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At long fucking last you can now read this interview! This was supposed to be part of UnderWorld Zine Issue#3, my latest issues so far in printed zine which was released last July ( I think? Fuck I forgot already!!Aaarrgghh..). But since having a printed zine & a website is crippling me financially I decided to fuck the print zine & put everything on-line in the World's Wicked Web! Anyway, ALL THAT IS EVIL will still be apart of the next coming compilation! So Watch the Fuck Out!!!

Hearing their split CD with DESCEND is an experience of 2 forms of Brutality. On that CD they were described as "Creative Death Thrash", for me, I can compare them to some of my favorite band but then again I would not as not to confuse people about their own music. But they have that memorable sound plus the topics of horror, where the music becomes short-stories, things you can remember or would love to talk about, ghost or ghostly experience or tales of horror. Death Thrash might be the style but they bend & twist it & deliver a Musical Story. And with the name "All That Is Evil", they have managed to make their stories as it is, a touch of evil that is actually both inside & outside the human nature.

ALL THAT IS EVIL are Malcolm Anthony (Vocals), Wayne Richards (Guitars), Jim Corrick (Guitars), Aaron Ramirez (Bass) & Chris Dora (Drums). This is answered by Malcolm.

UNDERWORLD > I don't have your bio, so please tell about the evilness that inspired the creation & the whole genesis of ALL THAT IS EVIL?

MALCOLM > The ban was started by guitarist Wayne Richards & myself in early 1997. We had been working together for some time on several projects & one afternoon we began assembling riffs to some of the songs that appear on the split cd w/ descend. I was fired from the vocalist spot of a black-death band known as From the Depths before the inception of A.T.I.E. I sang on their debut, which was self-titled. After loosing this opportunity, I felt an urge to continue the role of frontman & the conceptual format that I had in been working w/ & A.T.I.E. was a perfect chance for me to do so.

UNDERWORLD > would you describe each members state of mind & rate of evilness that made them fit in the band? Who is the evil of all of you?

MALCOLM > Well, I am not in a position to really do this. I can only speak for myself. Our collective interest, at one time, was to put together some descent sounding songs that displayed a flair for creativity & high level of heaviness. That is the closest that I can come to giving you an idea of the other members' state of mind. I am not really involved with them on personal levels anyway, so this is the best I can do. As far as evilness goes, you can only be as evil as the next guy, so what's the point? (Well, you can never really tell how evil the next guy is. So my question is really fucking pointless... ugh.. Underworld ) 

UNDERWORLD > I liked your music & lyrical interpretation that seems to live by your bands name. Is you goal to tell stories of evilness in multiforms? Who & how do you come up with the story line of each song (like peril at sea)? Are you into horror films?

MALCOLM > Thank you, first of all for indulging us in our themes. I am constantly thinking of horrific scenarios which I will later put to music. The task at hand for me lyrically, is to bring fresh perspectives to the songs. A song can be much more than a musical score. It can be an aural voyage that provokes imaginative thoughts from the listeners. I remember most of the songs that take me places & I don't even have to leave my living room. (Yeah I can fucking relate to that! It's like a musically triggered astral travel!! - UnderWorld) None of us are really into any extraneous stimuli outside of metal music. However, there are some great stories in some horror films that have lended some ideas to our lyrical direction. I am personally inspired & awestruck by the writings of Edgar Allen Poe. 

UNDERWORLD > Why did you choose to play death-thrash? Would you give your individual & common influences? Are you into other forms of Metal? How about non-metal but w/ a dark atmosphere or the famous rap-metal in the US? Would you comment on them?

MALCOLM > With our musical approach, it really wasn't a preferential thing at first. The songs went in a certain direction & the rest follow suit. The members of A.T.I.E. have a consensual musical interest. There are a handful of bands that we all agree onas being very influential to us as young musicians & metal fans.  I really a lot of technical Death & Thrash Metal. I also catch myself listening to a lot of classic rock quite frequently. The others are into metal, rock & hardcore primarily. If something entertains me, I like it no matter what it may be classified as. In all honesty, I really don't see any productivity in voicing my opinion about particular music forms or types of bands. ( I guess I see it differently.. Voicing your opinion is a productivity itself , plus other people knowing your opinion. And I remember my x-boss always telling me " No Opinion, No interesto. " in his Japanese accent.  - UnderWorld)

UNDERWORLD > What are you guys into as normal human beings? Like anyone into gardening, sports, trading cards, bikes, pets or anything else? How much time are consumed for the band? Anybody married?

