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Trewth's Weyr

     You walk up a flight of stairs and see a weyr that leads off of it. A brown watch-wher is resting in its lair. A sign above the lair says "Bubba". "Hello Bubba." you say. The brown lets you into the weyr after a short inspection. Inside a large green dragon rests in a stone bed. It opens a eye and looks you over. Three fire-lizards that are perching on its back look at you quizzacly. The older bronze flys into the next room while the green and two browns fly over to perch in the rafters above. You hear a voice come from the next room, "What is it Trewth, Pyro, Odgeme, Georik, Grendel? Do we have a visitor?" A young woman walks in. You note her jet black hair that falls to her shoulders and a pair of bright, emerald eyes. She looks at you and walks over to shake your hand warmly. Two flits perch on her shoulders. "Hi. My name is Jeril. I am the Wing Commander of Fort Dragonweyr. What are you doing over here?" You tell her you have come to look at her collections while staring at the little ones. "Oh don't mind this two! The blue is Alpha and the green is Omega. They're from the same clutch." She makes you scratch their eyeridges. "Look all you want, friend, but I'll leave you to yourself, I have to check on my shop at Neopia Central. Bye!" She says this and then walks out onto a ledge as Trewth and the fire-lizards follows her. She mounts the green and flys away. You look around at all the things cluttering the shelves. Now you are left to your searchings of her weyr...

Hey! The site just got back up from a long time down so there's sure to be misspellings, names switched around, broken links, missing data, etc. If you see any mistakes and can help me fix them, please, please, please, PLEASE tell me so I can correct it. You can Neomail me at Writerjeril. Many tanx!!!

If you see this green guy hanging around the site, click on him to go back to the page before.

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