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Here is a short description of Trenton and its environs. Included are the major vampires, creatures and general knowledge. This should help in understanding the nature of the city. As with most places in the World of Darkness, the cities are larger and darker. This document details the general makeup of the city, as it is in the World of Darkness, but not all of it is true. 

New Jersey

New Jersey is the fifth smallest state but one of the most diversified. Lying between New York City and Philadelphia, in the heart of the highly urbanized area called a megalopolis by some population experts, it is the second most urbanized state, behind only California, and the most densely populated. It is considered "metropolitan" by the census. Yet it has wilderness areas, in the mountains of the northwest and the sparsely settled southern tidelands. New Jersey is in the forefront of industrial research and development, but the continuing importance of farming is reflected in its nickname, the Garden State. New Jersey's ready access to the markets of New York City and Philadelphia led to an      early specialization in fresh fruits and vegetable production. As early as the 17th century, colonists described the area as a garden because of its agricultural bounty. 

New Jersey had a population of 7,730,188 in 1990, according to the census. That was an increase of 5 percent over 1980. The estimated population for 1998 was 8,115,011. The average population density of 422 persons per sq. km (1,094 per sq. mi) is the highest of the 50 states. Some 89 percent of all New Jerseyians live in urban areas, and the population distribution throughout the state is extremely uneven. 

The ethnic composition of the population reflects the heavy influx of immigrants from Europe, particularly in the period after the American Civil War (1861-1865). After the establishment of a Communist government in Cuba in the late 1950s many Cubans settled in New Jersey. 

Whites compose the largest share of the population of New Jersey, representing 79.4 percent of the people in 1990. Some 13.4 percent were black, 3.5 percent were Asian or Pacific Islander, 0.2 percent were Native American, and those of mixed heritage or not reporting ethnicity were 3.6 percent. Hispanics, who may be of any race, were 9.3 percent of the people and were of primarily Puerto Rican or Cuban origin. In 1990 nearly three fifths of the people of Trenton were black. 


Trenton is the Capital of the state of New Jersey in the United States of America. Contrary to popular belief (even in the World of Darkness) New Jersey is not all highways, urban blight and toxic waste dumps. It does have large tracts of untouched forest, especially the area known as the Pine Barrens. 

Trenton and its suburbs are relatively small compared to the rest of the heavily urbanized Northeast United States. Trenton (New Jersey), city in the western part of New Jersey,  capital of the state and seat  of Mercer County, at the  head of navigation on  the Delaware River. Besides being the seat of the state government,  Trenton is a commercial, manufacturing, and transportation center. Products include rubber, plastic, and  metal goods; processed food; printed  materials; and pottery and ceramics. 

Prior to permanent European settlement, the site of Trenton was frequented by the Dutch and Scandinavians, who traded with Native Americans of the Delaware group. About 1679 Mahlon Stacy, an English Quaker,  received a grant of land on the Delaware River and built a grist mill that became known as The Falls. In 1714, Stacy's son sold land to William Trent, a Philadelphia merchant, and the community was laid out shortly thereafter. The city's present name was adopted in 1721. 

On December 25, 1776, George Washington led his army across the Delaware River near Trenton and, in a surprise attack on December 26, defeated the Hessians, German mercenaries allied with the British. In 1784 and in 1799, Trenton served as the temporary capital of the United States. It became the capital of New Jersey in 1790 and was incorporated as a city in 1792. 

By the mid-19th century Trenton was one of the nation's foremost industrial centers, a position enhanced by its location on the Delaware and Raritan Canal and on the Camden and Amboy Railroad . The iron and steel industry, which had been established here in the mid-18th century, expanded in 1849 when John Roebling began making steel cable in Trenton. At the same time, the city's pottery and ceramics industry developed rapidly, and later in the 19th century Trenton became a major rubber products manufacturing center. The city suffered economic setbacks in the mid-20th century, when several manufacturing firms ceased operations here. 