MALCOLM > Again, I am not really involved with the other guys that much on a personal level. One of them could have a strange hobby that I am not aware of & that's OK. Personally, I am always working with my other bands, SCHAUZER, NUNSLAUGHTER, SPAWN OF SATAN.. So my time to do anything else is limited. The rest af ATIE are also involved with other bands, HOLY GHOST, RINGWORM, SOULLESS, DEAD OF NIGHT.. (Fuck! that's so many bands! Are you guys a side-project-band addict??? - UnderWorld ). This has had somewhat unfortunate impact on ATIE. We are not officially defunct, but we do not practice or meet on a regular basis. Because of everyone's busy schedules, ATIE has been reduced to a side project, if that. We have all agreed to record the 10 new songs for our full length & maybe play a show about once every 7-8 months however. We are not completely finished, but we are far from the functioning unit that we once were. No one in the band is married at present, so you chances are still pretty good (HAHAHA). ( Well that's fucking great! anyone wanna marry my goat??? hehehe- UnderWorld )

UNDERWORLD > How about fun? Yeah, being in the band is fun itself, but do you do other things together; drink together, go fishing together or have sex together?

MALCOLM > I am starting to wonder about you. We have not tried the sex thing yet, but perhaps you could give us some pointers. (He he he Well, OK.  Invite some babes, either payables or those babes you can pick at bars, rent a room somewhere & have a fucking party! Drink & Fuck as you can, don't mind your friend seeing you fucking when you can also see him fucking!  ORGY man! Orgy is the key word! And never forget your video cams! It's a lot of fucking fun w/ metal music on the background!!!! Decapitating them afterwards is totally your decision though. har har - Underworld ) Being in a band is physically & emotionally stressful at times. The only real rewards that you can get are getting the chance to turn people on to your music & expressing your self creatively. That's really about it for me, not to mention giving back to metal what it has given to me. 

UNDERWORLD > American metal is said to be trendier that the Europe scene...what do you think? Where do you get good responses? Are you active in your local metal scene? How often do you gig? Are you familiar with other countries' Metal scene?

MALCOLM > Music tend to move in waves. What may be popular here in the states could be considered out-dated somewhere else.  We have received both favorable & unfavorable reviews from all over. There doesn't really seem to be any specific area of interest. As I eluded to before, we are all pretty active in our local metal scene. ATIE only gigs only once in a great while, but our other bands do a lot of gigging here & out of town quite a bit. And only because of doing mail & corresponding w/ bands from all over the world, have I been able to become familiar with other bands & their immediate music scenes.

UNDERWORLD > Have you experienced any weird, horrifying or just plain mind boggling situations? Where do you stand on Religion, Environmental concerns..would you support a good cause?

MALCOLM > So far, I would have to say "NO" to the first part of the question. My life has been pretty uneventful in a drastic sense & I suppose that this is a good thing. Because of the absolute liberty & freedom that my country awards me, I do not have to be concerned about any of those things whatsoever & I am not. The only cause worth supporting to us is the fight for metal & it's survival. (Fuck Yeah! - UW )

UNDERWORLD > Do any of you suffer from any phobias (homo, arach, xeno, etc..)? What do you think is the most fearful or the one you would dread to have, like someone who can't go out of their house for fear of open spaces? How the hell can they live?

MALCOLM >Fear is a great motivator. I think all of us have a certain degree of fear. Phobias are defined as irrational fears. They are often based on ridiculous scenarios which grant power to things that do not deserve such attention. None of us have this kind of fear, but we are mortal & we all fear something. My particular fear is that of deep water, which could perhaps be further defined as hydrophobia if I were to exhibit aversive behaviors when in the event of my being in or around large bodies of water. The phobia in which you are referring to is called agoraphobia. You would be surprised what people will do to avoid confrontations with their fears.

UNDERWORLD > Can you describe the environment in your area? What kind of peoples (trendy, pop-cultured, workaholics, metal heads, punkers..) could enjoy your place? Do you enjoy living there? Is it the best place for your existence so far?

MALCOLM > Our nation is the world wrapped up in one land mass. There are people of all walks of life - too many to even mention!!  There are some things that I like about living here (freedoms, abundances of things, varieties of life, etc..) & others that I don't ( violence, crime, prejudice, capitalism, etc..). This is the only place that I have ever lived, so I don't know of any other. I toured Europe last year with NUNSLAUGHTER & got to see a lot of the old world. There were some few places that I could see myself living in. But like with most things, there would be a level of compromise. I may escape the uglies of America only to discover that I didn't have it that bad here after all.

UNDERWORLD > Have you had any evil thoughts or scenarios that have played in your head that you can't get rid of that gives you the creeps? How would you separate the sane & the insane, like if a man talks to himself (which I sometimes do, ha ha ha ) is he already insane?

MALCOLM > I am going to guess here & say that an insane person is probably incapable of making rational decisions or providing an accurate accessment of his or her own mental state. They are deemed sane or insane person by those around them who are actually able to witness these peoples behaviors. ( you guessed right! I guess I do suffer from temporary insanity.. ha ha he he hu hu hi hi ho ho... - UW). I really don't have any recurring themes that replay in my mind. U usually put them into words then into songs.

UNDERWORLD > My country is plagued w/ massacres where whole families are killed, raped, slayed, gagged, throats slits, private parts burned, heads smashed. What kind of evilness do you think this is? Do you think all of have this evilness inside? Have you thought of a lyrical concept like this?

