Episode Title: Variety Written by: Tom Fontana and Bradford Winters Directed by: Roger Rees (Narration Pod. Sister Pete singing.) Sister Pete: Its years like these That make a young man old Bend his back against the promises That life should hold They can make him wise They can drive him to his knees Nothing comes for free On days like these But you can't reap what you don't sow And you can't plant in fallow ground So let us fill this empty earth with hope Until the rains come down On days like these... [Said Pod] Said: Your face. White: This ain't shit. You should have seen me a few days ago. You'd have been proud. Said: I ain't proud, Omar, I'm sorry. White: Me, too, I fucked up, man. I know that. Look, if I tell you why I was selling tits, you can't go running to McManus, okay? Said: You have my word. White: Redding forced me. I mean, I tried to tell the motherfucker no, but he just wasn't hearing no. Said: And I was too much of an ass for you to come and ask for help, right? White: I needed those things you said, just to straighten me out. Shit, I mean, I even needed some of that Ike Turner treatment. Look, I'm sorry, you're sorry, next chapter, okay? Said: You know the ridiculous irony of this whole thing, Omar? I was the one with the addiction. White: Huh? Said: My power trip. I was high, 24/7, being the master of your recovery. Power, it's as evil a drug as anything else. You know, I would like you to call me...Kareem. White: Kareem it is. Thank you. [McManus's office] Fitzgerald: I must say, I think you're going to be nicely surprised by the variety show. And Omar White is the grand finale. McManus: Is he that good? Fitzgerald: I didn't say that. I'm just proudest of him because he has really put his heart and soul into this, and as long as he goes through with it he will have succeeded. How well he sings doesn't matter. McManus: So, is there anything I can do to help at this point? Fitzgerald: As a matter of fact, we need an Emcee. McManus: Forget about it. Fitzgerald: Oh. McManus: I'm not that good at ducking rotten fruit. You think I'm kidding? The mob at the coliseum in ancient Rome was kinder. Now, why don't you try Mukada? At lease he's got God on his side. Fitzgerald: You are such a chicken. [Stage] White: Laughing in the sun Always having fun Doing all those things What the fuck is all that puberty shit? Fitzgerald: Don't worry, you're working out all the kinks. Okay, here we go. White: Hold up, hold up. I need just a minute all right? Shit. There ain't even nobody out there and shit, and my fucking heart is pounding. Fitzgerald: Omar, you are doing fine. The butterflies are natural. White: Fine means I'm fucked! Shit. I mean, these motherfuckers are going to eat me for lunch, man. Shit, motherfuckers! I mean, I could just see them out there, Just out there trying to fucking jam me up and shit. Fitzgerald: Repeat after me. Fuck! White: Huh? Fitzgerald: Fuck! White: Fuck. Fitzgerald: Them. Say it. White: Them. Fitzgerald: Say it. White: Fuck them. Fitzgerald: Very good, thank you very much. Okay, here we go. [Classroom] White: Poet, can I talk to you a second? I need a little bit of advice, man. Now, I be seeing you getting up there, you know, in front of everybody, reciting your poetry. Poet: Yeah. White: Well. I got this talent show gig-- Poet: Oh, man. White: And I'm bugging. Poet: Here, sit down, Poet got the answer. Sit, sit, sit, sit. I got the answer. White: How you be getting up on stage like that, you know, calm and cocky and shit, like you own the joint and shit. Poet: Easy. Big old titty-fuck in the greenroom always do the trick. White: I can't go there, man. Poet: Why not? Why not? 'Cause McManus and Said say you can't? Let me tell you something 'cause I've already been down that road with them two. Said feeding me that bullshit that I'm going to be a symbol, a phoenix, rising on the wings of poetry from the ashes of a crack house, man, fuck that! I'm just surviving the war, yo. And me getting up on stage, kicking them rhymes, that's me firing back. I mean, juicing up when I need to, that's me treating the wounds. But just in case you need the medicine, we'll call that an I.O.U. White: Just in case. All right? Poet: And remember one thing. Everyone's eyes'll be on you. (White collapses on the steps.) [Stage. Inmates are chattering] Busmalis: Okay, thanks, you're beautiful. Inmate: You suck! Busmails: Jesus, that's a tough crowd. Fitzgerald: I would tell you to imagine that they're all naked, but I guess you've already seen a lot of them naked. Mukada: And finally, Omar White. (Booing and taunting) White: I want to be free Like the