drunk?

Greetings yourself. The band is doing quite well now that the holidays are finally over. No, we don't enjoy stupid Christian shitty traditions and the best way to survive them all is staying drunk I guess. We did spend a lot of time together over the weeks of Christmas and new year which we actually usually don't do, mainly because I, Spinegrinder de Sate, lives quite far away from the other two in the band.

I don't know much about the band, so would you tell more, you know, the usual stuff, how & when did Necroplasma started? Who are the members & are all of you original members? Is this style the 1st style of metal the band played?

Necroplasma was formed by Priestor of Hellgoat and Deathslaughter sometime in 1996 but didn't really beguine to rehearse until early 1997. They didn't have a bass player and as I and Hellgoat had played together earlier in a death/black band called Sons of Morgoth for a couple of years they asked me if I wanted to join the band and so I did. The name of the band then was Morbideath. A lot of rehearsal studio problems led to a break for the band during which I moved away and lost contact with the others. After some time Hellgoat and Deathslaughter found somewhere to rehearse, it was now that the name Necroplasma came up, and that ended up in the three song demo tape The Cold Of The Uncaring Moon which was recorded in 1999 (re-released in 2001 by Neodawn) and it is Hellgoat who plays both the bass and guitars on that tape. In the summer of 2000 I met the others again and they asked if I wanted to join the band again and that's the way it is. Demo number two, Black Funeral Horns, was recorded in December 2000 (also re-released by Neodawn) and our third released demo we recorded in April 2001 together with the 7” Obscurial death. In December 2001 we recorded eight songs for a full length album, My Hearse My Redemption, which will be released by Sombre this spring. Everything except the first demo was recorded in the Jungle studio in Skinnskatteberg. Necroplasma has sounded pretty much the same since the start I think.

How well do you guys know each other? Who complains a lot? Who always get drunk? Who stare a lot to woman? Who luvs porno? Who farts a lot?

How do you measure how well you know a person? Myself, I have a lot of shallow acquaintances with many different people but there is no one that I call my ”friend” and I don't feel a need to call anyone that for the moment. About women and drinking the other two is a bit more into that than I.

How old or young are you guys? How old did you guys start in metal? How old do you think you will last? Do you want to really grow old to a point where you just sit all day & wait for death to come?

Grow old to a point were we sit all day waiting for death? Guess that's pretty much just what I do now coming dangerously close to 30… I began hang out at heavy metal gigs in 84 - 85 something. The other two is a few years younger than I.

How's life in Sweden? Your country seems quiet with no news of any chaos, do you like it that way? What are the usual problems that would occur in your country? Are there any serial killers, rapist or any psycho maniacs who still roam your country?

This part of the planet is quite calm nowadays, 195 years since Sweden was at war the last time… think we could need one or at least something like the protests you had in your country when Estrada had to leave his post.  ( Well, it was more fun to watch when the other group tried to put back Estrada in power, they torch some cars & really fought with the cops & seems having fun doing it... well, some says they were actually high on drugs or something! They fucking failed though.. ha ha) A good thing is that we have Tomas Quick. I don't know how many murders he has confessed and is convicted for but he is probably western Europe's greatest mass murderer.

How about metal life, how big is metal in Sweden? Are there lots of support from fans, labels & radios? What metal style is 'big' nowadays in your area?

For being a country with less than 9 million people I think the metal scene is not good but ok here in Sweden, there are some worthy young good hate right evil satanic metal bands in the underground scene, for example Watain, Kill, Bestial mockery and Domgård. I don't really know about bands in other styles of metal though Hypocrisy, Dismember and (after an all time low) Entombed still rules the Swedish deathmetal scene. Hammerfall makes me puke (ha ha) and the so called rap-metal bands I wont even mention. Swedish Powermetal = Steel attack as far as I know. Media and radio? Hope that question was a joke. ( Well, some countries do have metal radio stations.. or so they say... I guess yours is like the filthy philippines where the radio is a real fucking joke!!! )

How active are you in the gig scene? Do you play a lot especially in your area? Have you experienced any fucked-up situation in any of your gigs?

