Straight Life
Written By: Tom Fontana
Directed By: Leslie Libman and Larry Williams
Original Airdate: August 4, 1997
Transcribed: November 17, 1999. Last Revised: November 23, 1999.

Oz is the property of Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Rysher Entertainment, and HBO. This page is not authorized by any of the above. Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from this page.

(Hill narrating with shots of Wangler smuggling in drugs via a visit with his baby.)

Hill: Floods. You know how you always hear about them people in Iowa or Missouri or wherever how some big river always overflows? The fucking water keeps pouring over its riverbanks, out of control, taking out farms and towns and everything in its path. Everybody tries to stop it, but nobody can. Everybody's lives are wiped out. Completely destroyed. And the fucking river, it don't give a shit. It just keeps rising. Year after year after fucked up year. My question is, are them hicks in the midwest whacked out or what? This one joker I seen on TV, his home had been washed away four times. Four fucking times. Why don't he just leave? Why don't he jump in that pickup and drive to higher ground? Or is he like us in Oz? There ain't no higher ground.

(Shots of Wangler, Markstrom, and Adebisi getting high in a classroom.)

McManus: Hey!

(In a hallway.)

McManus: Yeah, what I'm saying is that your officers are doing a shit job. The whole concept behind Emerald City is that you never take your eyes off anyone.

Wittlesey: We don't.

McManus: Well, then how do you explain Beecher getting a swastika burned onto his ass or Miguel Alvarez cutting his face all up or inmates using classrooms to snort fucking heroin?

Wittlesey: It's life, Tim. Shit slides through. If you don't like the way I run things, replace me.

McManus: You know I'm not gonna do that, Diane.

Wittlesey: Why? Cause we're fucking each other?

(In a conference room.)

McManus: Sorry we're late.

Glynn: If you ever got here on time, McManus, I think I'd have a heart attack.

Wittlesey: What are we talking about?

Sister Pete: Drugs.

Wittlesey: My favorite topic.

Armstrong: The more we try and stop the drugs, the more the drugs get in.

Sister Pete: Well, what do you expect? Outside, they're sentencing dealers to much longer prison time.

Burrano: Yeah, we got a prison full of guys who are experts at moving shit through any system.

Healy: Nino Schibetta's got the biggest operation. We stop him, we make a major dent.

Glynn: McManus, you wanted Schibetta in Em City. You said you could reach him.

McManus: I will, in time.

Glynn: Unfortunately, that's one of the many things we don't have.

McManus: I know. When it comes to drugs, there are two major players involved: Nino Schibetta and Kareem Said.

Sister Pete: Muslims are anti-drugs.

McManus: Exactly.

(In McManus' office.)

McManus: We want your help stopping the flow.

Said: That's your job, not mine.

McManus: You know everything about this place. You could tell us the whens and the wheres.

Said: Yes, and end up dead. No thank you. I have to take care of this disease my own way.

Sister Pete: Which is?

Said: By fighting the addiction.

Sister Pete: Well, you see, that's what I'm trying to do with my counseling sessions. You know, you and I have exact same goals, Kareem, only because of who we are we can't help each other acheive these goals. So more inmates get hurt. It is so frustrating.

Said: Sister, we both believe in a greater power. His will be done.

Sister Pete: His will or yours?

McManus: Yeah, well, in my experience, God isn't too helpful unless you give him a little nudge. (Said leaves.)

Sister Pete: What now?

McManus: Schibetta's drugs fuck with people's heads. It's time I start fucking with his.

(In Em City.)

McManus: The last couple of weeks have been tough on you, Nino. Your wife dying, Dino Ortolani murdered, Joey D'Angelo out of commission. Overall, your troops are thinning. They're getting older, they're more anemic. Now, the blacks and Latinos are taking over, on the streets and in here. So we gotta face it, the days of the Mafia are over.

Schibetta: Who calls it Mafia?

McManus: OK, OK. Let's just say you're at an age, you outta start to relax a little bit. Now, I got a friend, DEA. He says you wanna talk, he'll make a deal.

Schibetta: A deal? What's he gonna do, put me in witness protection? You are a fool, McManus. Now, you can try for the next thousand years not to be a fool, but you'll always be one. Well, I can't change neither. I can't turn my back on who I am. Certainly not for you. Certainly not for some dumbass DEA deal. You done with me?

McManus: For now.

(In Em City, later.)