bluebirds Flying by me Like the waves out on The blue sea If your love Was to tie me Don't try me Say goodbye. I want to be free Like the warm September wind, babe So you'll always be my friend, babe We can make it to the end, babe Again, babe I gotta say I want to be free I want to be free I want to be free (Cheering and taunting) [Hallway] O'Connor: You're gloating. McManus: No, I am not. O'Connor: You are. You're waiting for me to take back what I said, that you always bet on the impossible and lose. McManus: Well, let me get you started. I was wrong... O'Connor: Timmy, you are so cute. Very few men would find vindication in the Prison version of Star Search. McManus: Okay, okay, I'm gloating, but you know what, indulge me. Omar White was a lost cause, but I didn't give up on him. I stayed by his side, and you know what? It's worth all the shit that hasn't worked to see one of them, just one, pull through. O'Connor: Still ironing your own shirts, aren't you? McManus: You know, I know what you're thinking. Tim loves his lost causes. O'Connor: I love when you read my mind. Try again. [Classroom] Poet: Oh, What's up Duke? Does the Poet got the cure or does the poet got the cure? White: I took a rain check. I ain't need that shit, cuz. I mean, I was close man, but then I said "Don't numb yourself, feel it." Poet: Are you fucking with me? You're fucking with me, right? White: No, it's the tits that's fucking with you. Woo-hoo! Oh! [Laundry Room] Said: "Once again, with all due respect Imam, we are concerned with who you choose to spend your time with." Am I close? I thought so. Arif: With all Omar White's put you through in this so called sponsorship, now you two are buddy-buddy? Said: Yes, because the alternative is repugnant to me. Arif: Meaning? Said: There's been a largely unknown but disgusting stain upon our faith, and it's an issue I've ignored in my teachings to you. Despite the Korans forbiddance of slavery, there's an evil tradition that continues to this day. Our Islamic brothers of the north, they capture our African brothers of the south, all in the name of Allah, to Islamicize people who look like you and me. But we Muslims in America, we turn a blind eye to that because it doesn't fit the neat little package of white Christians enslaving blacks. I finally learned that in a sense, I was capturing people to our faith to serve my own needs. Arif: You consider your attempts at conversion a form of enslavement? Said: Yes. To the degree that it has helped me maintain my self-image, and sometimes that degree has been a significant degree. Then there's Adebisi. He's a black African man who mocked and defied everything I wanted a black man to be. The spirit of Adebisi did not bleed into me. That's voodoo. It didn't make me a violent man. I am a violent man, like anyone else. Failing to win him over, I got rid of him. If we, as blacks and as Muslims, are truly going to fight for freedom...Omar White should be allowed to be who he is, and I should be allowed to be who I am. So I thank Allah for the so-called sponsorship that he has put me through. (Flashback. Robson stabs a black man that is walking down the road) Hill: Prisoner number 97R492, James Robson, convicted November 7th, 1997, murder in the first degree, assault. Sentence, life. Up for parole in 25 years. [Cafeteria] Schillinger: Not much of a meal there. Robson: Yeah, nothing cold or crunchy. Inmate: Why, are you on a diet? Robson: Because it hurts, dipshit, do I look fat to you? Goddamn it! Suddenly ice cream, croutons, it's like getting your gums raked. What the fuck is that? Inmate: They're probably recessive. My old man had bad gums. Schillinger: When's the last time you got a cleaning? Robson: I don't know, five or six years ago. I hate the fucking dentist. Inmate: Don't fuck around with you mouth. My old man didn't deal, his mouth ended up a train wreck. Schillinger: If I was you, I'd see Dr. Faraj. You don't want to be slurping turkey milk shakes in middle age. Robson: Faraj? I don't want some sand niggers paws probing in my mouth. Schillinger: They wear gloves now, you know, since AIDS came along. Robson: Oh. Schillinger: Jesus, how long has it really been? [Dentist's office] Faraj: Well, as you can see, aside from some cavities you can see that 10 and 11 show significant rescission in the gums-- Robson: Meaning what? Faraj: Meaning that surgery is recommended, and I would say sooner rather than later. Robson: What kind of fucking surgery? Faraj: Well, you have two choices. The conventional method is to take palatal tissue from the roof of your mouth and graft it to your gums. Robson: Oh, shit, that sounds fucking painful. Faraj: It is painful. The alternative is an acellular dermal graft, where we use the gum tissue from a cadaver. Robson: You're kidding. Some dead persons fucking gums in my mouth? Faraj: Well, you can think of it as organ donation. Robson: Sounds fucking creepy: Faraj: Well, the use of your own fucking tissue would require a longer and more painful period of fucking recovery. In the end, your fucking gums would be healthy either fucking way. Robson: Are you mocking me, Faraj? Faraj: Fuck no. Robson: I don't like your third world bullshit attitude. And whatever I decide, Gunga, I got a thing about needles. Any anesthesia or whatever, I want gas first. Faraj: My pleasure, Sahib. Robson: Oh, and one more thing. Being that I'm Aryan and you're camel shit, I'd appreciate it if you wore two pairs of those plastic gloves. You know, the less contact the better. [Unit B] Robson: So, what do you think? Schillinger: Well, it ain't a pretty set of options, that's for sure. Robson: No shit. Now you see why I hate the dentist? Schillinger: It's not their fault, Robson. You wait years between cleanings, you never floss, and you brush your teeth the way you scratch your scrotum. Robson: I'm considering the acellular thing. Schillinger: Alright, which ones that? Robson: It's like organ donation. If I needed a liver, the donor would be dead, right? Schillinger: True, but you don't need a liver. We don't see the liver. Robson: Well, he said it's like a small piece of tissue... Schillinger: Alright, can we just talk about something else, please? Robson: Fuck it. I'm going graveyard gums. [Dentist's office. Robson has a gas mask on] Robson: Holy shit. Oh, hey, what's up doc? Oh, hey, how's this stuff legal? You know what kind of killing you'd make selling it to all the drug fiends in Oz? They may have tits, but you have pussy. Faraj: What is it with you Nazis and gas? Robson: (laughing) Oh fuck you! Hey, I thought I said to wear two pairs of gloves. Faraj: Open wide. Robson: No, let me have some more gas. Faraj: You don't need more gas, okay? Open wide. You know, with all your warped ideology, I bet you never gave much thought as to why Adolph was so pissed off at the Jews. You know, one theory is that he was traumatized by the death of his mother. She died of breast cancer, and she was in the care of a Jewish physician, and so, of course, the repressed hatred erupted itself into the holocaust. Now, another theory is that Hitler's father was the illegitimate son of a German woman and some obscure Jewish man, and so, Hitler himself had impure blood. Oh, hey, hey, now, don't make me slip, because if I do we are both in trouble, hmm? You know, it's amazing. We don't even know where these gums come from. I mean, this could be the gums of a kike, or a spic, or even a faggot. I mean, you could be getting the beautiful gums of a big black nigger, huh? (Narration Pod. Hoyt singing.) Hoyt: Free will, we can't seem to get our fill We are beggars, we are choosers drunk on a lack of power I believe in understanding, I've got to know where we're landing I'm takin' my survey now, hands up if you're with me Enter if you're with me, if you want free will. [Cafeteria] Hinden: Morning, Gentlemen. Penders: Check this out. Fetch. Come here. He fetches. Hinden: That's one thing he'll have to unlearn. I told you, don't teach the dog recreational activities. Alvarez: You brush your teeth with that? Hinden: Today's focus is on control. Start walking around this area. (A hack fires a starter pistol) Penders: What the fuck was that? Alvarez: Scared the shit out of me. Hinden: I'm sorry, but your reaction's not important, the dogs' is. They have to maintain focus, even in the event of loud or startling noises. Penders: So what are you going to do, make them deaf? Alvarez: Oh, yeah that's a great idea, deaf dog, blind people. You're a fucking genius. Hinden: You teach the dog by standing on his leash and saying "chill". Penders: Chill? Hinden: Chill. [McManus's office] Alvarez: Remember when we first started, I told you about officer Rivera, you know, what I'd done to him, you know, blinded him, and how I just wanted to do right? McManus: Yeah, you're doing that. Alvarez: Yeah, but I just want to do right by him direct. I want Rivera to have Julie. Hinden: Well, what's the man's status? McManus: I don't know. I haven't heard from Eugene in a long time. Hinden: Call him. Have him come in, we can talk, assess his want and need of a guide dog. McManus: Well, I'll try, but knowing how he feels about this place it's a long shot. [Interaction Room] McManus: Eugene, Tina, it's