The crime rate is relatively lower compared to the other major cities, but it is still high. Car jacking, Car theft, Drug Addiction, Theft and Assault all seem to be common in the inner city. Incidents of hate crimes are surprisingly low. Unemployment is low, with the number of manufacturers and corporations in the area. 

The cost of living is quite high but most people have a roof over their head. The population is unevenly distributed. Racial distribution has a higher concentration of minority people in the urban city and the white majority in the suburbs but recent trends have seen a change as the wealthy and middle class have returned to the city, reclaiming the once high class mansions of the city and minorities moving to the suburbs as they become better educated and affluent. Projections show that by the year 2005, there will be a balance throughout the urban and suburban areas. 

Trenton the City 
Along the Delaware river is the Capital District where the State House, Justice Complex, Maximum Security State Prison and numerous state agencies are located. The State Legislature and County Freeholders all are based in Trenton. 
During the day, it is busy with State workers from clerks to Executives and Directors. At night is is populated with prostitutes, gangs and generally dangerous people in the night. 

Among the points of  interest here are the golden domed State House; the Old Masonic Lodge; the Old Barracks, quarters for British troops in 1758-1763 and again in 1776, during the American Revolution; Douglass House, where George Washington planned his march to Princeton, New Jersey, in 1777; the tall Battle Monument, topped by a statue of Washington stands in the location where Washington set up his artillery; the Friends Meeting House; Trent House, the home of William Trent, for whom the city is named; and the New Jersey State Museum. 

Primarily a residential suburb of Trenton, Ewing has facilities manufacturing motor vehicle parts for General Motors, building materials, and ball bearings. Mercer County Airport, the New  Jersey School for the Deaf, and the Naval Air Turbine Test Station are located here. A few minor skirmishes took place in Ewing during the American Revolution, and after Washington crossed the Delaware, a portion of his army marched through Ewing on its way to Trenton to attack the British. While moving through Ewing, Washington observed the landscape of the Township and found it to his liking, several years after the War, the retired general who became the fledgling country's first President suggested that Ewing would make a fine location for the capital of the new country along land that is now known as Federal City Road. Land was set aside for this development and today is still a wooded area owned by the Federal Government. Mysteriously, after this became known, Washington decided that he wanted the Nations Capitol closer to his home in Virginia. 

Ewing has been granted to Julian Draegar as his domain So far he has done nothing with the domain though things may change at any time.

Hamilton is a residential community with varied manufacturing. Communities within the township include Hamilton Square, Yardville, Mercerville, and  WhiteHorse. Mercer County Community College, a modern train station, a 24 screen theater and an automobile racetrack are here. The former New Jersey State Fair Grounds is now the location of a sculpture park. It should be noted that the Mayor of Hamilton, Jack Rafferty is the stereotypical corrupt politician, having his hand in every deal legal and illegal for all of his 24 years as mayor 

Hopewell is residentially and industrially undeveloped, with many agricultural farms and horse farms. Upper Middle and Upper class neighborhoods dot the area. 

Lambertville marks the northern most extent of the Princes control of the region. It is a small town, with numerous antique shops and art galleries. 

Lawrenceville (commonly shortened to Lawrence) is a residential suburb to the Northeast of Trenton. It consists of mostly upper middle class and lower upper class neighborhoods. The corporate sector of Lawrenceville is just south of Princeton and is the home of numerous biotechnical and pharmaceutical firms such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and also the home of Educational Testing Service which administers college entrance exams and many other educational tests. 
Some 56 historic homes are located in Lawrenceville, including the boyhood home of General H. Norman      Schwarzkopf, Jr., a leader in the Persian Gulf War of 1991. 

A small town nestled between Ewing and Hopewell, it is primarily a lower upper class residential area. Pennington is the exclusive domain of the Seneschal.

