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FUNERAL FROST is a black metal band from the Rotting Islands of the Philippines. Even though we only have 2 seasons which is the wet & dry & therefore we have no winter, they have taken the frost biting chillness of gothic atmosphere & mid paced black metal. This interview is made in November & partly answered in that month & another part December 2001. This is answered by Maggoth (vocalist) & Baalberith (drummer). To read bio, please click on the logo below. Most pictures here were taken from the recent gigs that they played in these past months. Hail & read on....

Hail Joven & to all of  funeral frost. Fellow creatures can click on your bio section here in these website soI would concentrate my question on other evil matters, and this goes to all of you. How's the band doing? What can you say at the recent live shows you've participated in? Are there any hassles? How about the bands you've share the stage with or the crowd any comments or complains??

Maggoth: The band's doing great except for financial problemsI guess. We vision our music better if we had the proper equipment.I feel that we lack more "technical" stuff to make our sound better.I think it's great. We've been playing for 5 years now and it's only "now" that we got to play with our fellow genre. We met a lot of people and made new friends (hail roy!) And the crowd is utterly a bit flattering.I guess the only hassle is the commuting to one point to the next. We live here in the south and we journey to long points carrying our instruments and all, it's kindda tiring. There's this usual eye to eye contact angst we get from other bands or genres but all in all it was a great experience playing with our fellow BMetallist.

Baalberith: Greetings, Roy! Thanks for this. Now, about the questions, so far, the guys are doin' great! We've all been busy with performing the ritual that is funeral frost. The live gigs have been great! We've had so much fun playing. Everytime we go up on stage and play, we give everything 210%! We just enjoy what we do. The only hassles that we've encountered so far is the distance from the venues to where we come from. We're from the south and most of the gigs are held north so we have to travel some distance but it all pays off once you're there and see the anticipation of the crowd to the event, specially when it's your turn to play! The crowd's great! We've noticed that everytime we play,I dunno if it's me or what, the crowd has always been silent and very focused and it's like they're really paying attention to what we're doing. It's overwhelming! 

How would you describe your personal life in comparison to funeral frost's? Does it fall in parallel existence?? Do you feel that your birth would come to such biabolical proportions???

Maggoth: Funeral frost is dark and as we had been personally even before. The "image" people see on us on stage is normal to us. Vlagrath, baalberith and myself used to go to school like that... Wearing ourselves.I guess it is a part of our culture as goths.

Baalberith: My life in funeral frost and my private life is not much different, actually.I mean,I go to work weekdays, practice at weekends. It's like, everything thatI do manifests around my principles and beliefs that the other guys from ' frost also have so it's not much different. That's why we suck on each other's necks all the time! We share the primary principles and the mental doctrines that funeral frost needs to breathe. Most of the objectives thatI adhere to revolves around the history and foundation of the band, even when i'm just watching tv or listening to music, those things. My birth? Well, of course, nobody expects that the world will be damned to hell soI guess it's the same for me.I mean,I was a school-house type of kid back then who reads a lot about school books and everything interesting.I knew about 'aliester crowley' whenI was in grade 6 soI think that was it. 

Why play black metal? There are lots of metal genre now, why you chose this style?? What do you get out of it???

Maggoth: I first listen to bm way back 1996. Ancient was the first thatI had listened to and it completely blew me off.I realized that it was the exact soundI was imagining to hear. I've been collecting tapes from industrial to darkwave and stillI could not find the soundI was thinking about.I wanted a band that would really scare the hell out of me with disturbing, eerie and haunting soundscapes. WhenI got fond of bmI realized it all connected to my music history. My father was into rock music too andI had been introduced to premiere goth bands at a very young age and when it was my mother's turn to play her kind of music, she would play classical music by beethoven, mozart or chopin and the like.I realized it was bm music fused into one.

Baalberith: Why black metal? That kind of music for me is my astraparaphysical ritual.I don't give a shit about other music genres. Just do what they do and enhance their crafts. By playing black metal music,I corrupt and control the inner beings that reside within, it's like happiness through pain, very masochistic. That's my channeling device to forget and not be myself for a while. Get away with reality. Art through destruction. That is my ritual, my invocation to the blessed serpent. All harmony that resides beneath the boundaries of chaos and misanthropy are expressed freely with that type of music, andI think, we have executed that part fairly, in our own way, of course. 