good to see you. You're both looking well. Rivera: I'll take your word for that. Hinden: I'm Alicia Hinden, I appreciate you coming in. Tina Rivera: Hello. Hinden: So, did you read the literature I sent you on the program? Eugene Rivera: Yes, sounds kind of interesting. Tina Rivera : Yeah, if you've got no other help. Those dogs are for lonely people. Eugene has me. Hinden: Actually, a guide dog is not just for the person he's leading, he helps the whole family by freeing up your time. Tina Rivera: I like helping my husband. McManus: Tina, you would be helping your husband. Tina Rivera: Oh, yeah, like those interactions with Alvarez did. Eugene Rivera: Look, I'm skeptical, too. I worked here, remember? I can't believe these fucks are capable of any good. I mean, who teaches these dogs? McManus: Well, the one that we've got for you, she was actually trained by Miguel Alvarez. Eugene Rivera: Are you fucking kidding? Tina Rivera: I knew that fucking cabron was behind this. Hinden: He's doing a wonderful job. Tina Rivera: Eugene, baby, please let's go. Hinden: He has personally requested that we give Julie to you. So, Eugene, if you like we can give her to you. Eugene Rivera: I don't know. Tina Rivera: No! No fucking way. Eugene! What the fuck!? You're actually considering this? He probably trained that mongrel to attack you. Hinden: No, I can assure that that is-- Tina Rivera: Come on, we're leaving. The last thing we need is favors from that motherfucker. Hinden: Mr. Rivera, please think about it. (Cafeteria. Alvarez leads Julie around obstacles) Alvarez: Good girl, Julie. (Flashback. An angry mob is shouting outside a chemical plant) Hill: Prisoner number 02N535, Father Daniel Meehan, convicted February 9th, 2002, destruction of private property, assault on officer of the law. Sentence, 15 years. Up for parole in 5. (Em City, Inmates are watching TV) Inmates: Ohhh! [O'Reily pod] Meehan: I'm on the bottom? Ryan O'Reily: You got that right. Meehan: There was an O'Reily family in my last parish. St. Patrick's-- Ryan O'Reily: Well, it wasn't mine. We only went to church for funerals. Meehan: Oh, I see. Ryan O'Reily: No, you don't see dick. Just because I was baptized a Catholic doesn't mean I got any use for a fucking priest. Meehan: Duly noted. [Receiving and discharge] Fitzgerald: I've cleared my schedule so I can attend Cyril's trial everyday. So, I'll be sitting right behind him in the courtroom. Ryan O'Reily: Mh-hmm. Fitzgerald: Ryan he is not going to get convicted. He's not going to get the death penalty. Ryan O'Reily: Hi-ho, hi-ho. Hey, how you feeling kid? Cyril O'Reily: Scared. Ryan O'Reily: Don't be, okay? Ma's going to be with you all the way, all right? Fitzgerald: Look, brought you a brand new suit. Hope it fits because I wasn't sure about the sizes. McClain: Cyril, we're not allowed to travel with you on the bus, okay, so I'm going to take Susanne down in my car. We'll see you just before the trial begins, okay? Cyril O'Reily: Okay. Fitzgerald: You're going to be okay. Cyril O'Reily: I wish you were coming. Ryan O'Reily: No, you don't need me, you'll be fine. Now look, if you start to panic, all right, I just want you to think of me, okay? Doing this. (Ryan makes a funny face) Mineo: Let's go, let's go. [Gym] Morales: Hey, toss the ball. Now toss the fucking ball. Kenmin: This is about the size of your head Morales. Ryan O'Reily: You got style Jia, I'll give you that. You know, you had me fooled thinking that you were worried about Li Chen hurting my mom. You set me and Cyril up, only you thought your boy would waste us, not the other way around. Kenmin: Zou kai. Ryan O'Reily: I got moves too, brother-man. [Cafeteria] Ryan O'Reily: Hey, Shupe. I see they let you out of protective custody. Shupe: Don't start anything, O'Reily. Ryan O'Reily: I aint starting shit. I'm just wondering how much money Jia Kenmin paid you to lie about Cyril to the Warden. Look at me. I'm going to give you one chance to switch your story to the truth. Shupe: I told the truth. Ryan O'Reily: Okay. Hey, I made something special for you. Eat up. Shupe: I'm not hungry. Ryan O'Reily: I didn't think so. [Morales Pod] Ryan O'Reily: Glen Shupe. Morales: What about him? Ryan O'Reily: I need that cocksucker to have an accident. Guerra: How severe? Ryan O'Reily: Not dead, just diminished. And it can't be traced back to me. Morales: What do I get in return? Ryan O'Reily: Jia Kenmin dies, and it can't be traced back to you. Morales: Deal. [Infirmary] Dr. Nathan: Sean, I need the... (Shupe is wheeled in screaming, missing an arm) Lopresti: Doctor, I've got the arm! I've got the arm. [Sister