Princeton, borough and township, lie north of Trenton, going through Lawrenceville. They are residential and educational centers, being the site of Princeton University  (originally founded as the College of New Jersey, 1746), Princeton Theological Seminary which is one of the worlds leading schools of religious education, Westminister Choir College, and the Institute for Advanced Study. In the township are many research industries, corporate news headquarters, and arboreal nurseries. Land and housing in Princeton is quite expensive and home to many Mansions and wealthy families. 

Also of note is Morven, until 1982 the official residence of New Jersey's governor, and Drumthwacket, the present official residence. 

Princeton University is a private, coeducational institution of higher education, the fourth oldest in the United States, located in Princeton, New Jersey. It is an Ivy League University and among the top ten, with people coming from around the globe to attend. First- and second year students are assigned to one of five residential colleges, where they live, eat, and socialize. About 70 percent of all juniors and seniors join one of the nonresidential eating clubs adjacent to campus. Princeton's graduate school was established in 1901. It offers doctoral programs in engineering, the humanities, mathematics, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The library system consists of the Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library and 18 special libraries (which include 15 academic department collections). The Princeton libraries house more than 5 million books and journals, 5 million manuscripts, and 2 million microfilms. Housed in the Princeton University Art Museum are collections of ancient, medieval European, Renaissance, modern European, Far Eastern, African, pre-Columbian, and American paintings and sculptures. The museum also has holdings of original photographs, master prints, and drawings. 

New Hope, PA
New Hope is connected to Lambertville by a bridge across the Delaware river. It is a free and accepting community inhabited by artists, fringe culture, occult and new age practitioners and a sizable gay and lesbian community. In the summer during the weekends, many bikers gather in New Hope to show off and meet in peace. An unwritten law among the bikers is that there are no hostilities in town or traveling to or from. 

Local politics for the suburbs is in the form of an elected Mayor – Council who usually serve for a 4 year term. 

State Governor 
The Governor is based in Trenton and has an official residence in Princeton. In 1989 Florio, served one controversial term. In response to the recession of the early 1990s, he implemented a sweeping tax- and education reform package, that while needed and effective, aroused great anger and hurt the popularity of the Democratic Party throughout the state. In the 1993 election Florio lost to Republican Christine Todd Whitman, who promised significant tax cuts which she did not deliver. Whitman reduced personal income taxes during her first term but alienated conservative Republicans by opposing a state law banning late term abortions without exception. She was reelected in 1997 by a very narrow margin and is generally disliked to the point that Florio was a viable option. 

Vampire Population 

Greater Trenton Metro having an estimated population of no more than 1 million mortal inhabitants should hold no more than 10 of the Kindred by modern standards. However, since the abandonment of the region by the Camarilla and the current laws of the Prince, the supernatural population is much higher, possibly in the realm of 30 or more. 
Helping to support a larger population is the mortals seeming acceptance of mysterious deaths and sickness. It is not that they are not noticed, more that they are rationalized and glossed over. Supernatural and Horrific events are ignored. 
Trenton is a balance between industry, blight and a high society that politely ignores the lower class. It is a free city, bound by the laws of neither the Camarilla or the Sabbat. Prince Desiderius has held control over the city since the American Revolution and took it to its heights, only to suffer economic backlash from various factions of the Camarilla in numerous attempts to oust him. Even during the times of Camarilla rule, the Prince allowed independent Clans to act openly and the Sabbat to work secretly as long as they did nothing to destabilize his rule. The Sabbat has become bolder in recent years and the leader of Trenton's only founded pack has been seen meeting with the Prince often. 

Below the Clans of Trenton are listed, along with current actions and Primogen if any: 

Prince: Desiderius 
Primogen: Warden Julian Draegar
Aside from the Princeand Warden, there is one Brujah, Wild Bill, who live in Trenton and Wild Bill is ignored at best, hated more often for his arrogance and anarch activities. Wild Bill has the distinction of being the only Kindred in the city who is forbidden, on pain of final death, to sire any childer and is banned from creating ghouls. Wild Bill is the Princes Grandchilder much to his chagrin. Bills sire James Fall was found diablerized about 5 years ago, but it has been proved that Bill was not responsible. It is generally accepted that one of the visiting Sabbat was responsible. 