Black metal is associated with satanism. How many percent of you are into satanism? Do you agree that bands should only play black metal if they are ready to sign their name in their own blood?? Have you experienced drinking human blood? (I found my own blood not tasteful, has a fishy taste not like my wife's blood, a bit salty..mmmmmm..)

Maggoth: I don't really think you have to be a satanist to play bm.I was really more of a dark person rather than the devil. SureI loved stephen king novels, dress myself up like a wizard and go to cemeteries to say poem verso on some dead people no one comes to visit anymore.I have disturbing philosophies  about the world & damnation and call upon the spirits with the help of a quija board but it doesn't mean i'm a satanist andI cannot play bm.I haven't 

Baalberith: 90% of the band is into satanism, but we're not the type that beat up people for no reason, kill livestock and shit like that. Of course, we have to retaliate if someone inflicted physical harm but not to the point of just doing that to show off or to tell others that we're supreme. We follow the law of self-preservation, destroy if needed. We eat chicken and pork but that's a necessity. We already have sacrificed our very souls and our lives to be where we are now and we live and practice the satanic doctrines to aid us,I guess, that's that. People can't say and tell us that they're better than us or they know more 'cause we don't think alike, we don't give a flying fuck about what other i-am-super-satanic-you-are-nothing-to-me types think. We don't give a shit about white-light religious preachers say. They all sound alike to me, trying to be better than the average, "i'll kill the priest shit". If a priest compells to physical and material righteousness, that doesn't make him any better than the people he preaches to. If a satanist spreads shit about chaos and destruction but has a family whom he loves, where does he stand? Who does he kid? People can play whatever music they want as long as they believe in what they're doing. As long as they understand the whole logic why they do it. If they play black metal or satanic music but does not adhere to the meaning of the whole thing, what the fuck is that? Sign your blood or not, it's your expression.I think it'll show if you're not really into it. You'll get tired of it and eventually just fade, or shift to a more appropriate music. I've tried drinking, well, actually just tasting, human blood but i've experienced drinking pork's blood more. Not the filipino delicacy but raw pork blood. Just tried it before and it wasn't any different from drinking soup with plenty of grease. I've tasted my own blood though and ifI can remember, it's kinda ok. Not too salty and not too fishy either. 

Your style has that atmospheric & a bit gothic style but you have no keys! Yet you have managed to get that feeling. Are there plans of getting a keyboard member?? How about female vocals??

Maggoth: We always wanted to have keys on our sound yet it is do hard to find one. And if we stayed and didn't played or waited until we have found one then we wouldn't have gone this far. So we were led to believe it is along shot to ever find one so we did some "thing" to our music so that the people would not think its "kulang" (for our foreign friends it means "there's something is missing" - U/W) to their ears...I guess it worked.

Baalberith: About what you said of our music, actually it just came out.  Meaning, we just want to play our own version of black metal and how  we interpret it and at the same time incorporate what we can and what we know, anything that would fit in. We didn't expect that people will have that interpretation towards what we do and it's a good thing. At least, they pay attention to what is very undivine to us. As of this writing, we now have a keyboard player and he's fantastic! He became a very essential part as a member and what he contributes for the music. He's a very talented daemon and we're keeping him in frost hell! Female vocals? We are still up to it. So far it's very difficult for us 'cause not many understands our music and the principles behind it, but if you know someone that you could recommend, that'll be a big help! 

I hear more raw & fast black metalers say shit about atmospheric/symphonic bm than vice versa. How do you feel about that? Why do you think they hate keyboards & female vocals?? Would yuo change style just be at 'ease' with them???

Maggoth: We had always been more indulged to real life horror, we love dark atmospheric haunting soundscapes that sends chills to the spine. The more eerie the music or the "sound" the better. I guess that's where the keys come in. I believe that if your goal is to scare people or utterly petrify them, you have to take these real life dark soundscapes and sew them deep within the music. Our take on how we like to scare people is basically taking them into an experience or the dark secrets we all have inside that no one knows, plus giving them the imagery of being inside the nightmares themselves. I vision FF to be more than just a band but more like a theatrical performance or a mind-boggling horror flick. I guess other bands who don't like keys just find it sissy. I guess they try to scare the people the conventional, traditional way. I'm led to believe that other bands like that has the "I'm all man" routine all worked up in their act. I would not change my ways to ease up any judgemental close-minded low intellect cock sucking bigot just because he/she doesn't like what he/she sees. I was not born to please him/her. I hate judgemental close-minded low intellect cock sucking white dressed think they are all good servants of the church and God is on their side routine but inside they are more foul as the next person. (Amen here! They are more foul than my fucking fart! - UW :)