MALCOLM > My country too, is plagued with these things sometimes. I would not call this evilness but perhaps sickness. It is possible that everyone has a measure of sickness in themselves. Whether or not they display it is perhaps an amount of self-control or fear of the consequences of their actions. I have thought of song ideas about these things, but it was for a different band.

UNDERWORLD > In role playing, which do you prefer; the hero or the villain? the killer or the victim?

MALCOLM > In my stories, the villain is often the hero whose actions provide some sort of lesson to those who may hear his tale later in time. It is always much more fun to be the bad guy in drama. In most cases the killer is also a victim. Usually of things that he or she cannot understand or cannot excape.

UNDERWORLD > If you would become an animal, what animal would you like to be & why? Since you have a track "I am Wolf", do you believe in werewolves & other mythical creatures of the dark?

MALCOLM > I like so many different kinds of animals & each of them possess traits that fascinate me. That's what makes this question hard to answer. I would like to have the power to become any animal I want whenever I want to. Being a crocodile would probably be the coolest, hiding out under the water & then lashing out at the prey!! Sudden Death. In regards to mythology, it's not really a matter of belief, but a matter of intrigue. To imagine that these creatures could possibly exist is truly awesome. It is fun to give them life in the songs. To let other people see them as you have is a challenge.

UNDERWORLD >  Now, tell us what you have been doing. Are you in the process of another release? What other stuff is available from you? What is your deal with Cutting Edge?

MALCOLM > As I briefly indicated before, we will record our full-length & shop it around to labels. If it fails to generate any interest, then we will probably release it ourselves. The LP is tentativrly titled "THE DEVIL'S LAND" & it will feature 10 new songs that are in the same veins as our material from the split on Cutting Edge. The deal with that label is Null. They were going to release our next 2 LPs within a 3 year timeframe, but the guy running the label has decided to concentrate his efforts & finaces on Descend, which is his band. No hard feeling at all. We have glossy 8 1/2 by 11 pictures of the band that go out free with every order & letter. There is also some video footage available at the address below.  It features 2 ATIE shows with new & old tracks, some soulless footage & some nunslaughter clips as well. It is only 5 dollars everywhere. The split CD is available through me at the same address. It is 10US$ Worldwide.  We would like to do more, but the plans to do the full-length maybe a little too much for us as it is. I would personally like to see more done with ATIE.

UNDERWORLD > Not every metal & it's sub-genre (grind / death / black / thrash..etc..) are truly rooted in the underground. Where do you stand here? Do you prefer to be in the mainstream side & live off the music or in the deeper underground where monetary gratification is not so big? How long do you want ATIE to exist?

MALCOLM > There is a significant amount of gratification in perhaps knowing that someone out there is listening to your music & enjoying it. If someone were to pay me for my creativity that would certainly be OK. I have always been an avid listener of underground death metal, so this is where I will prefer my band to remain. I don't have a problem w/ reaching a bigger fan base & maybe even reaping some minor profits for our hard work, but I wouldn't compromise our musical integrity in order to make money. I would like ATIE to be able to run it's natural course & perhaps it already has. As a person who is passionate about his creation, I would of course like to see ATIE last as long as physically possible.

UNDERWORLD > What will be the ultimate glory for ATIE? How ill you achieve it? Would you give yourselves a time limit for it (like if you haven't achieved it at some point in time, otherwise..) ?

MALCOLM > Above all, we would hope that when someone thinks of descent metal, that we would come to mind. To be remembered as a solid & creative band that brought a different approach to metal music would be good enough for me. The only way I think of achieving this is to remain true to ourselves & to those who have supported us. The only time limit we have is our mortal lifelines. There is no schedule for us except for the one that we set for ourselves.

UNDERWORLD >I guess this is farewell for the interview. Please add anything: info, hello's, thank you's or fuck you's or whatever...

MALCOLM > On behalf of ALL THAT IS EVIL, I would like to thank you Roy for this opportunity ( Sorry for the fucked-up ness of not being part of issue#3 & for the delay of not posting this sooner!!!- UW). Thanks for your interest & support. Also a big thanks & helopo to anyone who has supported us in any way. Thanks!! There has been some misconception about our postal address & e-mail. The following are the correct avenues by which interested parties can contact as:

PARMA, OH. 44134 USA


UNDERWORLD > OK, the real last one. What do you think is the most evil act man has done?

MALCOLM > Not listening to metal....

Hell yeah! That concludes the interview. As you found out, ATIE is a side-project band but the members do have plans to keep it alive & release some more stuff that I am looking forward to, for I truly liked the music & lyrical art that they do. So contact Malcolm & get their stuff & more up-dated info! As to their other bands, I can not give detail or comparison to ATIE. The truth of the matter is, I either saw it somewhere or a flyer pass me by, but I haven't experienced any of their other bands. I hope I can in the near future. For now, I will indulge in the Split CD & Hope to hear from Malcolm & the guys!!! There you go, & I am Roy, from the 3rd World...The UnderWorld!!!!