Obituaries Written by Tom Fontana Directed by Ken Fink [Hill Narrating] Hill: Obituaries. A man or a Women lives their entire life, they work and love and dream and laugh and cry, then they die. (Flashback to Tarrant shooting Wangler and Keller.) Hill: Then somebody they don’t even know, who’s never met them once, boils their entire life down to a paragraph or two in a local newspaper, and that’s only if they’ve achieved something, something that the editor thinks is important. Now, if they’re real movers, real shakers, maybe they get 2 columns. Maybe they get a photo from 1974. (Flashback to Tarrant shooting officer Howard) Hill: And if you’ve achieved nothing, they get buried at the bottom of the page, or ignored completely. (Flashback to Tarrant shooting himself) [Em City] Glynn: The homicide unit has finished its investigation, Guillaume Tarrant shot 7 people before killing himself. Four people are dead, Officer Joseph Howard and prisoners Lou Rath, Junior Pierce, and Kenny Wangler. Murphy: What’s the status of the other three inmates, Keller Sarin, and Ahmed? Glynn: They’re all still at Benchley Memorial. Sarin and Ahmed had superficial wounds, they should be back today, but Keller had internal damage. He’ll be in the hospital awhile. Murphy: You know, I keep asking myself, how did that fucking gun get in Oz? Glynn: I don’t know, Murphy, but I’m sure as Christ gonna find out. [Library] Said: We don’t know where the gun came from. Arif: Why you asking us? That was a white man's finger on the trigger. Glynn: I’m talking to everyone. Adebisi: Whether you find out the truth or not, one thing is clear. Emerald City is out of control. McManus must go. Glynn: You telling me who to hire and who to fire, Adebisi? Adebisi: Just pointing out reality. Arif: McManus was lax. Ultimately, the responsibility is his, and you better act fast. The press wants answers. The public wants someone to blame. Glynn: Thank you for your concern. [Em City] Said: You two were very chummy in there. Rare, finding such agreement. Adebisi: So, you are saying you don’t want McManus to get fired? Said: What is going on? Arif: What do you care? You’ve lost the taste for power, isn’t that what you said? Said: Yeah. Arif: Then you're out of this. Poet: The way, The wisdom, The wish, The will to try, try trick, You can memorialize them Hacks, But, my brothers, they on they backs in corners, Like they roaches after a fucking raid sweepin’. Hoyt: Enough! shut the fuck up already! Adebisi: Poet, Poet, enough. Poet: Get the fuck away from me, man. You know, Bricks and Junior is dead. Dead! Adebisi: You and me are alive. Poet: You have no heart Adebisi. Adebisi: I have a heart. I have a heart of a lion. Instead of crying for Kenny and Junior, help me revenge them. Poet: Revenge against who, Adebisi? Tarrant greased himself. Adebisi: You see, against them. All of those white bastards. Poet: Wasn’t no fucking white bastard that poured hot soup on my face, scarring my skin. That was you, that was you! Adebisi: Yeah, that was then, this is now. If you’d been standing one inch to the left when the shooting started, you’d be dead and Kenny Wangler would be my new best friend. Hernandez: Yo, brother, shit's going down. Guerra: Yeah, but what? We’re on the outside, nose against the glass. Hernandez: Yeah, not for long, brother. Fucking hacks wanna know how Frenchy got the gun. Guerra: And you know who did? Hernandez: Fucking cocoa man. Adebisi. I saw him with the gun the day before the shooting. Guerra: Does Adebisi know you know? Hernandez: Not yet, probably gonna find out soon enough. On TV: Integrity. It’s what sets real leaders apart from typical politicians. One man running for governor has real integrity. Alvah Case. Activist lawyer, law school dean, state bar president. Nobody questions his integrity. So, after the riots at Oswald prison, to whom did even James Devlin turn to sort it out? That’s right... Alvah Case. Unquestioned integrity. For a change. [Wardens office] Glynn: Wendy. Shultz: McManus has to go. Glynn: That seems to be the mantra of the week. Shultz: Have you seen the ‘trib? Front page, above the fold. "Prison shooting leaves four dead." And two op-ed pieces. Glynn: I can handle a little negative