Pete's office] McClain: The first day of trial did not go well. Judge Moore was in a foul mood, and the prosecutor, he's tough, and smart. Ryan O'Reily: So, your saying we're going to lose. McClain: I just don't want to give any false hopes. Fitzgerald: During the jury selection Cyril got very agitated, and he kept talking out loud, and the judge kept warning him to be silent. McClain: If Cyril keeps it up Moore might eject him from the courtroom. Sister Pete: Is the judge aware of his mental state? McClain: Yeah, he's aware, he just, he doesn't care. Sister Pete: I'll talk to Cyril. [Solitary] Sister Pete: Hello, Cyril. Cyril O'Reily: Hiya. Sister Pete: May I come in? Cyril O'Reily: Sure. Sister Pete: How'd it go today? Cyril O'Reily: Lot's of mumbo-jumbo. "I object...Motion to blah, blah, blah." Sister Pete: Yeah, all those words confuse you huh? Cyril O'Reily: Everyone seems so mean. I was asking questions, but the guy at the big desk banged the thing and yelled at me. Ma was behind me, but not close enough to talk to. Sister Pete: I brought you something. Cyril O'Reily: A puppet. Sister Pete: I want you to take this puppet with you to court every day, and when you feel the need to talk to someone, I want you to whisper to him, okay? Cyril O'Reily: Mh-hmm. Sister Pete: But I want you to whisper very softly so no one else can hear you. Show me. Even softer. Excellent. And at the end of each day, the two of you can tell me everything you whispered to each other, and I'll explain things to you, all right? Cyril O'Reily: We have to give the puppet a name. Sister Pete: Good. What do you want to call him? Cyril O'Reily: Jericho. Sister Pete: Why Jericho? Cyril O'Reily: Because the walls came tumbling down. [Em City] Hack: Lights out! [O'Reily pod] O'Reily: Jesus, you pray a lot. Meehan: Well, I need allot from my God. Strength, guidance, forgiveness. O'Reily: While you're at it, ask him to bring back conjugal visits. Meehan: Don't you ever pray? O'Reily: No, not since grade school. Meehan: What happened? Why'd you stop? O'Reily: A priest tried to grope me in the confessional. Meehan: Oh, I am sorry. Some priests get lost spiritually and-- O'Reily: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Father, give it a rest, I was just kidding. Meehan: Look, I have a meeting tomorrow with Father Mukada, and I was thinking that-- O'Reily: Lights out means shut the fuck up. (Narration pod. Redding is singing) Redding: Hey look yonder, tell me what you see Marching to the fields of Vietnam It looks like Handsome Johnny with an M15 Marching to the Vietnam war, Hey marching to the Vietnam war Hey, look yonder, tell me what you see Marching to the fields of Birmingham It looks like Handsome Johnny with his hand rolled in a fist Marching to the Birmingham war. Hey, marching to the Birmingham war Hey, it's along the hard road It's a long hard road It's a long hard road Before we'll be free Hey, before we'll be free Huh! Huh! [Em City] Redding: Any word on Augustus's condition? McManus: Well, I got a call into Dr. Panitz at Benchley Memorial. When he calls me I'll let you know. What about you? You got any news for me? Redding: Not yet. McManus: You find out who gave Hill the drugs? Redding: Not yet. McManus: Well, when you do, you let me handle the rest. Redding: Of course, McManus. Of course. McManus: Hey, Hey. You gave me your word. Redding: And my word is my bond, hmm? [Em City] Murphy: Count! Let's go, move it! Poet: Yo, Burr, I'm telling you, it must have been them Sicilians that gave Augustus them drugs. They mad cause you and Morales is muscling them out of the tit game. Redding: You get me some proof. Poet: Proof? Man, proof is hard to come by, yo. Redding: I need to see some proof. Poet: Shit. [Computer Room] Poet: Hey, yo, Chico, my man. Guerra: What do you want? Poet: Yo, we got a problem, man. Burr thinks that you gave Hill the Jukes that sent him into hyperspace, and he growling for revenge. Guerra: Me? Poet: Yeah. Guerra: No, man, yo, the Sicilians probably did. Poet: That's what I tried to tell him, but you know Burr, man, he want confirmation. So I got a solution. You got to find somebody who will say that they saw the Degos give Hill the shit. Guerra: Who? Poet: I don't know who, man. Somebody with no, no, what you call it? No vested interest. Busmalis: Excuse me. What? What? [Redding Pod] Busmails: Salvatore Desanto. Redding: Mmm. Busmalis: He gave the drugs to Augustus. Redding: Mmm. Busmalis: Yeah, I saw the whole thing. Redding: Okay. Busmalis: Alright. Poet: You see, I told you. Redding: At dinner tonight, I want you to do me a little favor, and stick