Wittlesey: Attention! The following inmates are to be transferred immediately. As I call your name, gather your belongings and form a line by Officer Vogelsang. 88P715, Ottovino. 91J224, Jenbro. 85P661, Pellicano. 94R511, Ricatta. (All of the Sicilians except Schibetta are removed from Em City.)

Adebisi: Arrividerci, baby.

(In the kitchen.)

Schibetta: Chocolate bars.

Markstrom: Pecans or without?

Schibetta: Both.

Markstrom: You got it.

Schibetta: Graci. You been handling things pretty good around here since Joey's accident.

Markstrom: You do what you gotta do.

Schibetta: That's right. The bad blood between you boys and us, well, with Jefferson Keane cold, I'm willing to let bygones be gone.

Markstrom: Yeah, me too.

Schibetta: You like tits?

Markstrom: Who doesn't?

Schibetta: My tits are firm and round. Maybe you could suck my tits.

Markstrom: There are a lot of brothers who would love to.

Schibetta: If you fuck me over, I'll cut this hand off.

Adebisi: What the hell was that about?

Markstrom: The future, my brother. Us owning the future.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: Tits. That's what we call drugs. 60% of the violence in prison is due to tits. Either people not paying their debts or people trying to control the traffic. The traffic. Here in Oz the last few days the traffic has been bumper to bumper. (Flashbacks of Poklewaldt's crime.) Prisoner number 94P442, Ronald Poklewaldt. Convicted March 8, '94. Arson in the second degree. Sentence: 25 years. Up for parole in 10.

(In Em City.)

Adebisi: Hey.

Poklewaldt: Hey, don't touch me.

Wangler: Oh, so you're hiding behind the bitch's skirt now, huh?

Poklewaldt: You hurt me, she'll see you.

Adebisi: I just want my money.

Poklewaldt: Next week I'm getting a check.

Adebisi: You said that last week.

Poklewaldt: I know, I know, but I can't be held responsible for the U.S. mail. Ow, shit!

Markstrom: Let's go.

Adebisi: No money, no tits.

Poklewaldt: Yeah.

(At Schibetta's pod.)

Schibetta: Tomorrow we get healthy. I want you boys to...

Wangler: Who you calling "boys", old man?

Markstrom: Kenny, shut the fuck up. Take a walk.

Wangler: But I'm saying, how you gonna let him just call...?

Markstrom: Be gone, little nigger. Look, Nino, I wanna be there when the shit comes in. Where's it happen?

Schibetta: Sorry. It's an old family recipe. We don't share.

Markstrom: Hey, if we're gonna be partners, yo, we just outta be up on how big a risk we gotta take.

Schibetta: Just knowing it works ain't enough?

Markstrom: No, man.

Schibetta: All right.

Markstrom: So how's it work, Nino?

Adebisi: We know it doesn't go from the kitchen, otherwise we'd have seen it.

Schibetta: Kitchen's the first place the cops would look. No, we use the post office. Hold this. A box of socks from my sister. Versace.

Adebisi: It's an old trick.

Schibetta: It still works.

Markstrom: Yeah, but, where do you cut it?

Schibetta: Here.

Markstrom: Here? Here, where?

Schibetta: I ain't telling you everything. At least not until we've been in business a little longer.

Markstrom: All right. Cool. (He and Adebisi leave.)

Adebisi: Fuck him. I don't wanna do no business with no dago.

Ryan: Hey, how's it going?

Markstrom: Man, we won't be for long. Schibetta's weak. He done already lost a lot of his men. All we got to do is find out how his operation works, then we take it over.

(In Schibetta's pod.)

Ryan: Nino?

Schibetta: Yeah?

Ryan: My offer still stands. I wanna be here for you. I wanna help you any way I can.

Schibetta: OK, kid, thanks. I said "ok", ok?

Ryan: OK.

(In McManus' office.)

Poklewaldt: I'll testify against Adebisi, Markstrom, and Wangler.

Glynn: We need to figure out how the drugs get in. You got any idea how the gangsters are doing it?

Poklewaldt: No. No, I don't. I don't.

Glynn: You find out, you let me know.

Poklewaldt: Oh, I'll find out all right, and then I want you to bust Adebisi's ass.

McManus: Ronnie, been to drug counseling recently?

Poklewaldt: Sure, sure. I go all the time.

McManus: Sister Peter Marie says you haven't been there for two weeks.

Poklewaldt: I'll go today. I promise.

(In Ryan's pod. He and Beecher are getting high.)

Ryan: Get lost, punk. You aren't squeezing my tits anymore. You never pay.