press. Shultz: Not if you want to be Lieutenant Governor. You need a scapegoat. You have to fire McManus. Glynn: Now is not the time. Shultz: He’s screwed things up from the get-go. Have you forgotten the riot? Glynn: The riot was not Tim’s fault. Shultz: His entire history of Emerald City has been a disaster. He’s a weak, limp-wristed liberal and you gotta toss him out with the other garbage. [McManus’s office] Mineo: Here’s your mail. You're welcome. (McManus reads a letter from Wittlesey) Wittlesey: "Dear Tim, I know by now that Sister Pete has given you the news that I’m not coming back to Oz. This all must seem unreal to you. It sure as Hell does to me. When I left two weeks ago on vacation, I never dreamed my entire life could turn around so far so fast. I never dreamed I’d meet a man like Carey(?) , so loving, so understanding..." (McManus lights the letter on fire.) [Staff Meeting] Glynn: I’ve been asked to pick one staff member to serve as part of a state delegation that’s going to South Africa for a discussion of human rights issues. That group will visit the Pretoria Prison, the Sandawata prison, as well as go on a safari. McManus: Sorry. Leo, I just want to talk for one minute, okay? Glynn: Not now, I’m in the middle of something. McManus: Ah, yeah, just one minute about Officer Howard’s memorial service. You know, it’s important, goddamnit, because the man was killed right in front of me. Glynn: Alright, go ahead. McManus: Okay, ah... I think that we should video tape the ceremony so that when his grandkids get older, they can watch it. [Cafeteria, memorial service] Mukada: Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine down upon him. And now, Tim McManus would like to say a few words. Tim. McManus: Joe loved to bet on the horses, and so, in honor of him, I would like to... (Singing) Camp town races sing this song, doo-dah, doo-dah Camp town racetrack’s five miles long Oh, the doo-dah day. Gonna run all night Gonna run all day Bet my money on a bobtail nag Somebody bet on the bay. [Warden's office] Glynn: Come in. Sister Pete: Leo, we want to talk about Tim. Glynn: I have had all the discussion about Tim McManus I’m gonna have. Sister Pete: He’s clearly in distress. Glynn: Yes. Dr. Nathan: He needs help. Glynn: That’s what I told him. Sister Pete: So, you’ve seen him? Dr. Nathan: We’ve been looking everywhere. Glynn: He just left. Dr. Nathan: Well, where’d he go? Glynn: I have no idea. Sister Pete: Alright, we’ll try him at home tonight. Dr. Nathan: If not, we’ll just see him here tomorrow. Sister Pete: Right. Glynn: I don’t think so. Dr. Nathan: Why not? Glynn: I just fired him. Good night. (Hill Narrating as McManus packs up his office) Hill: I saw this obituary once of a guy I knew, and the newspaper had misspelled his name. They misspelled his goddamn, motherfucking name and that’s it. Ain't no going back. It’s not like they gonna get his name right the next time he dies. No, that addition of the newspaper is going into the archives, and this guy I know, his name, which is probably the thing he’s proudest of in life, it’s gonna be wrong forever and ever. [Em City] Murphy: Alright, everybody listen up. Last night, Tim McManus resigned as unit manager of Emerald City. (Prisoners cheer) Murphy: Alright, quiet down. Until a new unit manager is named, the Warden has asked me to temporarily take over McManus’s duties. Hear this. Nothing, and I mean nothing’s gonna change. Adebisi: Yeah, that’s what you think. Murphy: Alright, that’s it. Beecher: Officer Murphy, have you heard the latest on Chris Keller? Murphy: Haven’t heard anything new. Beecher: Could you call and check on his status-- Murphy: Beecher, we had a major incident here, alright? Now, we lost Tim McManus. Your boyfriend's health ain't a priority for me. Beecher: Please? Murphy: Go away. (Flashback) Beecher: I asked my father to locate Schillinger’s other son. Keller: Oz didn’t make you a bitch. You were born one. Beecher: Yeah. Okay. (Beecher punches Keller. End flashback) [Em City] Said: You were tormented in your roll in the death over Andrew Schillinger. You went looking, you came to me, you asked for guidance in the ways of Islam. You felt comfort, peace of mind in the arms of Allah. But, you