this into Desanto's food for me. Poet: What's this? Redding: A mind fuck. [Cafeteria] Urbano: I say we whack Redding. Desanto: We tried killing Redding. He don't fucking die. Urbano: That is bullshit, Sal, anybody can fucking die. Desanto: Fuck. Fuck what's going on? Urbano: Jesus, what's happening. Desanto: My-- my head is... (Desanto collapses) McManus: Salvatore Desanto's brain dead, overdose of LSD. Redding: Oh, man, that's a bummer. I saw a lot acid myself, over in Vietnam. That's stuff's more lethal then the Vietcong. Really can blow your mind. McManus: Yeah. You know, I really should have the food that Desanto was eating tested. Redding: Now that's a good idea. Only problem is ain't no food left. My boys they ain't so good at cooking, but when it comes to the end of the day, man, they can clean up that cafeteria, I'm telling you. McManus: I'll bet. Redding: Mmm, spotless. [Sister Pete's office] Schibetta: The first time that I got raped by Adebisi, I thought this was the worst thing that could ever happen, but I was wrong. Sister Pete: How many men were there? Schibetta: Three. Sister Pete: So you know why they did it? Schibetta: Does the 'why' matter? Sister Pete: Only to you. Schibetta: What do you want me to say, sister? Sister Pete: Peter, I don't want you to say anything. I just want you to understand that no matter what you think you may have done to bring this on yourself, you did not deserve to be raped. Those men, whoever they are, had no right to violate you. Ah, all right, tomorrow, same time? Schibetta: No. I don't think any of this is really helping me, sister. Sister Pete: Peter.... Schibetta: Thanks, thanks for trying. [Wardens office] Sister Pete: I want to find the three men who raped Peter Schibetta. Glynn: Why? Sister Pete: Why, Leo? Why? Glynn: Look, we're doing everything we can to keep the number of reported rapes down. Sister Pete: Reported? Listen to you, your own daughter was raped. Glynn: Well....This is different. This is Oz. Sister Pete: Rape is rape, Leo. Glynn: I don't agree. Here, rape has a leveling effect. Peter Schibetta, from the day he arrived, wanted to be a tough guy, wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps, running things, hurting people. Well, he got stopped by Adebisi, and now he got stopped again. Sister Pete: What's going on? Do you have something personal against Schibetta? Glynn: No, no, simply survival of the fittest, as natural and basic as Darwin. Sister Pete: You and I have disagreed about a lot of things over the years, but this is-- Glynn: Peter Marie-- Sister Pete: "A leveling affect"? You want rape to do your job? [Infirmary] Pancamo: You see this medal? St. Dismas, he's the patron saint of prisoners. Al Capone gave this to my grandfather in the 20s. Dr. Nathan: I didn't know Al Capone was religious. Pancamo: He wasn't. He just liked to hedge his bets. Dr. Nathan, I keep feeling worse and worse. Dr. Nathan: I know. Pancamo: I haven't prayed since the fifth grade. I've forgotten how. Dr. Nathan: Me too. [Break Room] Dr. Nathan: Hola. Sister Pete: Hola yourself. Dr. Nathan: Well, you're in a mood. Sister Pete: Oh, I am frustrated. Been dealing with Peter Schibetta, and taking these little baby steps, and then this morning he tells me he's done with therapy. Dr. Nathan: Maybe you should have him talk to some other guy who's been raped. Sister Pete: Yeah, yeah, I was thinking about that. Listen, are you aware of any trouble between Leo and Peter? Dr. Nathan: No, why? Sister Pete: Never mind. Just having one of those days filled with massive confusion. Dr. Nathan: I'm having a day myself. Chucky Pancamo came in with a stab wound, and caught a staph infection. Sister Pete: Ooh. Dr. Nathan: Yeah, he's sinking pretty fast. Sister Pete: And you're blaming yourself. Dr. Nathan: His wound got infected on my watch. Life is dangerous enough in Oz without prisoners having to worry about dying due to poor medical treatment. Sister Pete: Look at us. We're complete and utter failures at out jobs. Dr. Nathan: So what do we do instead? Sister Pete: Form an all girl band? Hey, I want to ask you a favor. Dr. Nathan: Sure. Sister Pete: I want you to talk to Peter Schibetta. Dr. Nathan: Okay. Only if...you teach Chucky Pancamo how to pray. [Interaction Room] Sister Pete: Pete, come in. Dr. Nathan: Sit down. May I take your hand? [Infirmary] Sister Pete: Blessed art thou amongst woman... Pancamo: Blessed art thou amongst woman... Sister Pete: And blessed is the fruit of thy womb... Pancamo: And blessed is the fruit of thy womb... Sister Pete:...Jesus. Pancamo: ...Jesus. Sister Pete: Holy Mary, mother of