Baalberith: we respect any forms of extreme music especially black metal. We support any execution of the music. We don't care if they say shit about atmospheric/symphonic bm, what's important for us is we pay close attention to the scene and how we can contribute. If they have problems about other black metal styles, it's their problem. We don't have time for petty quarrels between bands that are very  narrow-minded, that doesn't help anyone. Specially the scene. We all have versions and understandings of what we want, why should we diss others. If we do that, we're no diff'rent than them. And we wouldn't change our style not even for the promised salvation! Why should we conform to them? If we do that, then we are just copying one another, over and over. It's better to listen to it first, understand it more than just saying nonsensical things. It's not helping themselves either, just making them more dumber and more pathetic! Let's just focus on our own crafts and make the most of it. 

I have a formula to become a god. You have to kill a million people then rape your mother in front of your father then kill them, all of your family, then you kill yourself. After that you will become god! Who among you would fucking do it???

Maggoth: I wouldn't. I love my family. Especially my mom who had been so supportive of me and my chosen culture ever since. And besides I don't want to be a god, its too much responsibility.

Baalberith: I have a my own, how about observe what people do, think and talk. Analyze why life is full of shit and why most humans are soooo pathetic. Basically, be more intelligent and wise than what you really are. Being powerful through respect for yourself and being able to stand your ground through things is my own definition of a god. Ruling with his mind, not by his mouth. Sovereign through honor. Not stupid ego bullshit. Killing a million people, specially those you hate or to rid of this pathetic shithole we call earth's scum really is a treat, but that comes after. Killing myself is a simple example of being a god. Meaning, others don't have to do it for you or, it's still your decision if you want to die. You rule your body, you act for yourself, you are your own god. Some may say, "that's cool!" or "yeah!! I'll fuckin' do it!" or "kill! Kill! Kill!" too much crap for me just to think of it. 

Can you tell any supernatural experience? Do you like ghost stories?? Do you believe in ghost or other supernatural mythical  entities???

Maggoth: I believe in every single supernatural or phenomenal existence. I believe everything falls in a natural equilibrium. Everything falls into parallel existence, There wouldn't be white if there is no black or how can you say or know the word good as a vocabulary if there is no evil? What is a movie with out a ravenous star and a accursed villain? A spoon with out a fork?

Baalberith: experiences?I had my few but can't tell you all of it, it's all too detailed but yes,I had. Ghost stories are fine to me,I mean, I don't believe that when a person dies, he just dies. We are created and divided with and by pure astral energy. Energy is all around and over. You can't destroy it but it can be regenerated. It can have remanifestation.I enjoy reading ghost stories as long as they're   fact. Not children's story books about ghosts.I mean. Real encounters and documentations, recorded phenomenons. Supernatural mythical entities? Like who for example?I believe that they do exist but the term is not so appropriate for them or it.I believe they're more than that. Mythical because no factional records are precise or complete. It's just we know that they're there but they exist more through individual faith and personal mental magick. Dogma, to be exact. 

You went to your girlfriend's house & caught her fucking with her dog. What the fuck will you do?

Maggoth: I'd tell her, sheep is better...much more softer to hug & cuddle. (this is a sic question Roy.) ( hey, I'm in my horny mood...- U/W :)

Baalberith: I'll get my handy video camera, film the whole thing. Then, after the dogfest,  I'll tie her on a bed, arms and legs spread wide open,  then,  I'll beat her up because she violated herself and my dignity, hopefully 'til she stops breathing, then I'll fuck her after. All the   while the camera is rolling, I made myself a snuff film! Seriously,I don't think she'll do that 'cause  I'm more demented than she is and I won't do such a thing. She's a very lovable and intelligent person, and she knows her betters. 

Almost all black metal bands change their name. Why is that? Do you fear persecution?? Aren't you proud in your blasphemous ways??? And how the hell do you get your names??? Do you feel those are your spiritual name?