have this thing between you and Keller. Homosexual acts are a blasphemy. Beecher: I know that. I don’t want to love him, Kareem, but I do. And as for Allah, I’ll take my chances with him when the time comes. [Cafeteria] Schillinger: Hey, Beecher, sorry about what happened to your little butt buddy. Of course, knowing that kind, he’s probably fucked half his nurses and a couple orderlies by now. Hope he don’t come back to you with any of them Staph infections. [Visiting Room] Harrison Beecher: Toby. Beecher: Hey, dad. Harrison Beecher: Oh, good news. we found Hank Schillinger by the way. Beecher: Well, Jesus, that was fast. Harrison: Well, I told you, Swanny’s the best. And if you turn over the right rock, you’ll find a worm. Beecher: Meaning? Harrison: Hank Schillinger’s one screwed up kid. Swanny said he’s a drug addict, he’s a petty thief. He pimped his girlfriend. Beecher: How long before he’ll come and visit Schillinger? Harrison: Well, there’s one slight complication. The boy says he won’t come unless he gets paid. Beecher: Paid, how much? Harrison: I don’t know. Probably what it’ll cost him to get him his next high. Beecher: Make the deal. Harrison: Toby... Beecher: Make the deal, dad. (Unit B) Mukada: Vern. Schillinger: What the Hell, sorry, heck do you want? Mukada: You have a visitor. Schillinger: What, suddenly you're my appointment secretary? Mukada: Hank is here. Schillinger: Hank? My Hank? [Visiting room] Mukada: Your father’s on his way. Hank: So, when do I get the other half of the money? Mukada: When you're done. Hank: Cool. So, bring him up. How long is this gonna take? ’Cause I gotta meet somebody. Dude, you look awesome. Schillinger: Hello, son. Hank: Skinny as shit. They don’t feed you in here? Schillinger: Oh, God. Good to see you. Let me look at you. How you doing? I mean, about Andrew. Hank: Well, I miss him, but, before he got clipped we weren’t hanging as much together. All the freaks he’d be with. Dragging a nigger from the back of a truck. What is that shit? Schillinger: Well, go on, sit down. So much I want to talk to you about. Hank: I’d love that, but, I mean, I gotta bolt. Schillinger: Hank, you just got here. Mukada: Hank. Hank: You know, fuck it. I got time. I mean, you're my daddy, right? [Beecher’s pod] Beecher: How’d it go? Mukada: Well, it started out kind of bizarre, but Hank eventually settled down. Beecher: And Schillinger? Mukada: You know, I’ve actually never seen him happy, but that’s what he seems to be. He asked Hank to come back, Hank said yes, but whether he shows up or not is anybody’s guess. Beecher: I’ll make sure he does. Mukada: You know, the most startling thing for me, is how much Schillinger truly loves this kid. Beecher: Father? Mukada: Yeah? Beecher: Have you ever loved anybody too much? Or course, you're not allowed. I mean, the celibacy thing. I guess my question is: Is it wrong to love somebody too much? Mukada: Well, I guess that depends on how the love manifests itself. And the answer to your first question is, yes, I have. (Hill Narrating) Hill: You gotta pity the guy who had one thing go wrong in his whole life. I mean, other then that one thing that got fucked up, he led a good, average life. But, some incident or other, some bad decision or bad behavior which maybe gained him a moment of notoriety, that’ll be the headline in his obit when he dies. You know, Like Charles Van Doren, Quiz Show scandal. No matter what else he’s done, that’s how he’ll be remembered. Forever and ever. [Visiting room] (Hill bumps into Mears’ chair) Hill: Sorry. [Outside the visiting room] Hill: She yours? Mobay: My girlfriend. Hill: Oh, yeah? My wife. [Visiting room] Mears: (kissing Mobay) The Lieutenant wants an update. He wants to know when he’s gonna see some arrests. Mobay: The shooting has brought everything to a complete standstill. Two of the guys on my initial junket actually got killed. Mears: Take it slow partner. Mobay: I know, I know. But I gotta tell you, I don’t want to spend anymore time in this place then I have to. [Em City. Night] Hill: I miss my wife constantly. Lately, I feel like I’m losing her. Mobay: Think she’s sleeping with another guy? Hill: No, I’m just becoming, less and less important to her. She’s