We hardly ever play live. All the fucked up situations usually occur just before were supposed to play, such as idiotic organizers or beaten up band members… Hopefully we'll play two or three gigs in the near future but don't expect it to be a habit.

Do you think people are generally good & trust worthy? Do you feel pity when you see people suffering? If you were short changed do you tell angrily at the cashier?

Never count my change. To see people suffer is the most refreshing and restrenghtning there is. Reading a book or watching a movie where someone is getting tortured and/or murdered sometimes even gives me a sexual kick, and so much more in real life. The victim always deserves it, its just a lazy untrustworthy human. Crying children gives me an orgasm.

What is your weakness as a person? Are you easily persuaded in doing things that you don't really like doing? Do you do things that you already 'promised' or said that you will do?

If I would have any weaknesses of course I wouldn't reveal them to anyone. When I promise something I keep that promise. (My weakness are women, so if you want to slave me, you have to let me fuck all your women!!! ha ha ha!!!)

What are your views about 'trend' in the metal scene? Does trend do anything good for the scene? What do you hate most about it? How do you separate NECROPLASMA from the trendy metal scene?

If we keep to the black metal scene I don't really know if to laugh or cry when I see pictures of some of those what you call ”trend” bands in expensive film studios with newly bought renaissance shirts, cheap plastic Armour, swords that couldn't cut through butter (I am a professional blacksmith and I do make swords so I'm not easy to cheat when it comes to that stuff) and professional photographers trying to make them look like something they're obviously not because the most important is whats on the inside. When the inside is right it always looks right on the outside and the other way round. Sadly I have to confess that some of those bands sound pretty good anyway… but the true satanic hatred that still rules many old good bands can never be faked.

How about the 'big' bands, would you still consider them as an underground band? What is a 'true' underground band to you?

”underground” is a stupid label to put on music nowadays. It meant something 10 – 15 years ago but today every unsigned band call themselves underground but almost everyone of them aim to get signed by a big label and make money on their music. Make money on your music is not wrong, I would be very happy if I did but I will never on any condition sign a deal which puts up any restrictions on what I have to do or when, no matter the money or fame in it. True underground? Well, small companies like Sombre and Neodawn, run by just one person who only releases stuff and bands he like himself qualifies as underground I guess. And bands who stick to that kind of labels, despite offers from larger labels, then also would qualify as underground. As long as bands keep playing in bad rehearsal studios with lousy equipment, fights between the members and constant lack of money without giving up they're worth respect. Yes, I'll say Necroplasma qualifies.

Are you a 'purist' in metal style, I mean do you listen only to 'metal' or even more strict like BM only or death only? Do you listen to non-metal music?

I : 80% BM, 5% DM, 15% other. For Hellgoat and Deathslaughter put in some HM and TM too.

Can you generalize the 'mind set' of Necroplasma, like, do most members have a spiritual or political belief, views & interests that you agree upon, etc...

What most people on the planet call ”evil” is our guidance through all this shit. Evil is the Lord and the Law. I don't call myself anything but when people label me a Satanist or devil worshipper when I write and paint stuff on church walls in chapels and on tombstones with my own blood its up to them and I don't care because that is just my way of expressing what words cant. Does anyone really knows the meaning of words like ”happy” or ”love”? Those so called ”feelings” are just invented by weak cowards who never dared to face reality. The suffering of others is what makes us go on. Myself I consider suicide the ultimate expression of strength and as I'm still around each time I recall that I do feel a bit unworthy any respect from others. Honour the dead by desecration.

Are there any members into another band or project like zine, labels, distro? I think being in a band & doing a zine or distro would be great but being a member of 2 or 5 bands is too much, what can you say about it?