Primogen: Scourge Diva 
Until 5 years ago there was a Gangrel coterie that called Trenton their home. They acted as the ambassadors of the Princes goodwill and continuing devotion to the pact between the Kindred and the Garou. With only Diva left, the fate of the pact lies in limbo. Diva now alone holds the title and responsibility of Scourge.

Primogen: Heather Fields 
Heather is the only Malkavian in Trenton. She attends meetings as she feels and knows when they are, even when not invited. Heather has a tendency to ‘come-on’ to Prince Desiderius in highly suggestive sexual ways and the worst possible times.  Why the Prince tolerates this behavior is unknown. 

Primogen: Stephan Bauers 
The Nosferatu have been in place in Trenton almost as long as the Brujah and Gangrel. They have considerable influence in the unions and utilities. It is known that there are tunnels, sewers, and forgotten basements that appear on no maps for every few years one will collapse or be uncovered by construction. It is assumed that these are the work of the Nosferatu. 

Primogen: Dean McAllister 
There are a few Toreador in the region, mostly concentrating in the numerous art galleries of Princeton and New Hope. Dean holds frequent socials, in which most kindred are invited should they behave themselves. Ashley Lockwood in New Hope has made a name for herself in that her work is controversial and pushes the limits of art. Some call her a Poseur but she is talented they must admit, even if they find her subject matter distasteful. Ashley has recently been put to the fire and her murderer brought to justice.

Primogen: Desmond Novotny
Recent events have seen the relative (with the last five years or so) newcomer Desmond Novotny has established a new Chantry in the region and taken a new apprentices Adrian. Another apprentice, Xiang Song-Hi, has been called to study in Vienna and brought great status for Regent Novotny. The only Tremere known to frequent the area is the renegade diabolist Drake. He has been known to be the death of many higher generation kindred, often used in experiments. No one, not even the Prince knows his location.

Primogen: Zachary Crowe 
Zachary Crowe holds considerable power among Trenton and Princeton's Elite. He is known as the ‘Little Prince of Princeton’ where he makes his residence. He and Prince Desiderius have a rivalry going but in official matters he defers to Desiderius. Zachary has leeway to run Princeton within the rules, and it is known that Sabbat activities are unwelcome in Princeton. Many other Ventrue have come to Trenton to take advantage of the business opportunities. Maksim Girilov a Russian old country Nobleman and Jonathan Dewinter III an American corporate shark, Sophia Rozanov a Psychotherapist and the Seneschal Jonathan Rabb.

Primogen/Bishop: Tomas Rosseo 
Thomas is the leader of Trenton's founded pack and has been welcomed by the Prince in Primogen meetings. 

Tzimisce presence in Trenton is non existant with only a  few nomads traveling between New York and Philadelphia. 

There is an occasional Giovanni activity in Trenton due to its close location to the Giovanni stronghold of Atlantic City but they have no official standing in the city. Vittorio is the resident Giovanni and unofficial head of the Clan in Trenton.

Ever the wanderers, Ravnos are welcome in the city but none have taken residence. 

The Followers of Set are represented by Khafra and Sati. They can be found with their scaly hands in Trentons vices.

There are no Salubri in Trenton. The last Salubri to enter Trenton was found only three days after her arrival, impaled on the State Capitol buildings golden dome just moments before the sunrise. Unfortunately she was not able to be saved. Since then any and all Salubri give Trenton a wide berth. 

Eastern Kindred
None of the mysterious Eastern Clans are anywhere in the city or suburbs, even with the Asian population of Princeton steadily growing. Rumor has it that a single Cathayan has taken residence in Trentons "Little Asia" but none can confirm it.