Poklewaldt: No, no, no, that's not why I'm here. Markstrom and his crew, how they getting their shit into Oz?

Ryan: What're you doing? You doing market research now?

Poklewaldt: No, man, I'm looking to fuck those niggers up.

Ryan: Well, I don't know how they do it, but I got a couple of guesses. Sit your ass down.

(In the post office. Inmates and COs are sorting packages. They open one with shoes and find nothing else in it. Schibetta makes a call.)

Markstrom: Nino, let's talk about this. Come on.

(In Schibetta's pod.)

Schibetta: You stay out.

Markstrom: It's all right, Kenny. It's all right.

Schibetta: Me and my associates are very unhappy about this morning's events. How did this happen?

Markstrom: Nino...

Schibetta: My operation's been running smooth as a silk shirt. I tell you what's what, and suddenly the hacks know. I gotta wonder if one of your boys is the jabber.

Markstrom: Aw, come on, man, that's impossible.

Schibetta: Anything is possible! You want to stay in business with me? Find the leak and plug the leak today.

Markstrom: Don't worry about it. We'll take care of it, all right? Come on.

Schibetta: Adebisi, stay.

Wangler: What's that?

Markstrom: I don't know, man, but watch him.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: Secrets. We all got secrets. Mostly our secrets are tied to our addictions, our obsessions. You like that bourbon too much? You get off eating chicks with dicks. You gotta do it in hiding. You say you somebody but you really somebody else. Only things that matter to us most, do we keep a secret. And sometimes, those secrets will kill you.

(In the gym. Glynn and McManus come in to see Markstrom hanging.)

Glynn: Fuck! Cut him down.

McManus: Markstrom didn't strike me as the suicide type.

Glynn: He wasn't.

McManus: I'm sorry, Leo.

Glynn: For what?

McManus: He was your cousin.

Glynn: He's not my cousin.

McManus: What are you talking about? That's what you told me when he came in. That's why you wanted him in Em City.

Glynn: He's not my cousin. He's a narc, an undercover cop.

(In Glynn's office.)

McManus: You put an undercover cop in my cell block and you don't even fucking mention it to me?

Glynn: Look, I'm trying to put some brakes on the drug traffic. I get city Narcotics to send in a man, I figure the less people that know about it, the better.

McManus: Even so, you shoulda told me, Leo.

Glynn: And what? Listen to you lecture on prisoners' rights? About entrapment? No, thanks.

McManus: So let me get this straight, Markstrom's been feeding you info all along?

Glynn: The idea was to get him in good with the gangsters, get him to find out about their operation. But somebody gave him up.

McManus: Yeah, who?

Glynn: One of these monkeys in Narcotics must be talking to the mob. (The phone rings.) What? Oh, yes, Governor. Yes. Yeah, I know. Goodbye. This time, he wants a lockdown.

McManus: Oh, Devlin's fighting for his political life. He's trying to take the focus off him and put it on us.

Glynn: Yeah, I know. But the bottom line is, I was gonna do it anyway. Until we nail whoever's responsible for Markstrom's murder, I'm locking Oz down, tight.

(In Em City.)

Poklewaldt: Man, who woulda thought Markstrom was a cop?

Ryan: Makes you sick, don't it?

Poklewaldt: Yeah.

Ryan: Makes you wonder who else is under cover.

Poklewaldt: Could be anybody.

Ryan: Could be you.

Poklewaldt: Could be you.

Ryan: Hey, Nino.

Adebisi: The hacks didn't buy Markstrom's suicide.

Schibetta: I didn't they think would. It was more a sign to Glynn. Don't fuck with us.

Adebisi: Yeah, now they're gonna lock down this whole fucking place.

Schibetta: For a little while.

Adebisi: And the smuggling operation, it's busted.

Schibetta: The post office thing? That's not the way we really do it. That was just a test to see what you boys were made of. The truth is, I'd never tell you the truth. The fastest way to end this lockdown is to pick one of your gang and have him cop to the Markstrom hanging.

Adebisi: OK.

Schibetta: I always thought Keane and Markstrom were holding you back. From the get-go, you were a guy that sees how the world gets made. Adebisi. Ends in "I". Sure you're not Italian?

Adebisi: Schibetta ends in "A". Maybe you African.

Mineo: Lockdown, gentlemen, lockdown! Today, Adebisi!

Adebisi: Lockdown, gentlemen, lockdown.

(In Alvarez' and Groves' pod.)