Maggoth: Firstly I think changing your name is the alter ego that we all have inside that you had let loose and given freedom to live, just like we do. The name is also I guess a way to keep you into a low profile from the diminutive society. I don't fear persecution because there is nothing to get persecuted about, I mean I feel I'm not doing anything wrong. It's all freedom of expression and not all bands who play BM is blasphemous, I write songs about nightmares. I'm a writer at heart and love making gothic poems and nightmarish short stories. I cut one big made up dark story to nine parts to formulate lyrics that fall into a musical continuity. I guess if we feared persecution we wouldn't play BM in the first place. We grouped and formulated into a band not because of some illogical crusade for anything social or religious nor playing because we have a large hole of angst inside or to make it a "I'm 16 I hate my fatheer syndrome" "I hate the world & everybody, media sucks, government sucks, I wish everyone was just dead" kind of routine. We play BM because we love the darkness and it's beauty, because we are challenged by its musicality. Because we love the trees and the moon and anything that is disturbing and eerie. BM is not an easy to play, you need to have that "thing" that make it all well. When not playing BM, you have to get everything into order. The music, the lyrics, the clothes, the image, the culture plus trying to cope with the bastards who say were only good dead. Yes, we all hate the society "the norms" who immedieately dismiss our kind as odd, weird or Satanic when actually they are the real plague. I'm sure we all have experience societies wrath like bullying or unacceptance to their plane which I think is the reason we are all different from them, tried and died to be not like them. It's so ironic don't you think? They are the cause of our misery, they are the ones who created us, a new breed of dark people, they made a monster and now they can't handle it. (ha, ha, ha.) Well it serves them right for all I care, they had always been on the back of my head but fighting them would not do, because they don't feel like we do, because they do not know what it's like or what it had been for us and because they simply do not care, so why should you? Maggoth comes from the word Gothic and Maggot, because I'm a goth and Maggots are one of the prime slugs that breeds and finds life from death and they're small like me.

Baalberith: like what you've said, to me it is my spiritual name. It is the entity that is more of me, greater than me. Too great that sometimes, it scares me to know that this creature creeps within silently and tries to possess this outer shell. In that manner,I can express more. Changing my identity means not hiding, but explaining thatI accept the fact that we have one body, but subconsciously, there's a demigod in each and everyone of us that humans have become closed-mindedly stupid that we exit that fact.I do not fear persecution because there is nothing wrong and shameful with whatI and the group do. We are proud of who and what we have become and hopefully, we shall carry eternal the torch of the unholy. 

Our country is considered a christian country & metal is not in accord with that. Would you share your beliefs or enlighten us of your ways? Do you think people should give shit about others religious belief?? What can you say about christian metal? Some said christian black metal exist, even though it   sounds ridiculous, have you heard any so far? Is there a place for open mindedness for a style like that?

Maggoth: I believe in freedom. My freedom. To me, no one is allowed to tell anybody how they should or should not live their lives. Its my life and I control it in any way I see it fit. No one can tell me that what I'm doing is wrong for they do not know me and they do not know what it has been like. No one can feel for me nor know my exact thoughts and emotional conditions. No one can stuff back the opened Pandora's box I had unleashed nor cure my patanoia and delusion. As an artist I am very sensitive to this things. As for Christian Black Metal, you're right, It's ridiculous.

Baalberith: can't say much about our beliefs.I have to apologize causeI can't tell much about that. Like whatI said, any white-light religion are an enemy to me. We are individuals who follow the dark arts and we adhere to anything and everthing that goes with it. We are not hypocrites and we will say what's what. But concerning the details, it'll take us more than a day talking about them. If a person believes in a certain religion, it's his expression, his ritual. Whatever a person does, he knows the consequences, the do's and don'ts. Nobody can tell that person what to do, when to do it and why, respect is the primary objective. It all depends on how you practice your ritual. And not just practice, understanding and knowledge about a certain topic or religion is very much essential, not just getting into it 'cause some think it's cool or trendy. The belief that the band share is the primary force why we spread the word, why we preach about the loss and fall of man, because we believe in it.I have plenty of religious books for collection, different types and sects, because before you move an offense, you must understand how your opponent moves, how your enemy thinks, and use that against him. Not just blabbering and not knowing the opponent's capabilities. Yes,I have heard about christian metal. IfI can remember, there are plenty of christian black metal bands abroad.I have heard of one, they play good music, butI don't like how the vocalist sings, and of course, their main concept.I don't get the point of playing christian metal, specifically, black metal.I mean, if you want to play black metal but you're christian, then don't call it "black"! Call it something else 'cause the true concept of black metal is darkness and evil, that doesn't agree with christianity. 