Being a highly urbanized country means that there is a lot of wilderness, and with that comes a lot of Garou. Most Kindred do not venture too far out of the city for that is Garou territory. (See Gangrel)

The mysterious willworkers do have groups in the area. Not much is known about them except two of the groups go by the names of Verbena and Ecstasy. 

Trenton used to host a sizable community of Changelings, but they have been in decline after many suspicious deaths. 

There is a strong Mafia presence in Trenton, in the neighborhood of Chambersburg. The people of Chambersburg are mainly of Italian descent. The Mafia has a control on protection, illegal gambling, the more expensive drugs, and other miscellaneous illegal activities. However they do not have any large scale interest in prostitution. 

  Places and events of Interest

Mercer Medical Center – Leading Prenatal care facility in New Jersey. 
Helene Fuld – Trauma facility for Mercer County. 
Princeton Medical Center – A general medical facility serving Princeton's needs. 
Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center at Hamilton – The leading cardiac care facility in New Jersey, also a teaching hospital 

Mercer County Airport 
Private jets, corporate and otherwise, fly into this airport a mere five miles from Trenton. It is the only airport of size in the area. There are smaller strips, usually with one runway in the suburbs. The airport is capable of, but does not, landing the largest commercial and military planes. Usually one will fly into either Philadelphia or New York and charter a flight into Mercer. 

There are numerous art galleries sprinkled about the region, most are in Princeton and New Hope. 
Painting and Sculpture seem to be the most favored form of art. There are a few excellent symphonies and orchestras as well as world class classical soloists in the area. 
The Boehm Gallery. 
Masterpieces in fine Porcelain from the Boehm Studio are found around the world in museums and homes of leaders in government, religion, the arts and industry. 
Lenox china and crystal has been chosen by the White House, the State Department and Congress for presentation to dignitaries and heads of state throughout the world. It supplies all the china and crystal for the White House ever since the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. 

Educational institutions in the region include Thomas Edison State College, James Kearney campus, a branch of the Mercer County Community College of Hamilton, Trenton State College in Ewing, Rider University in Lawrence and Princeton University. Princeton University, the fourth oldest university in the United States and one of the most prestigious, was founded in 1746. It houses the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the James Forrestal Research Center, specializing in aeronautical engineering and chemical sciences. Also located at Princeton is the Institute for Advanced Study, where Albert Einstein lived and worked during his last years. There are a number of public schools and private college prep schools in the area. 

Waterfront Stadium 
On the Delaware river, it is an open air stadium for Trenton's baseball team, the Trenton Thunder. 
Sovereign Bank Arena 
The new Sovereign Bank Arena is an enclosed arena built on the site of an old factory. Venues include the Trenton Titans hockey team and such others as Ice Skating, Monster Trucks and Professional Wrestling. 

Shopping Centers
Trenton Commons – small business shops cater to Trenton's inner city residents 
Quaker Bridge Mall -  A large mall that is getting old despite the newer store chains such as Lord & Taylor which has been trying to bring up the quality of the mall, but it is a common youth hangout who resist attempts to upgrade. 
Mercer Mall – A strip mall across the road from Quaker Bridge Mall, approximately 20 stores of general needs it also has Comic Relief, the areas best comic shop and gaming store by order. 
Princeton Market Faire -  a high class mall, catering mostly to Princeton and has Princeton prices. 

Theater and Cinema 
McCarter Theater – The areas leading performing arts theater both producing and booking, features year round music, dance and plays from world renowned performers. 
Open Air Theater at Washington's Crossing Park – A small performing group puts on plays in the park her during the summer. 
AMC Theater Hamilton – A large cinema with 24 screens of new movies with an amphitheater style seating, 
comfortable chairs and a first class sound system. 
General Cinema at Mercer Mall – 8 Screens featuring new run movies 
United Artists Theater at Princeton Market Faire – 8 Screens of new run movies 

Trenton and its urbanized suburbs have numerous small sleazy motels and hotels where no-one need know your name and you do not have to sign in. There is one hotel proposed in the Capital district but it has been held back over various concerns and is on hold at the moment. It is proposed to be a large multi storied higher class hotel but for now the only large classier place are in Princeton but lie outside of the safe zone. 