Alvarez: Man, I fucking hate lockdowns. I mean getting trapped in this fucking fishbowl, man, I start fiending for some fucking tits. You a tit boy, Groves?

Groves: Drugs are bad.

Alvarez: Bullshit. Man, you had to be fucked up when you ate your mother.

Groves: Mom told me that drugs were bad.

Alvarez: Right. I bet you were a good little boy, right? Did everything your mama told you to.

Groves: I like your scars.

Alvarez: Now I know why McManus put us in the same cell together. You're the only motherfucker in Em City more fucked up than I am.

Groves: Here.

Alvarez: I don't wanna write anybody a fucking letter. I wanna get fucking high.

Groves: You lick the back.

Alvarez: Lick the back?

Groves: It's liquid LSD.

Alvarez: Groves, this gives stamp collecting a whole new meaning, baby.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: I don't have to tell you, drugs ain't the only things to get addicted to. Some people mainline their work, some people snort ESPN, some people needle pop gambling. There are those that shoot up junk food, fine wine, cohibas, baby. Some people get hooked on love. And like any fiend on the street, you always need another bump. Just one more bump, man, just one more bump.

(In McManus' office.)

Wittlesey: Hey.

McManus: Hi. What's the matter?

Wittlesey: Markstrom was murdered. He was a cop. I feel responsible.

McManus: Diane, Van Harris confessed to the murder.

Wittlesey: Yeah, well, even so. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am doing a shit job here.

McManus: You know what, I got an idea. Tonight after work you come to my place.

Wittlesey: I can't, I gotta drive home. Mom says Didi's been acting up.

McManus: I wanna meet your daughter. Why don't you bring her into town, three of us will go to dinner?

Wittlesey: And then what'll I do with her? This isn't exactly a take your daughter to work kind of place.

McManus: I love you, Diane.

Wittlesey: Do you?

McManus: No, you're supposed to say, "I love you too, Tim."

Wittlesey: The night of Keane's execution, you know, what we did, it was really fucked up. And I don't know why. Was it loneliness?

McManus: Why does the why matter?

Wittlesey: Well, it doesn't, does it? I came up here to get the file on the new arrival.

McManus: His name is Scott Ross.

Wittlesey: Scott Ross? Oh, shit.

McManus: Is there a problem?

Wittlesey: Nah, it's nothing I can't handle.

(Hill narrating with flashbacks of Ross' crime.)

Hill: Prisoner number 97R518, Scott Ross. Convicted June 4, '97. Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. Third conviction. Sentence: Life without parole. Three strikes, sucker!

(In the admitting area.)

Wittlesey: Wait here.

Mack: Sure.

Ross: Since when you been working Oz?

Wittlesey: About six months.

Ross: This is great.

Wittlesey: No, no it's not.

Ross: Always dreamed of you having me in cuffs.

Wittlesey: Look, just because we knew each other in a former life, doesn't mean you're getting any special treatment.

Ross: I love it when you play tough.

Wittlesey: I'm not playing, Scott. Mack? Mark Mack, Scott Ross. Mack is your sponsor. He'll help you get acquainted with the rules. Take him to Em City.

Mack: You knew her on the outside?

Ross: Yeah. Me and her ex used to ride together.

(In Em City.)

CO: In there. Top bunk, all right?

Mineo: All right, gentlemen, the lockdown is over.

(In Ross' pod.)

Schillinger: Hey.

Ross: Hey. I'm gonna give you ten minutes to get your hands off my dick. (Schillinger starts laughing.) Schillinger, you fuck.

Schillinger: Scotty, how long you in for?

Ross: Life.

Schillinger: Oh, man.

Ross: What? You got any cigarettes?

(In a stairwell.)

Wittlesey: No smoking. Put the butt out.

Ross: Diane, I'm not asking for any special favors but we've known each other for a long time.

Wittlesey: Have we? I was married to Glen for four fun filled years. During that time, you were finishing up a six year sentence. We were on the road together maybe five months.

Ross: They were a great five months.

Wittlesey: All you did was come on to me. If Glen hadn't been so fucked up on coke, he'd have noticed.

Ross: I was a man in love. I still am.

Wittlesey: Oh, please. Save it for the shower room.

Ross: Diane, I know what your life is like now, raising a kid on your own, working midnights shifts. I hear you're doing double shifts cause you need the money. I got a way to make you money.

Wittlesey: You looking out for my best interests, huh?

Ross: Yeah.

Wittlesey: Like I said, save it. Get your ass back to Em City.