Do you hate any other particular metal style? How about bands, do you hate any band?? What would you do if you read somewhere about other people saying they hate you, would you confront them?

Maggoth: I don't hate any any particular metal style, I just hate it when a non-talented band rips of a perfectly good song into a trendfull gibberish non intellectual funny song and get away with it and become hit listers & millionaires. I hate it when bands release an album that is full of cover songs just because it would sell more & because "chicks" dig it. They're not musicians but a bunch of people that want an easy position in life through money. i do not thinks any one would learn to hate me, I'm cute and lovable and did I mentioned I was cuddly too? (banshee wail-boisterous laughter.) seriously? I think I would have to kill them.

Baalberith: I think we all agree to this one,I hate "kupaws!" that's the term a friend of mine gave for a local modern rap-metal band.I think it's  from the group's first single where the vocals shouts something like that. With that, me hating that kind of artless, pathetic,   thoughtless, wannabee music, hates bands that goes under that certain paradox. They're just trying very hard to simplify the music, then make it more elaborate with simple chord patterns. What's that? Some try to be technical sounding using pinches of guitar sound from the last fret. Or maybe, trying to be good with the guitar players jumping  all over and the vocals lying on the floor crying or maybe trying to shit on stage and shit. We know that some bands hates us for who we are and what we do. What canI say, we can't satisfy half of the world. If we did that,I guess we'd be slayer or emperor! We have no time for nonsense. Confronting them won't do us any good, whatever we say to some, they'll continue on hating us and we can't do anything about that. Better to just focus on more important, sensible things. 

Have you ever read the bible? What can you say about jesus christ? If there is a chance that you met him in the road what will you do?? How about satan or his minions, have you met any of them yet???  

Maggoth: Hmmm. Tough question. (long pause) I had always been enrolled Catholic and parochial schools owned by nuns & priest. I know all the stories from the bible and in disturbing way find it enjoyable. I know all the prayers and I sing all the cheerful songs. most people misjudge me as evil but what can I do? I'm Goth. I believe in honor, the word that was corrupted, devoured and forgetten by our modern age. Life as it would seem is not all that complex and undesirable. We should champion ourselves into making our lives better, for ourselves and for our fellow man. That we could all hold hands and chant harmonious songs of praise...for ourselves. Because we lived alone and independent and we have sacrificed enough to make the "higher" aware that we tried our best, to be good, to be faithful, our best which we know...will never be enough. I have come to realize that the truth is untimely scary. We are all going to die and there is no negative manner in that phrase, it is how we just deliver it. I come to realize we are all going to place we do not know, a place that we possibly cannot imagine and probably a place we would never see. But it doesn't really matter where we go in the end and think every single day of the horrors of a place we would go if we do not do good. Because it doesn't really matter where you go in the end but it is how you lived your life bounded by the same honor challenged by countless generations and Aeons, the same honored that was used by remembered men & women who were in fact just like us but was called by that honor to do something not for themselves or for others but they did it because it was the right thing to do. Their key was practicality. Their choice was to be free. I believe in fighting for what I believe is for the sanctity, Sanity and the salvation of my soul. I believe in kindness & power, greatness & emotions. In the walls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

Baalberith: Yes, of course. Jesus christ for me is the epitome of pure lust and the true deciever. He did all those things in his father's behalf then blame every fault on us. He has been revered as the lord of man, the key to man's salvation and the true god. But to me, he's just one depressed individual who looks for a scapegoat to pay for his mistakes. Although, I acknowledge man for placing him in that stature, even which they don't understand why. In that aspect, can't blame humanity for worshiping him 'cause 'til now, he has been their source of everything they need even though they themselves do it on their own. Because they have been mislead by their religion from the start. Telling them that he is the source of all holy. Believing that without god, man can't stand on it's own which is very much untrue. Like what I said, you are your own god and everything revolves on you and you alone. Mankind, like jesus christ has become their scapegoat because they don't know him that well. They don't know him as the sinner but only the christ. They don't see him as the murderer but the savior. He's all too pathetic for me. He tried to change the world by giving man the idea that man can be saved through him, which in fact, we are our own salvation. He has done nothing, for all this time, to make man change. He has been given the responsibility that he can't commit and accomplish. To me, he is also the focal point of those who wants to have peace which in effect, through the belief they created, happens. He has become a deity which came from heresy to heresay. The embodiment of all that is false and deceitful. If I meet him, or if ever I share the same road with him, I won't say anything. He's not important to me so why should I bother? With all of the population of the world, what makes you damn important for him to know your needs? What makes you different when you are actually irrelevant. I haven't the chance to meet the almighty satan yet, but if I do, i'll tell him,  "the world is changing for you and those damn humans don't even know about it. Minute by minute they shift gears towards you and they still think they're doing it right. That shows how they have been taught by white-light religions, by preaching you don't exist, that is your weapon. That makes you powerful!" have I met his minions? I'm already playing with them. You've seen us live right?  (Yeah! ultra fucking demons!! - UW)