God... Pancamo: Holy Mary, mother of God... Sister Pete: Pray for us sinners.... Pancamo: Pray for us sinners.... Sister Pete: Now, and at the hour of our death. Pancamo: Now, and at the hour of our death. Sister Pete: Amen. (Narration Pod. Mukada singing) Mukada: Look I'm standing naked before you Don't you want more than my sex I can scream as loud as your last one But I can't claim innocence Oh god could it be the weather Oh god why am I here If love isn't forever And it's not the weather Hand me my leather [Death Row] Mukada: Hoyt. Hoyt: Oh, it's nice to see you Father. Mukada: Really. Hoyt: It's nice to see anyone. This fucking place is spooky. Mukada: Jaz, you confessed to several murders, including Jim Burns, but you didn't act alone. You had help. Hoyt: I ain't ratting on my friends. Mukada: No, no, no, not all of them. But Timmy Kirk... Hoyt: I killed Timmy Kirk. Mukada: No, as hard as you tried, he survived. He's back at Oz. Hoyt: Cocksucker! Mukada: You tell the Warden the truth about Kirk and he's going to be moving in right next door. Hoyt: Get me Glynn. I want to sing. [Wardens office] Kirk: It's Hoyt's version versus mine. He killed Burns. He bricked Cloutier inside a wall. This is all some kind of weird revenge thing on his part. I'm innocent. Mukada: You liar! Glynn: Ray, Ray. Mukada: You will burn Kirk! Glynn: Take Kirk back to unit B. Kirk: You're the one who'll burn. [Visiting Room] Kirk: Hey, Clarence, how are you? Seroy: Good. Kirk: Oh, you been working out? Seroy: Yeah. Kirk: Yeah? I can tell. Hey, you're in for arson, right? Seroy: Yeah. Kirk: Yeah, you know any other arsonists? I mean, on the outside. Seroy: One or two. Kirk: How'd you like a blowjob? [Em City] News Anchor: Our lady of Fatima church and its rectory next door burned to the ground this evening, killing two priests. The two Priests, Father Jack Downing and Father Jack Hurlbert, were trapped on an upper floor of the rectory. Also injured was Father Raymond Mukada Alvarez: Holy shit! News Anchor: Who suffered from smoke inhalation and is in serious condition at Benchley Memorial. Arson is the suspected cause. (Narration Pod. Beecher and Schillinger sing) Beecher: You creep into my heart, and make my heart burn Schillinger: You sneak into my mind, and make my head ache Both: Look, it's time to face the music Schillinger: Bye bye! Beecher: Don't slam the door Both: This is the last duet Last chance you're gonna get No more ha harmony For you and me Both: This is the last duet Beecher: I'll never do it Schillinger: never do it Beecher: never ever Both: Never ever ever ever never do With you [Unit B] Winthrop: Sir, may I speak? Schillinger: Sure, prag. Winthrop: What's the latest on Adam Guenzel? How's your plan working? Schillinger: Well, I predict by the end of the week, he'll be sucking my cock. [Protective Custody] McClain: Yesterday, I deposed Jerry Heekin. Keller: Who's that? McClain: He's that man who claims he saw you dump Bryce Tibets in the field. He's a very credible witness. Keller: Is that so? McClain: Remember that you said he testified it was late at night, so it must have been dark, no lights in a field? Yeah, well, see, he had a flashlight. He saw you clearly. Keller: Wasn't me. Look, a lot of guys running around who look like me, you know, I got a very familiar face. McClain: You know, I'm divorced. Keller: Hmm. McClain: Yeah, I was married to Eddie for ten years. One day I'd asked him where he'd been. He goes, "Barney's" just so fast, so convincingly. I knew immediately that he was lying. Keller: Are you calling me a liar? McClain: Every person in this country deserves a fail trial, deserves a good lawyer. I cannot be that lawyer for you. I'll call the public defenders office and find you someone else. Keller: Catherine, wait a minute. I need you. McClain: Keller, this is the one time where your charms are useless. Keller: Catherine, Catherine. Catherine! [Sister Pete's office] McClain: Toby. Beecher: Hey. McClain: Look, I just-- I wanted to let you know that I won't be representing Keller anymore. Beecher: Why? What happened? McClain: He's guilty. You know, I made a promise to myself the day I passed the bar, I said I was never going to represent a guilty person, and I'm not going to start now, not even for you. Beecher: I understand. McClain: Answer me this. When I'd asked you if he had ever discussed these murders with you, you said no. Beecher: Yeah, I lied. Keller says so many things, who knows what's true. McClain: But you believe him when he says he loves you. Beecher: Yes. McClain: You two belong together. Beecher: Catherine, love makes us all do