(In a conference room.)

Glynn: Next item, overtime. The good news is, based on the successful conclusion of negotiations between the Department of Corrections and the Officers' Union, we have a contract. The bad news is, because the overtime rate is now so high, the Commissioner has decided to no longer allow officers to work double shifts.

Wittlesey: What? This sucks! The department gave in to the union's demands, knowing they never intended to pay any overtime?

Burrano: That's how deals get made.

Healy: Hey, what're you complaining about, lady Di? Frees you up to spend more time with your boyfriend.

Wittlesey: What are you talking about?

McManus: Yeah, Healy, what're you trying to say?

Healy: You two wanna pretend you're not fucking each other, fine.

McManus: You're a funny guy, you know that?

Sister Pete: Knock it off, you two!

Glynn: McManus! McManus, sit down!

McManus: You fucking prick.

Glynn: Sit down! Healy, keep your comments to yourself. Next item.

(In McManus' office.)

McManus: Fuck them.

Wittlesey: No, Timmy, it's not that easy. Like it or not, we work with these people. If they don't respect us, it makes the day ten times harder.

McManus: Are you saying we can't see each other anymore?

Wittlesey: Look, this job is all I have. Do you understand that? You have a college education, a big time reputation. If I lose this, it's back to cleaning other people's houses. It's welfare. I have a daughter to feed and a mother getting old.

McManus: I can give you money.

Wittlesey: You have alimony and a mortgage, you can't afford to take me on. And I wouldn't want you to.

McManus: I know.

Wittlesey: No, I'll see you, Tim.

(In a stairwell.)

Ross: We both know cigarettes is money in the joint. Want someone to do your laundry, a couple of sticks. Want someone to get rolled, a carton or two, depending on who it is. Problem is, they got a really short shelf life. You can't hold 'em, you gotta keep moving. Supply and demand, baby, that's what I'm talking about.

Wittlesey: I bring 'em in, you sell 'em.

Ross: Carton a day, that's it. Come on, what do you say?

Wittlesey: OK. Put the cigarette out.

Ross: That's my baby.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: Not all drugs are recreational. Some are benign or, supposedly benign.

(In the hospital.)

Ferstopnick: I got the final results back from your tests. You're suffering from hypertension.

Said: The curse of my people.

Ferstopnick: African Americans are genetically predisposed to the condition.

Said: No, Doctor, it's not genetics. High blood pressure is caused by racism.

Ferstopnick: There are some studies out suggesting a link between racial discrimination and hypertension, but the data is inconclusive.

Said: Well, it may be inconclusive to the scientists, but I know that it's a fact. Men of color in the working class have a higher blood pressure than whites, or even black professionals. Why? Because we are forced to accept unfair treatment, Doctor.

Ferstopnick: I'm not really interested in the politics, Said, I care about your health. And if we don't do something, you're headed for heart disease, stroke, damage to the other organs. So I'm going to prescribe Zoltanolin.

Said: What are the side effects?

Ferstopnick: Low heartbeat, lightheadedness if you stand up too quickly.

Said: That's won't do. Daily I kneel and I pray to Mecca. What else do you have?

Ferstopnick: Callum. Constipation, nausea, dizziness.

Said: No. My mind must function clearly.

Ferstopnick: All drugs have side effects.

Said: Well, perhaps that's God's way of telling us we shouldn't be taking them.

Ferstopnick: Either you taking something, or you'll die.

Said: Believe me, Doctor, I have no intention of dying. Can I go now?

Ferstopnick: Sure.

(In Said's pod.)

Rebadow: I'm sorry that you're ill.

Said: And who told you that I was ill?

Rebadow: God.

Said: Oh, yes. You talk to God.

Rebadow: When he's in town.

Said: Well, in Islam, we believe that only two people spoke to God directly. Mohammad, and praise be to him, and Moses. So, you see, you are in excellent company.

Rebadow: You think I'm lying or deluded.

Said: Oh, yeah.

Rebadow: I may well be. I do know sometimes I can see inside men's souls.

Said: And can you see into mine, old man?

Rebadow: Yes.

Said: And what is there?

Rebadow: Anger.

Said: Yes, I am angry. I am angry at a society that cripples my people and infects their bodies.

Rebadow: No, you're angry at God.

Said: I am not. My illness is Allah's will and I accept the bad as well as the good that God gives me.

Rebadow: Still, you're angry at him and afraid. Afraid of dying.

Said: That is not true.