Clubs & Bars
Egypt – Trenton – Formerly Katmandu. In 1993, the site was scouted by these two popular clubs with 
their roots in Philadelphia. Katmandu won the bid for space. Initially a popular club, it then suffered declines and setbacks. In 1998 Egypt bought it out. It has an Egyptian motif and small waterfront docks for small personal craft. 

Electric Playground – Hamilton – An Under 21 Dance Club playing popular dance music. Open Friday, 
Saturday and Sunday 

Club 14 – Trenton – A typical bar with crowded dance floor. The bar has suffered bouts of setbacks and 
scandal before reopening several times. Its latest incarnation is in a darker image. The exterior has 
been painted black and there is only a small sign outside in imitation of City Gardens. The dance floor is crowded and the bar is large. Popular college hangout. 

Club 88 – Ewing – An African American bar. Fights occasionally breakout but there is little gang activity. 
They have been closed more than once for failure to check the age of its clientele but reopens with a new owner within a month 

City Gardens – The only Goth Club in Trenton. Closed Wednesdays. Two story converted warehouse in a 
flat black. The owner occasionally puts a sign outside naming the club but it mysteriously goes missing within weeks of it being put up. One of the worst sections of Trenton. 

Chaos Rave – A mobile underground dance party. Euphorics, stimulants and sex. A typical rave. 

Obsessions - S. Clinton Ave. Trenton. This is a small narrow building. There is enough room for the bar, a 
narrow dance strip, seats and some room to move behind to get in and out. In direct violation of NJ law the dancers often go fully naked and have been known to put on special shows. 

Camelot Lounge – Chambers Street Trenton. Diagonal and one block over from the drug and gang infested
Trenton High School. It has a central dance floor and bar. 

Klaras – A strip club in the Eastern European section of Trenton. They women dance in bikinis only but 
this has become an important Hispanic and Neighborhood Gang hangout. 

Little Ceasars/Sugar & Spice – Pennsylvania. Although not officially within the set limits of the Trenton 
area, it lies just over the bridge. Women are topless and has two dance floors and a large bar. 
Officially known as Sugar and Spice, it was originally Little Ceasars until the Pizza Company of the same name (which came later) sued for the rights to the name and won. The bar is still a popular attraction. 

Buddies –Trenton’s only gay & lesbian bar. A small bar and dance floor but it attracts its target clientele 

The Cartwheel – New Hope. Gay and Lesbian Restaurant, Bar and Disco. This is the areas most 
popular gay bar, attracting people from as far away as Philadelphia and New York. The food is incredibly good, the dance floor is always packed and they do not water down the drinks. They have two basement bars and an upper level restaurant. 

Ravens Pub – New Hope. Another Gay and Lesbian establishment. This bar and motel is patronized mostly 
by men and transvestites. It is subdued but the intent is obvious by the people.

The Well - A mysterious and dark place (even by Kindred standards) where the decadent and truly evil feel at home. Its location is unknown to most Kindred and those who know aren't talking.

Local Media 
Trenton Times – The Trenton Times endeavors to be a serious newspaper, carefully checking facts 
and not giving in to sensationalism. 

Trentonian – Where the Times is cautious, the Trentonian does not hesitate to report. Quite often it is 
correct and gets the news before the Times. It does not shy away from sensationalism. It has an  anonymous call in column in which the best calls are replied to by the mysterious Ed Note the next day. Page Six is a gossip and pinup page. 

WPST – Aside from college radio, this FM station is Trenton’s only local station with a top 40 format. 

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