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Formed in 1994 by Cathal Rodgers (bass) & Kieran Hynes (guitars) from the ashes of their previous band, DREAMSFEAR set out to play 80's influenced metal in somewhat anti 80's metal environment.
After some frustrating months of trying to find people who shared their musical vision they decided to write & record some songs as a two-piece w/ Rodgers on bass/vocals/drums & Hynes on guitars/vocals. This resulted in a 4-song demo entitled "Echoes" released in August 1994. Although this recording was very primitive it set out the musical path that DREAMSFEAR would travel.
April 1995 saw DREAMSFEAR return to the studio, again as a two-piece, to record a track for a compilation CD. This track, which was 16 minutes in length, showed a further progression towards the current DREAMSFEAR sound. It later appeared on the unreleased "Eerie" demo, which was recorded in August 1995.
Nothing much happened with the band until August 1997 when DREAMSFEAR finally found a full time drummer in the guise of Colin Purcell. Intensive rehearsals followed in preparation for another trip to the studio. Fortunately, before this, vocalist Rob Buggle joined to make a complete line-up for the first time in DREAMSFEAR's history.
Following a successful gig at Metalfest '98 Abbeyleix, the band entered The Mill Recording Studio to record a mini-CD for their own label Ill-Omen Records. Released in December '98 the CD, which is entitled "Prelude to Destiny", contains four tracks of power/ thrash/ 80's influenced metal.
The release, which has been very well received by the worldwide press, has sold 500 copies to date. The band is continuing to promote the CD and thus far have sent out 500 promo copies. The band has also played a number of gigs in Ireland with the highlight so far supporting Cathedral in Eamon Doran's on 16th May.
DREAMSFEAR had hoped to perform in the U.K. and mainland Europe to promote the CD but due to line-up trouble it was not possible. The band parted ways with drummer Colin Purcell in April '99 he was replaced by Ray Keenaghan. They then parted ways with vocalist Rob Buggle (August '99) and Ray Keenaghan left the band shortly after this. They are currently looking for a singer and drummer but in the meantime Rodger & Hynes are writing new material for their next release, which will see the light of day towards the end of the year 2000.
That's the official bio of DREAMSFEAR! Their new materials will be hopefully released this year, for now, here is the intie answered by Kieran Hynes! - Roy.

UNDERWORLD > It seems DREAMSFEAR have been plagued by line-up problems, how is it now? Is the line-up complete? So, are you (Kieran) & Cathal buddies even before the band?

KIERAN > Well, we have a full time drummer now, his name is Des Howlin and he is an excellent drummer. Things are working out very well indeed! As for a singer, we have some one lined up who we think will work out well, his voice is awesome and should suit the new stuff we are writing. Fingers crossed! 
As for me and Cathal being buddies before the band ... well, we are both from the same small town in the middle of Ireland and I didn't really know him too well until he came up to me one day, way back in 1991, and asked if I wanted to join his band, I told him I didn't have an instrument yet and he replied that he didn't either. 6 months later we both had instruments and our first band was formed... 

UNDERWORLD > Would you describe the metal scene in Dublin? What is the dominant style there? Is the scene there infected by any form of trend? How about rip-offs, have you experienced any?

KIERAN > The metal scene in Dublin is pretty healthy but to be honest I'm not interested much in it. All the bands play black/death/doom metal and it's just not my thing. One band, however, that stands out are Arcane Sun who play an excellent mix of death & doom, reminds me of early Anathema in places, apart from that I can't mention any other bands I really like.
Having said this we have had a great response for our material from a lot of these people so that's cool! I don't think it's particularly trendy, the usual I guess. We have been lucky in that we haven't had any rip-off experiences; I haven't heard any bad stories either so I guess the Irish scene is lucky in that respect!

UNDERWORLD > Who are you main influences? Do you listen to more extreme type of metal? Which form you doesn't like most?

KIERAN > Our influences range from bands like Metallica (early - of course), Forbidden, Sanctuary, Iced Earth to Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Enchant, Queensryche to Solitude Aeturnus & Anathema and a bunch of other kick ass bands in between. 
I not really into death & black metal although I do like some stuff like Death, Believer & I always had a soft spot for the first Deicide album.

UNDERWORLD > Your track "Bleak Horizon" do pertain to the christian belief? Is this based on a personal spiritual standpoint? What are your forms of divination? What are your views on Religious Wars going on around the world?