strange things. McClain: You don't have to tell me that. You have a good life. [Em City] Sands: You knew the woman you raped? Guenzel: We used to date. We bumped into each other at this bar, did some K, started making out, next thing I knew, Franklin and me had her in the park, face down in the grass. Sands: You know, I never raped a woman I knew. Beecher: Adam? Guenzel: Yeah? Beecher: Can I talk to you? Guenzel: I'm busy. Beecher: Two seconds. Sands: Lovebirds. Beecher: You shouldn't be hanging out with those guys. Guenzel: Oh, instead I should be playing backgammon with you and Busmalis? Beecher: The Bikers are Schillinger's allies, they're just being friendly with you to try and set you up. Schillinger wants you. Guenzel: You ought to know, right? Having been his prag? Sands: Hey, Guenzel, you and Beecher going on a date? (Guenzel hits Beecher) Guenzel: While you're down there, suck this cock you faggot! You cocksucker. Sands: Ride him cowboy! Guenzel: A goal, goal, goal, goal. [Library] Beecher: Schillinger. You made me an offer the other day that you'd help me get to see Keller if I gave you the boy, Guenzel. Schillinger: Yeah. Beecher: Is the offer still on the table? Schillinger: Jeez, I don't know. Beecher: I'll quit Sister Pete. I'll come work for you in the mailroom. I'll call the Sicilians off. Please. Schillinger: Oh, okay. [Urbano Pod.] Beecher: I no longer want you to protect Adam Guenzel. Urbano: After I seen what he did to you, I ain't surprised. The kid's a prick. [Sister Pete's office] Beecher: Sister? Sister Pete: Good morning. Beecher: There is something I've got to talk to you about. I've decided to quit working for you. Sister Pete: What? Beecher: Well, you know, I've been doing the same job for 5 years and I'm bored. Sister: What, you know, I had no idea you were unhappy. Beecher: Well, I'm not unhappy. Sister Pete: Oh, well, alright, if your sure about this. Beecher: I am. Sister Pete: Okay. When do you want to leave? Beecher: Today. Sister Pete: Today? [McManus's office] Beecher: So, you want to go work with the Aryans? Beecher: Uh-huh. Yeah. You know, ever since we started these interactions Schillinger and I have been getting along real well. McManus: Plus working in the mailroom will allow you to see Keller. It's okay, Beecher, because I agree with Sister Pete. You should be allowed visits. Beecher: Yeah, but the real problem is Adam Guenzel. I know you're going to do whatever you think is best, but Adam and I just haven't been getting along. I think maybe you were right when you said you wanted to transfer him out of Em City. McManus: Well, he's disruptive. I thought you two being friends was going to help but... Beecher: Me too. It hasn't worked out. McManus: Okay, I'm going to ship him over to Unit B [Mailroom] Beecher: Schillinger. Schillinger: Yeah. Beecher: The boy's all yours. Schillinger: Time for you to deliver the mail. [Protective Custody] Howell: Hey there, tough guy. Knock, knock. Keller! Keller: Go away, I don't want to play today. Howell: Huh. Keller: I don't want to fuck right now. Howell: Maybe you're forgetting who's who here. You're my bitch, not the other way around. I've been bringing you little extras, and in return, you've been giving me little extras. Keller: Don't poke me. Fucking cunt, I don't want to see your ugly fucking face. (Howell hits Keller. He pushes her against a wall and she hits him in the head.) Howell: Central, we got a 15, section 32. [Unit B] Winthrop: How the mighty have fallen. Guenzel: Fuck you, faggot. Schillinger: Guenzel. Guenzel: Hey, Vern. The boys in Em City send their regards. Schillinger: Shut up. Guenzel: Hey, I was just-- (Schillinger slaps Guenzel) Guenzel: God, what the fuck was that-- Schillinger: You'll speak when you're spoken to. Guenzel: Hey, get the fuck off me! Get off of me! Winthrop: Sir, may I watch? Schillinger: Well, if you don't, how are you ever going to learn? Guenzel: Hey, get the fuck off me! Get off! Get off! [Protective Custody] Beecher: I've got mail for Keller. Howell: He's not here. Beecher: Where is he? Howell: Benchley Memorial. Beecher: In the hospital? Well, what happened? Howell: He acted up. I shut him down. Keep moving, Beecher. (Narration pod. Beecher singing.) Beecher: On days like these When the rain won't fall And the sky is so dry That even birds can't call I can feel your tears Disappearing in the air Carried on the breeze On days like these (Beecher finds a bloody Guenzel in the gym) But you can't reap what you don't sow And you can't plant in fallow ground So let us fill this empty earth with hope Until the rains come down On Days like these.