How far do you think funeral frost can go?I mean, do you think you could be at par with your european counterparts?? Do you think you will have better oppurtunity if you were in another country? Any plans of migration??   

Maggoth: I think its all too over whelming for us to think about it. Although I know we would continue to play for as long as we like or for as long as we enjoy the scene and what we are doing. If there is a chance for a full finded migration and sign up record label on an international label, we would be probably stupid if we didn't take it.

Baalberith: Funeral frost shall remain funeral frost as long as we can! As long as we know how to play, we will continue on pursuing. We don't consider them as counterparts but inspirations. The european black metal scene, andI thinkI speak for all black metallers, has become the center of this type of movement. From them we knew all about this stuff. If given the chance to play side by side with them, that'll be a great honor for us. We might have a larger chance of exposure if we're doing this abroad because the scene there is in a huge scale. The production, labels and supporters and stuff.I dunno about the other members of 'frost but for me, migration is a good thing. It'll be a big help in exposing the band because of bigger budgets and they're really into this stuff for a long time now. It even started there soI suppose playing abroad is like a dream for us. 

Have the band experienced any crap that nearly destroyed averything you've worked for? How can you describe the member's relationship? If ever you parted ways (& we hope that wouldn't happen right!) Do you think you will still be friends? What will be the worst thing that one can do to boot him out???  

Maggoth: The question is in perfect timing for we had our first incident that shook up everything & nearly almost got the band disbanded. The details & the persons involve will not be given but Baalberith was the one person who did everything he could that that wouldn't happen. He in all of us has always been the most faithful to the band and its music. The first thing to get the band in that kind of situation or to boot a member out is...betrayal.

Baalberith: We went through a lot of shit. But we had this recent misunderstanding that nearly destroyed the relationship between two members, but not the band,I assure you. As much as possible we deal with every problem as soon as possible. We don't let it wait then just let the fire burst when it's out of control. It's very important to any band to have that tight relationship, it's everything that you work for then with a single spur-of-the-moment incident, all just turn into one great smoke with no victor. The member's relationship is great. We have the same views on things soI guess that makes it easy. If ever we parted ways on a former member,I think it depends on how.I mean, if you parted ways bitter, it'll take some time for us to accept the guy but we'd still be friends with him. But if we parted ways with no grudge at all, it's better. Like, for a reason one of us has to leave, we'll understand that. This band from the start has been a force to reckon, we all have earned each other's respects, making us a bit immune to unimportant things. Or maybeI just speak for myself because that's howI see the group. Without a strong friendship for a foundation, you'll do nothing. You'll end up nowhere! What's the grievest thing,I suppose it's betrayal. It's that simple. From there everything will pop up to the worst. I'm just so fuckin' proud and honored to play with these very talented individuals. They are the domineering orifices that is funeral frost! 

What do you think of the current philippine metal scene? Many gigs are organized like every 15 days & many bands are coming out, do you think this will become a trend or is this what we are waiting for?? How can you tell that a band is true to what they are? Any ideas on how to clean-up & strengthen our metal scene??  

Maggoth: I think the metal scene is finally deserving its prime heritage, many new bands arecoming out and with them they carry the real essence of rock...loud & noisy. I hope it would continue and let the softer ones sleep for a while. I guess its our turn. I guess a band that is true to what they are, develop this imagery of professionalism to their work and their music. What Christian (Rage of Iscariot) is doing is a great and noble thing. You know, organizing the gigs and all. He has been dedicating to this scene & this stuff since the beginning and we thank the darkness that he is all in our side, just like you, you've been recording every event and given the chance for all the new underground bands to get support and exposure even before I guess we started playing and I think that is love for the music and the scene and people like you and Christian are the real heroes of the realm. (Thanks man...but you see..bands, zinesters, fans, organizers, labels...we are all heroes of hell! The scene is nothing with out the other...Our fucking realm!! - UW)