Rebadow: You watched Jefferson Keane die, die gladly. Keane embraced death like a lover, like a traveler going home. You saw that and you were afraid. You realized you aren't as willing to go.

Said: Get out of here, old man. Go.

(In Em City. The inmates are watching TV.)

Reporter: The ever-increasing scandal surrounding Governor James Devlin accepting kickbacks took another bizarre turn today, when his wife Evangeline Devlin moved out of the Governor's mansion. Though no official word has been given, sources say that Mrs. Devlin has learned of an affair between the Governor and...

McManus: The doctor told me what's going on.

Said: That is not your concern, McManus.

McManus: He told me you won't take your medication.

Said: I haven't decided anything as yet.

McManus: Well, you don't have a choice. Take the drugs.

Said: And what if I refuse?

McManus: I'll force you to.

Said: How?

McManus: We'll open up your mouth and I'll stuff the pills down your throat myself.

Said: OK, let's make that deal, McManus.

McManus: Give me what I want.

Said: I can't tell you much about how the drugs get into Oz, except to say look at your own house.

McManus: What's that mean?

(In Glynn's office.)

Glynn: That's a pretty big accusation.

McManus: Not really. There are plenty of examples of officers smuggling drugs into prisons. Solidad, Attica, here in Oz in '82.

Glynn: I remember. I was working solitary. Two of my best friends got busted.

McManus: So, then?

Glynn: I'll start an investigation.

McManus: Good.

Glynn: Of the entire staff. Everyone from the officers to the librarian to you. I'll take it slow, because if it's true, I don't wanna spook them. I want to make the charges stick.

(In the front lobby.)

Healy: Hey, Roger.

Roger: Hey, morning, Mike.

Healy: See the Toronto game?

Roger: Yeah, Gaston's a spaz.

Healy: How much'd you lose?

Roger: Don't ask.

(In the locker room.)

Healy: Hey, Diane. You heading out?

Wittlesey: Yep. This graveyard shift's a killer.

(In Em City.)

Adebisi: O'Reily.

Ryan: Yeah?

Adebisi: Go see Schibetta.

Ryan: Since when are you his Western Union?

Adebisi: Since we partners.

Ryan: We?

Adebisi: Yeah.

Ryan: You're the monkey chained to his organ grinder.

Adebisi: Better watch that pretty little ass.

Ryan: No need. You're too busy watching it for me. And keep your fucking hands off me.

Adebisi: Oh, I'm scared of you.

(In Schibetta's pod.)

Ryan: You wanted to see me, Nino?

Schibetta: Yeah, come on in.

Ryan: No, thanks. I've never been big on tomatoes.

Schibetta: You Irish. You got no appreciation for the simple things in life.

Ryan: What's simpler than a potato?

Schibetta: Sit. You been saying if I need it, you'd be willing to help out.

Ryan: Anything. You know Adebisi's gonna shank you the first chance he gets.

Schibetta: Don't worry about Adebisi. He's a mongrel, but effective. From you I need a more sophisticated favor. I need to close down Healy's drug operation.

Ryan: Healy? Officer Healy?

Schibetta: Don't say you know nothing about it. Your brother and Healy are friends. Healy's been your archangel since you got to Oz. You been running tits for him.

Ryan: You know, I don't know what you're...

Schibetta: I don't hold it against you. I'd have done the same. Only, Healy's business is starting to cut into mine and that I can't have happen. So I am looking to you for assistance.

Ryan: You want me to set him up?

Schibetta: Yeah. If you do, I promise I'll take care of you. What do you say?

Ryan: You've been good to me.

Schibetta: Is that your answer?

Ryan: I'll do it.

Schibetta: Bueni.

Ryan: So what's the plan?

Schibetta: The plan is up to you. I don't care about the hows. Just get it done.

Ryan: All right.

(In a hallway.)

Ryan: I need more tits.

Healy: Oh, yeah? I gave you a huge pair a couple of days ago.

Ryan: What can I say? We go braless in Em City. When can you get us some more?

Healy: Later.

(In the gym.)

Poklewaldt: Yo, you looking for me?

Ryan: How'd you like some tits for free?

Poklewaldt: I don't kill.

Ryan: You don't have to kill.

Poklewaldt: What do you want to do?

Ryan: Go see your pals upstairs.

Poklewaldt: And tell 'em what?

Ryan: Tell 'em that you found another drug connection.

Poklewaldt: Well, who you gonna bust this time?

Ryan: Me.

