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Welcome ye to the Tribunal Armor and Weapons Shop

You walk down the line of shops that occupy the streets of merchant road. He glance to some of the shops, Ironfist Metal, Star's Spire, Pandora's Box, all the various differnt shops yet you see very little armor that is not metalic. You stop by and glance into this place where you notice a series of three tables along with some suits of armor, very little metal but the occasional ones, as well as a few intricate small items that you see, the last table you find a tide sylven sitting behind the counter as he laughs and smiles to you all his gills flutter and around him you spot all sorts of gems lining his table and the pales behind it.

"Greetings, I am Matouya Destral Meijair, do ye need help with anything, perhaps some armor. Ah, I see, well, please take your time and feel free to look around. We have quite a decent selection to choose from."

You make your way through the shop looking from counter to counter, behind one a tide sylven busily at work as he carves a rather decent sized gem, another hooded figure resides behind the final counter as some glowing magickal items are laid out for some display. Behind the middle counter you see the desert sylven that greeted you walking behind it, suits of armor and that of some being constructed are seen behind and on shelves and display cases.

"We have a selction of armors, some speciality weapons for the little folk, as well as my brother here may be able to assit ye in someways yet his power is still on a bit of a limitation. As you see there are somethings even he is not able to do just yet."

With that, you are all left to glance around as you like. Sometimes you feel the eyes of the tide sylven bear down on your body but, when ye turn around, you find him simply whisteling away at his crafting of gems.

The Many Shops

Suits of Armor

Cato's Enchantments

Unique Items

Various & Basic Items


Musical Intruments

Order Form