KIERAN > No it's not a religious song at all although at lot of people have read this into those lyrics. It's a kind of personal song detailing personal experiences and problems. The "carry your cross" references are just a strong way (Cathal felt, and I agree) to indicate how hard things were. 
I would not consider myself religious whatsoever, I'm quite agnostic, I find it would take a leap of faith to believe or disbelieve in something spiritual and I continue to sit on the fence! 
To me religious wars are pointless but since I'm not religious how could I really understand? The one thing I find extremely stupid about these wars is that their religious beliefs will dictate how sacred life is; yet they still want to kill each other???? Senseless....

UNDERWORLD > "Burning Bridges", from who's experienced was this based or was it inspired by a book or film? I think this is real human emotion on music that anyone can relate to. How do you get such mood to write your lyrics?

KIERAN > Cathal wrote the lyrics for this song and I would have to say that it must be based on past experiences, it's kind of an expression of some regrets from the past, things that should have been handled differently, I guess. 
I think both the lyrics and music to this song are quite emotional. Both of us have a sadness in us that seems to come out when we write music. There is no getting in the mood to write the lyrics or the music; it's just that these things will come out when we are writing. 

UNDERWORLD > How do you feel now that Heavy, Power & Thrash Metal are on the rise? Is this a good sign for you? You would not be part of the trendies since you have been doing this style ever since Dreamsfear's creation, so would you separate yourselves? Do you thinks trend in the underground could lead to a good thing?

KIERAN > Well, I'm not too bothered what is becoming more popular, I don't think it'll affect Dreamsfear too much anyway, once you hear our new stuff you'll understand why but I'll talk more about that later. 
Trends are always present there are but few who chose to follow them. Even in the underground there are trends, it's certainly not a good thing though I think it always has been and always will be like this to a certain extent. What is important is that there are people who will play the music they really love not just coz they think they might get a deal or whatever.

UNDERWORLD > Time will always be the test for bands, how long do you think you will do this style of metal? If you were to change or "progress" as other bands would says, what style do you think to do?

KIERAN > Although we self labeled ourselves as power/thrash metal I do think there are more influences apparent in our music, we needed to label ourselves something and we felt power/thrash would do the job close enough at the time. 
We feel absolutely no limitations to what we can try with Dreamsfear. In fact some of our new stuff has a smooth jazzy type feel to it, it has to be heard to be believed. 
We are in the band to write music we like and when people like it it's great but if no one likes what we do we won't change, we will always write the music we want!

UNDERWORLD > I haven't heard much bands from Ireland, would you mention good bands from your area into any form of metal? Do you love living in Dublin?

KIERAN > Well, Arcane Sun is the only band that I personally like. Mourning Beloveth aren't bad either though their stuff is a bit too slow overall for me. 
Living in Dublin is fine. The only real problem is that the kind of bands I like aren't particularly popular over here so there are never any gigs on that I really want to go and see. 

UNDERWORLD > Dublin is a busy city right? When Ireland comes to mind, I think of wide beautiful graze/farm lands, bagpipes, and quilts. Have you been in these farmlands? Do you know how to play the bagpipe? Bagpipe are goat bellies right? Have you ever worn a kilt?

KIERAN > Yeah, Dublin is pretty busy. Not too bad though and I've never had any hassles while I've been here. I grew up in a small town so yeah I've been on farms & stuff. 
I don't know much about bagpipes, I really don't like the sound from them, and the incessant drone noise from them is terrible. Oilean pipes, which are similar, have a far sweeter sound and there is no drone from them so they are pretty cool. 
I've never worn a kilt; they tend to be only worn by Scotsmen these days. 

UNDERWORLD > Ireland & Scotland have some similarities in cultures right? Can you point out the similarities & the differences, like both can play bagpipes? Is the accent the same?

KIERAN > Well these days there are a lot of similarities between most of the countries of Western Europe, but I do know what you mean, since historically both were Celtic nations (they still are but it doesn't mean as much as it once did). 
The accents are not at all similar in fact there are so many different accents in Ireland alone that it's hard to understand some people from certain areas...

UNDERWORLD > How about the I.R.A. & Sein Fein (is the spelling right?), what do you think of them? Do you believe in what they stand for? How about the ways they use to obtain their goal, do you agree with it? Are you a politically concern on what's going on?

KIERAN > I do get asked this a lot and it's not an easy question to answer. I'm not too bothered about their cause (which is to gain a United Ireland, it doesn't matter much to me whether it's united or not) and there are many historical reasons why things are the way they are so I don't really like to take any sides.....
I am somewhat concerned about the situation but there has been a ceasefire for quite a while and things are okay at the moment, hopefully everybody involved can try to work things out peacefully. 