(In a hallway. Ryan meets Healy and they exchange money for drugs. Other COs bust the deal, send Ryan to the hole and McManus punches Healy.)

Glynn: McManus! Get him out of here! That's going on your record.

McManus: Big fucking deal.

(In Glynn's office.)

Healy: I gave this place everything I had.

Glynn: And then you decided to take everything you could. Look, I know working here is no paradise, but you swore an oath and you broke that oath! I got no sympathy for you. Get him away from me.

Healy: You wait, Warden. You wait 'til you need somebody to back you up and I won't be here. Then you can kiss your ass goodbye!

(In the hole.)

McManus: Will you testify against Healy?

Ryan: No. I jabber on him, every other hack will be waiting in line to take a whack at me too.

McManus: Fine. Officer Hunt? See you in a month, O'Reily.

Hunt: Hey, O'Reily, any idea who ratted on Healy?

Ryan: Beats the shit outta me. But if I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Poklewaldt.

(In the hospital.)

Nurse: Patient's name is Ronald Poklewaldt. It's severe head trauma.

Doctor: How are the vital signs?

(Shots of Ryan in the hole, detoxing, yelling, and running around.)

(In the hole, one month later.)

Hunt: You're done.

Ryan: Piece of cake.

(In Em City.)

Adebisi: Look, what is this fucking pinocchio? I don't play games.

Schibetta: How do you keep that hat on your head, velcro?

Ryan: Deal me in.

Schibetta: Play Pinochle?

Ryan: No, I can learn.

Schibetta: Adebisi, I'll see you later. OK, each player gets four cards. One card, face up, that's the...

(Behind a stairwell. Adebisi takes Wangler's drugs and snorts them.)

Wangler: You're in a mood.

Adebisi: I'm in a mood, all right. I'm in a mood to kill.

Wangler: Anybody in particular?

Adebisi: The mick and dago.

Wangler: Yeah, well, I can go for a piece of Schibetta's ass myself.

Adebisi: Yeah, well, stick around, little brother. When the time is right, he's all yours.

Wangler: He's all mine.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: You take a drug, right. The chemicals, they rush through your body, rush through your brain. And the sensations, you want the sensations again and again and again. But let me tell you, you can also get addicted to grief, to guilt, to hate. Cause when you feel dead inside, even bad sensations make you feel like you're alive.

(In Beecher and Schillinger's pod.)

Schillinger: What, that's it? No good night kiss? (Beecher kisses him.) I'm beginning to think you don't love my anymore.

Beecher: I do.

Schillinger: Say it. Say you love me.

Beecher: I love you.

Schillinger: No, you see, you said it but you didn't mean it.

Beecher: I do mean it, sir.

Schillinger: No, I'm telling you, the romance has gone out of our relationship. But, I have a cure. I was saving this for your birthday, but I think we need it now. (Holds out a tube of lipstick.)

Beecher: No, thanks.

Schillinger: Come on, you're gonna hurt my feelings. You know what happens when you hurt my feelings. Put some on.

Beecher: No.

Schillinger: OK. Hey, I understand. You wanna surprise me. Gonna wait for a special occasion to get yourself all prettied up. That is so sweet. Hey, I can wait. Not too long.

(In Sister Pete's office. Beecher has been getting high and her voice sounds distorted at first.)

Sister Pete: What? A nun can't look beautiful? Tobias, are you all right?

Beecher: Sure.

Sister Pete: You think I'm blind? I'm a drug counselor, for God's sake. If I can't spot the signs, I might as well tear up my license.

Beecher: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sister Pete: Listen, I know how hideous life is in Oz, especially for a man like you with no streets skills, no preparation for the reality of it all but, Tobias, Tobias, drugs are not the answer. They only make the questions more difficult. I want you to start coming to counseling sessions.

Beecher: Whatever.

(In a stairwell.)

Sister Pete: I'm not sure when he started but my sense is not too long ago. I'm hoping that we can nip this in the bud.

McManus: Well, I'll have the officers on duty monitor Beecher carefully and see who he's hanging out with.

Sister Pete: Well, it can't be Schillinger who's supplying. He's so antidrug, he makes me look like Robert Downey Jr.

McManus: Maybe we should also talk to members of his family.

Sister Pete: Well, his wife took the kids and moved away, but he does have parents and siblings.

McManus: What about an intervention?

Sister Pete: I think that's too much, too soon. But why don't we invite one of his relatives to visit him and see what happens?

McManus: You know, on the outside, Beecher had a history of alcohol abuse.