No one is involved in any other project. I find it difficult playing in more than one band at a time, I've done that before but it was always hard finding energy enough for both of them. I worked on a solo project a few years ago and may take that up again someday in the future. Its all about the circumstances, if I lived in the rehearsal studio and didn't need to work and whatever to get around of course I could play in more bands. I think its easier if you play different instruments in the different bands. A popular thing these days among metal musicians seem to be playing in some kind of synth or industrial band which is very different and also gets easier than to play in two band in the same genre.

War seems to never end in other parts of the world, do you think War will truly brought the end of the world? If a loved one was killed or murdered, would you kill the murderer if you were given a chance?

Personally I don't think wars will be enough. What we need is a meteor impact or enormous volcano eruptions that shades of the sun for a couple of hundred years. Maybe some virus like Ebola or something will help on the way. A loved one killed? Given the chance, it would be tempting, yes.

Please tell more about the demo, how can the people get them? Did you get feed backs about people's reactions to your demo, how was it? Besides from the promo being sent out by Neodawn, did you send anything or did promotions?

All demos and the 7” is sold out. The first two tapes was limited to 50 and 111 copies released by ourselves. The third tape was released by Neodawn in 500 copies and Neodawn also re-released the first two tapes, 500 copies each and the 7” Obscurial Death also 500 copies. 500 copies of third demo was also released on the promotion cd by Neodawn. It all begun when I traded a few copies of Black Funeral Horns with Neodawn and he became interested in releasing something with Necroplasma and that's the way it went. Before that we had sent some tapes to some underground labels but not many, we aimed more on fanzines to write relieves on us and so far we have see were few, if any, bad ones.

Some bands have target countries, like they want to be well known in Japan or US or Poland, how about you, do you have a country of preference? From what country do you usually get mail or contacts? Are you familiar with other countries metal scene?

No targeted countries. We have sold most of our stuff in Germany but the reason for that is that Neodawn is German. We get mail mostly from Europe and the US but also south America and some Asian countries. Our aim is the world and our reason for existing as a band is to spread the message which lays within our music.

How will you sum up the lifespan of Necroplasma for the year 2001? Are everything that has happen favorable to you? Have you encountered any problems in 2001? What's the best thing for Necroplasma in 2001?

Best thing in 2001 is that Sombre want to release a full length album with Necroplasma. (that release will probably be the best thing in 2002 too.) The Neodawn stuff was of course good too and it was through that material Sombre got interested in us. One thing that is a little sad about 2001 is that we weren't able to play any gigs at all.

With the new year & the time & technology being so fucking fast, have you planned anything for the year 2002 already? What can we expect from Necroplasma for this year? 

Apart from what I already have said Necroplasma will appear on at least three compilation albums. There will probably be more but nothing is settled yet.

Another year ends, & so is this interview...Thanks Hellgoat! Please add any other important info, other merchandise, gig schedule for the new year, etc.. Oh yeah, final question, What is 'hello' & 'goodbye' in your language? Do Swedish girls luv metalheads??

Hello = hej, tja, godag or why not a good old Hell (Hell = swedish for Heil and I sure like to use that word while speaking english.). Goodbye = Stick ditt kräk. The girls here seem to hate metalheads, which doesn't bother me too much because they're usually just a pain in the ass anyway. (Yeah! & I do luv fucking pain! but not in the ass of course..)


I would not mind two or three copies of the paper. (Yeah, I'll send you some if I ever have this in a printed release... for now I'm on webzine only..)

J. Asplund
Dammg. 1B
733 38 Sala

(please don't write de Sate on the envelope if you send stuff to me, that name is not very popular here and I don't want people to know whose behind it...)

( All photos/graphics on this Necroplasma interview page were taken from the official website: , so fucking visit it for more info, official bio, mp3 & everything NECROPLASMA!!!!! Kill yourselves too while doing it!!! )

A track form the NeoDawn Promo will be included in the UnderWorld out!! )

Contact: NeoDawn at