UNDERWORLD > How about myths or superstitions like the leprechaun, banshees (are banshees exclusive to Ireland? I dunno...) or anything specific to Ireland, do you believe in such? Do you get curious about it? Do you like ghost stories?

KIERAN > Nah, I don't believe in any of these types of things, it's all make believe to me. The roots of such beliefs are quite interesting though, they all stem from old myths and legends I'd guess and I used to be fascinated by old Irish legends and folklore although somewhere along the way I have lost interest in these things, I don't think about them much anymore.....

UNDERWORLD > What other things interest you other than Metal? Any other hobbies or things that keep you busy or weird stuff that people would think you are insane in some way? 

KIERAN > Music takes up a huge part of my spare time but when I get a chance I like to play some football and I love going to see hurling matches. Hurling rules, it's an Irish sport and it's the fastest game played on grass! I also love video games and reading too. 

UNDERWORLD > Would you say that you are a serious guy? What is your humor level, I mean do you do the joke or you just wanna hear it, do you usually laugh or just grin?

KIERAN > No way am I serious. I just love to laugh; it's the best thing in the world to me. Laughter rules, I really don't understand people who can't laugh at themselves and the crazy world around them. I joke about everything; nothing is sacred when it comes to joking!!

UNDERWORLD > Your website is still under re-construction, who's doing it? Are you paying a pro web designer for it? Do like the Internet technology? Would you agree that it help a lot the underground metal scene?

KIERAN > I'm supposed to be doing the website but I just have not had any time recently. I'll get around to it in due time. We can't really afford to pay a pro designer to do it, unfortunately. 
Well, Internet technology is like most stuff there are good points and bad points to it. It is great for promoting bands though; it's a great way to get the name out there! One of the downsides to it is that some people believe anything they read and it's quite easy to post some false stuff and make it look good....

UNDERWORLD > So how often do you check your e-mail or go online? Do you go to chat rooms? How would you balance e-mail & post mail?

KIERAN > I check my mail about every second day or so. I don't really go to chat rooms. I tend to go to some bulletin boards and a few sites to get the latest news. Most correspondence these days is carried out via e-mail, I tend to use post mail just to send out CDs.

UNDERWORLD > How are the new materials for DREAMSFEAR? Will you wait for full members for you to record it? Will this be self-financed also? How do you fund the band?

KIERAN > The new material is weird. We've definitely moved on from "Prelude", there are all kinds of other shenanigans going on in the music. We have some jazzy bits, some really melodic pieces, some almost classical parts and some really heavy stuff too. It's also a lot more complex than the previous stuff and the songs are very long. We have couples that are well over 10 minutes already. We are confident, though, that people who enjoyed "Prelude" will also like the new stuff.
We have someone in mind to record with us if we don't find a singer soon, we might even persuade this person to join the band. He's got an awesome & unique voice and would suit our music really well.
The CD will almost definitely be self-financed. It is tough to fund it, I work as an engineer and Cathal works in a record shop and we pay for it between us.

UNDERWORLD > How is your gig life? When were the last time you played live? Some do hire session or just gig members, would you do such?

KIERAN > Currently our gig life is non-existent, the last time we played was in July of 1999, which is a long time ago. I can't see us hiring session musicians to play, it would cost too much and would take too much time to get people to learn our songs.
Hopefully we can get back to playing live this year though. 

UNDERWORLD > Now, Please give info about DREAMSFEAR's plans, merchandise availability & ways of contacting you. Oh yeah, Dreamsfear is in right?

KIERAN > Dreamsfear will definitely record a new CD this year and hopefully have it released before the end of the year. 
"Prelude to Destiny" is still available for $8 (including postage & packaging) from Dreamsfear, PO Box 6508, Phibsboro, Dublin 7, Ireland. Cash or an International Money Order made payable to Kieran Hynes is acceptable.
We hope to get some t-shirts done pretty soon and details will be on the website as soon as they are! 
Yeah we are on, we are at and we are doing really well, we have had almost 90,000 listens of our 4 songs, which is phenomenal! 
We can be reached at if anyone wants to drop us a line. Just want to say, thanks a lot for the interview and best of luck with the zine!!!

UNDERWORLD > "Prelude To Destiny" is a 4 track CD. Each track is a lengthy piece of power/thrash metal tune. Emotional yet totally head banging!! Ruins-7:28 min, Bleak Horizons-7:08, <Featured in this compilation> As Darkness Falls-5:54 & Burning Bridges -8:02.