Sister Pete: Oh, I know. How pathetic is that? The man gets jailed for one addiction and we watch him get hooked on another.

(In the visiting room.)

Beecher: You smell good, Mother.

Beecher's mom: The same old Chanel, I'm afraid.

Beecher: I remember you and Dad getting ready to go out, him putting on his tux, you wearing the latest gown, and that scent wafting through the air. But that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Beecher's mom: Toby, I had a conversation with the man who runs the place where you live.

Beecher: McManus.

Beecher's mom: He told me that he suspects you of using drugs.

Beecher: Mother...

Beecher's mom: Tell me.

Beecher: Mother, you don't know what it's like in here.

Beecher's mom: I can imagine.

Beecher: No, you can't! And I thank God every night for that. So if you wanna tell me how Agnes is doing in law school or Dad's most recent fishing trip or Grandma's Winnebago, fine. But if you came here to lecture me, tell me to just say no, don't. Don't put that final knife in my heart.

Beecher's mom: Toby...

(In Em City. Beecher and Ryan are getting high.)

(In the chapel.)

Sister Pete: Hello, Tobias. Come on in. Sit down. OK, we've got a new member to our group, Tobias Beecher. I think you know Augustus and Ron from Em City and that's John and Bill and Whitney Munson.

Munson: Beecher. I know a Beecher. Cyrus. Are you any relation?

Beecher: No.

Munson: Good. Man was a cocksucker.

Sister Pete: OK. The idea here is for us in a small group to talk about ourselves, our feelings, our addictions, in the hope that we can find the cause.

Poklewaldt: I know the cause. I like the shit.

Sister Pete: All right, that's fine. Pleasure plays a very strong factor. Underneath, maybe there's something else. There's a deeper need, a hunger, an emptiness that has to be filled. So, Tobias, why don't you tell us what you're addicted to?

Beecher: You know. They know.

Sister Pete: Yeah, ok. Augustus, you wanna talk about your addiction?

Hill: I was a crack addict. Been squeaky clean 22 months.

Sister Pete: Yes. Ron?

Poklewaldt: Speed's my bag.

Sister Pete: How long you been clean?

Poklewaldt: A year.

Sister Pete: Whitney?

Munson: I quit seven times over the last 52 years. This'll be my longest period, five years, three months, and six days.

Sister Pete: What are you addicted to?

Munson: Since I been inside?

Sister Pete: Yeah.

Munson: Anything I can get my hands on, but originally opium. I had been decorated with the Purple Heart for valor. Valor. Only I knew I was really a fraud. Even after I was discharged I couldn't take the uniform off. During the war, off in the Orient, I got hooked into opium. My true self lay in that quixotic little grunt.

(Hill narrating, with flashbacks of Munson's crime.)

Hill: Prisoner number 45M242, Whitney Munson. Convicted March 2, '45. Murder in the first degree, criminal possession of a controlled substance. Sentence: 110 years. Up for parole in 60.

(In the chapel.)

Hill: Question, why'd you strangle the whore?

Munson: I didn't think I was. I thought I was being affectionate. Her neck was so pale, so thin, so fine.

Sister Pete: And you've been in prison for 52 years, right?

Munson: That's right. I've only got eight years left until my parole. Come the year 2005, I'm out of here.

Beecher: Look, I can't stay here anymore and listen to any more of these fucking stories!

Sister Pete: Beecher, relax. Sit down.

Beecher: No, it's not helping!

Sister Pete: Sit down!

Beecher: It's not helping! (He runs away and two COs grab him.)

(In the bathroom.)

Drag Queen: Hello.

Beecher: Yeah, yeah.

Drag Queen: I'm here to give you a makeover.

Beecher: Huh?

Drag Queen: Your boyfriend told me to. He said don't take no for an answer.

(In Beecher and Schillinger's pod. Schillinger and Ross are playing checkers as Beecher comes in.)

Schillinger: My God, you're even prettier than I thought you'd be. (Beecher is wearing makeup as Ross and Schillinger laugh.)

(In Alvarez' pod. He's seeing himself rock a baby but there's nothing in his arms.)

Alvarez: Te quiero. Te quiero mucho.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: I ain't saying drugs are good. But when your past is past and your present sucks and your future holds nothing but broken promises and dead dreams, the drugs'll kill the pain. Listen up, America. You ain't ever gonna get rid of drugs until you cure pain.

(Shot of McManus lighting a cigarette or a joint in a hallway.)

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