Baalberith: Today the metal scene is doin' great! All hails to christian! He has done a great deal in exposing bands that are struggling for some time now. He has helped bands to express more within the underground and spread their respective plagues! If this becomes a trend, in a way, it's good because more gigs mean more exposure. Specially here in this country that our type of music is not that accepted, we need all the gigs that we can to promote our very own underground genre! I'm not in the position to say if a band is true to what they're doing or not, importantly, funeral frost knows that we stand for the true invocation of the music. As long as we're doing it true to ourselves,I suppose that covers it. Strengthening our metal scene relies on more organized gigs with bigger sponsors. Sponsors that are not afraid to invest on something like this. Supporters are also very important, they make every gig successful for being there! 

How do you guys fund the band? Do all of you have jobs?? Do you share expenses on everything or you have a financier? Would you sign-up in a label, maybe worth some couple of hundred thousand pesos for a record deal but you need to do some adjustments to both your music & appearance?  If you were to be asked; what are your demands or want list for a records deal; what will it be??  

Maggoth: Baalberith and myself have jobs but its no real help to the band because we mostly give more to  our families rather to ourselves or the band. But Vlagrath is kindda well funded, we share all together the expenses, we chip in for the usual every Sunday rehearsal at a local studio. 80% of the help comes from Vlagrath. The guitars, the bass and other stuff is all been provided by Vlagrath plus he has given more than that...The sound of Funeral Frost. I guess we would definitely sign-up for a label as long as we get full control in almost everything like the band record covers and all, because Vlagrath and I do the entire lay-out of the band's record covers and all and we do not want any of our to be ideas shut down. Baalberith and I do the Website part of the band (it will be out soon We are always open for suggestions, no one from the FF has an ego problem, if the suggestion for some changes occur and we all think it would be the best of it, we should surely agree.

Baalberith: We fund the band with our very own blood and sacrifice! Maggoth andI have jobs, but all of the members contribute financially or not for the better good of the band, specially vlagrath. Most of the finances comes from him. He's not actually the financier but he's close to that, he has the most contributions when it comes to spending stuff for the band. Signing up in a label is not a bad thing, actually. Like cacophonous or full moon or osmose or nocturnal art, labels like those. But if we're going to be signed here and be told to soften everything, fuck them! We have struggled long enough that we won't kiss corporate ass just to tend to their needs. Yes, that is business, but that's not our type of business. They handle the money, we handle us. The only changing thing if ever would be us earning deserved cold money from the art that we do, that's it! We are not going to be an all pop boyshit band for teenagers who think they're cool by smoking and fucking their girlfriends when drunk. Rather produce our very own, at least we know what goes on and beyond with our music. Nobody telling us what to do, and for who we do it! 

What are the things that you think you'll be needing to fully utilizes your dark art & propel funeral frost to the front line of international black metal  realm???   

Maggoth: Definitely more practice. Buy the right gears and gadgets...Get a keboardist!!! (They already got one & they show it off at the gig last Nov. 17! - UW) And experiment on different effects and instruments. I always wanted to fill violins to our soundscapes, maybe as part of an intro and all yet it is kindda expensive.

Baalberith: We need to enhance our nocturnal ritual more. Play lots of gigs, practice a lot, and produce good funeral frost music. We're not  dreaming that high but why not? I mean, who wouldn't if given the opportunity. Not planning or thinking of the frontline but maybe just at the same pack as them. Right now, we have every individual vital to make this happen and all of us are up to it. We're all stretching ourselves to the brinks of our physical and mental limits and we are all hoping we can make it somewhere other than the philippines. This is our chosen music, we know it's not easy but that's the challenge, being able to prove something with for others means nothing. 

Have you sent your rehearsal tape to any zine/label or trader outside the country? Have you had any response? How dead serious are you in propagating your musick??? Are you willing to sacrifice a human life so can be blessed to your glory?  

Maggoth: Yes, we are about to send bios and demo outside the Philippines I think, I'm not completely sure where but Joven knows, he's the real brains of the operation. I think getting things that you want from no hardship or pain at all is purely worthless. If we used other people in a bad way to help us then we would not truly be deserving of honor or glory. (:

Baalberith: So far, we have given our rehearsal tape to you, christian, vro of metal havoc and erwin of pathogen for his up coming zine. I've had contact with tripalium but haven't sent him our materials yet. So far the response to us are very overwhelming. We've noticed that you and the other's are really helping this band and that also inspires us to push through. We also gave yukiteru asai, our japanese friend whomI think you know, our materials. We just hope that you guys continue on supporting us, we owe you guys a lot! We are very, necrodead serious with this shit! We will continue even when there's no more people to support us.I guess, we'll just wait for another generation for them to have a taste of what we can offer. Even when we're 90 plus years of age, but can still play the way we do now, then we'll go through hell and again just to play! We don't need to sacrifice a human life 'cause we already gave ourselves for it! No point in killing others. And we know that we are blessed by the unholy greatly! 

What are your plans so far? Are you gonna continue playing gigs? Do you have any new materials or are you planning to re-record your stuff as an official demo?? Any evil news please!  

Maggoth: As long people and other BMetalist invite us to play, we'll be there. Where all doing all at the time. I got some four new lyrics and Vlagrath is working on the tune. Baalberith & I are looking for the cheapest recording studio we can find and at the same time trying to scrape off some dough to but other "stuff" for the band. Vlagrath  and I had already made the Album cover and leaflet so...more patience please from the supporters, we're hurrying up as fast as we can.

Baalberith: So far, we are currently in the process of writing new material for our official demo due next year. Hopefully around january or february. And if the budget permits, it's going to be in cd so hope you guys wait for that. We'll still include the first four songs on our rehearsal tape plus,I think, five more songs so it's going to be one frostbitten holocaust when that comes out! There are going to be diversities on the new materials but we promise it's still 100% pure funeral fuckin' frost! I'm just excited about it. Other than that, nothin' much. When's the next gig? 

For the last question: I am giving you a chance to change your ways and repent your sins and turn your back from black metal andI will give you eternal life & 79 virgins wives in your next life! Will you change your ways?  

Maggoth: Um...noooo. I don't want to live forever anyway, what the hell will I do to pass the time? ( That's what the 79 virgins are for! Damn, it's the best way to pass the time!!! Har har har - UW )

Baalberith: No need for that. I don't have to repent to have those. My known unholy provider will do all those things for me!

This is not a question anymore, just add anything, thanks or fuck yous to anyone, or any other stuff you think is worth for, spells, incantations... Anything!!!

Maggoth: So in behalf of Funeral Frost we would like to personally thank everyone who has been so warm to us. Roy Sierra (UnderWorld Zine), Christian (Rage of Iscariot), Marianne, Roel, Francis, Joseph, Mario, Wowie (5 wounds to enter), Resurrected, Yuki, Incarion, Pathogen.
      To my Vampyre friends from the Society of the Damned:Runeshadow, Fred? of Prominence of Cathedral, Joseph "Bauhaus", Allan of Late Isabel, Dot-Dot, Gibbs of Violet Days, Roderick & Christian (Maggoth Thralls) & to all my friends in the Sub-Culture Goths.
      I want to thank my coroner for my always ever so blissfull hair & make-up. Our Earthly families & not so earthly families: Carol, Ryan, Lucifer, Miyo, Boi of ADA, Francis & all of Chernobyl. Janis, Death, Ehrian, Dada, Rastaman, Gandjaman, Drugprince, my brother Walter. To lost friends Kuya Ross & Ricky (Rock Greats), Karl de Mesa.
     To my Slith kins in Sin: Vlagrath, Baalberith, Zarcon & Kartov.
     To the merciless butchers Vlad Tepes & Queen Elizabeth Bathory Aria, for the long years of inspiration..may your souls rest upon the twisted nocturnal eternal torment like you did to the sparkling whelps and thralls Aeons ago...We would soon take your place.
     To the great goth conceptualist, Tim Burton who choose to become...himself.
     To the scions of my Nemesis and all who murdered me in the past, I have not forgotten the pain, I will soon have your cheeks as sadistic ornaments.
     ...To my alter ego, who showed me a world that I would not dare thread with out him...our timeless disturbing philosophies has finally paid off...
     ...In the havoc of death, We sleep...
     And to my queen that I have not yet known, my search for you is indeed...endless.

Baalberith: Thanks for everything Roy! Keep on supporting funeral frost! More power to you and your webzine! "in nomine dei nostri, sathanas luciferii excelsii"

There you these guys & support them. Their rehearsal tape is available for trade or ask Baalberith for cheap pricing. An album or CD demo will be out next year, so do watch out! For contacts please click the logo at the start of these page or just e-mail Baalberith at or