filling in the space that I left. Mobay: That could never happen to Kina and me. Hill: No? Mobay: No. Hill: We’ll see. Where’s she from? Mobay: D.C. Hill: Really? Mobay: Why? Hill: No, she just looked familiar to me, and I was trying to figure out from where. How long she been in the city? Mobay: Six month or so. Hill: Oh, I definitely don’t know her. (A guard knocks on the door) Hill: Alright man, alright. [Office. Daytime] Mobay: (on the phone) Hey, Kina, did you ever have any run-ins with a guy named Augustus Hill? Yeah I thought so. He says he recognized you. Well, I think to be safe, you shouldn’t come visit for a while. [Em City] Mobay: You know, in Jamaica I worked the line. Poet: Yeah? Mobay: Maybe you have a place for me. So many of your men were killed. Poet: Let me speak to some people. [Classroom] Mobay: Mr. Adebisi. Adebisi: Nice island, Jamaica. Mobay: You’ve been? Adebisi: I ask the questions. Mobay: Understood. Adebisi: How’s Junior Numba doing? Mobay: I know who he is, but, we have never danced together. Adebisi: Marco Sori? Mobay: Again, I know of him. Adebisi: William Parches? Mobay: Him I don’t know at all. Adebisi: That’s because I made him up. You know Alam Keen? Mobay: Barely. Adebisi: And who do you know? Who can vouch for you? Mobay: Nester Parks. Adebisi: Nester Parks? Is he alive then? Mobay: Serving 15 years. Adebisi: You can go now. Mobay: Give me a chance to prove myself. Adebisi: Go. Poet, contact Nester Parks. I want to hear stories about our new monkey. [Visiting Room] Said: So, the trial starts today. Tricia Ross: Yes. And I plan to go to court and be there everyday until we get justice. Said: Oh, and you're certain that we will get justice. Tricia: I have a very good feeling about this. I think we’re gonna win. I think the State and this prison and Devlin are gonna have to finally face the facts. That after all these years they were responsible for the riot. Well, they were responsible for all the inmates who were injured, and the men, like my brother, who died. You’re laughing at me? Said: No, I’m not laughing at you. I just remember the frightened little girl that you were, and I’m stunned. I’m very pleased at all the changes within you. Tricia: I wanna kiss you. Said: I wish we could. Tricia: You know what? Everything that I respect about you, also really pisses me off. [Classroom] Said: Okay. I’ve asked all of you here today because as co-plaintiffs I wanna give you an update on the law suit against the state. Ryan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We saw that on the news. When do we get our fucking money? Said: As I have said, O’Reily, this is not about money. This is about the state admitting culpability in the riot. Hill: Excuse me, will each of us be testifying? Said: I doubt it. I have all of your depositions and our lawyer, Arnie Zelman, he believes that only one of us is necessary to plead our case in court. Beecher: And that someone would be you. Said: Yeah. I leave in an hour. Rebadow: It’s taken all these months for the trial to start. How long before the jury reaches a verdict? Said: I would say, about a week. Ryan: Well, aren't we feeling optimistic. Said: Well, given the fact that I believe the American legal system to be inherently corrupt, unfair, chaotic. Oh, yes, I’m feeling very optimistic. [Processing.] (A guard hands Said an orange jump suit) Said: Take it away. Zelman: Kareem. Said: No. I absolutely refuse. Zelman: Kareem, It’s a new statewide requirement. Whenever a prisoner leaves a facility, he or she must put on an orange jump suit. Said: And if I wear that in the court, who do you think the jury will see? They will see me as a criminal, not as someone who is not to be believed. Zelman: You can’t leave Oz without it. Said: Go to the board of prisons. You get me a wavier. Zelman: I tried. Said: Then you sue the board of prisons. Zelman: Fine. And maybe Judge Deloff will delay the proceedings, or maybe he won’t. In any case, legal haggling is going to eat up time. I thought you wanted this trial over as soon as possible. Said: You know what I want? I want this trial done right. Zelman: Okay. I’ll file the proper motions. [Laundry Room] Beecher: Hey. Said: Hey. Beecher: Back so soon? Said: Yeah, there was a complication. Beecher: There always is with you. Said: What do you mean by that? Beecher: Well, you say that you're not in this for the money. I believe that. You say you are in it for justice. I think there’s something else involved. I think you want this case to fail. If the jury rejects our lawsuit, then you’ll be able to point with righteous indignation at a system that doesn’t work. But, if we succeed, what do you have? What can you rage against? So, you’ll do anything to find a complication. Said: I will not be made a slave to by the laws of this state, Beecher. Beecher: Yeah, well, that’s where you and I are different, ‘cause I love the law. Even though it didn’t work in my favor, and I ended up here, I thank God every night for the laws that we have, ‘cause it keeps people like Adebisi and Hernandez and Schillinger away from my children. You know what? I’m gonna tell Zelman that, if he needs me to, I’m gonna testify instead of you. [Em City. Beecher is on TV] Inmate: Beecher! Newscaster: Beecher’s testimony about physical abuse by the guards at Oswald before and after the riot stunned the jury. Beecher claims that even after the SORT team had gained control, prisoners were tortured. This is Kevin Gurstan reporting from the courthouse. [Visiting Room] Kramer: You Mrs. Lazarus? Mrs. Lazarus: Yes. Kramer: I got word somebody was waiting to see me. I’m sorry, do I know you? Mrs. Lazarus: No. Yes. I was one of the jurors at your trial. Kramer: Oh, you came to make sure I was being punished? Mrs. Lazarus: No, there has been something that’s been haunting me ever since you were convicted. Kramer: What? You think I’m innocent? Mrs. Lazarus: Oh, I know your guilty. I know you killed that young man and cut off his head and tried to ship it airborne express. That is what makes this whole thing so hard. I am a Christian. I know the difference between what is God’s will and what isn’t. I know that everyone is owed a fair trial, and that means being judged without prejudice. Kramer: Lady, what are you jabbering about? Mrs. Lazarus: At your trial, you were not judged without prejudice. [Cafeteria] Kramer: So, then Mrs. Lazarus says that after the jury got sequestered, one of the other jurors, some redneck motherfucker, announced to everybody ‘this shouldn’t take long, this guy's a fag. All fags should be dead.’ Then, he proceeds to bully the rest of them, accusing anyone who wanted to discuss my case of being a fag. Mrs. Lazarus says this juror got them all to vote guilty based solely on the fact that I’m gay. Downing: Jesus! Zonioni: What are you gonna do? Kramer: I figure I got a shot at getting the guilty verdict overturned. Maybe get a new trial. Maybe get the fuck out of here. [Library] Kramer: Minister Said. May we talk? Said: What is it that you and I could possibly have to talk about? Kramer: Oh, you mean ‘cause I’m queer and you Muslims consider homosexuality an abomination? Said: Yes. There you have it. Kramer: Would you say you're prejudiced against me? Said: No. I pray every day for your kind to find the way to God. Kramer: Seems to me that makes you all the more prejudiced. I mean, I’m not going around asking Allah to turn you into a faggot. Said: What is it that you want? Kramer: Justice. [Death Row] (Bellinger has sex with someone. Deyell watches.) [Staff Meeting] Glynn: Shirley Bellinger’s execution has been set for two weeks from Thursday. This execution brings us a lot of undue attention from the media, from protesters. Shirley is the first woman to be executed in this state since 18-something or other, so we’re gonna eat more shit then usual. Lopresti: Warden? Glynn: Yeah, Lopresti? Lopresti: If you’re gonna have TV cameras up in death row you might want to think about having the place painted. Glynn: Okay, alright, I’ll put somebody on it. Anything else? [Death Row] Lopresti: Shirley? Bellinger: Good morning, Officer Lopresti. And who is this fine gentleman? Lopresti: Ralph Galino. He’s gonna paint your cell. Bellinger: How do you do? Galino: Well, the truth be told, I’m a little pissed off. On the outside, I was a contractor. Housing complex I built collapsed, killed two people, but it wasn’t my fault. I used to supervise painters, I never painted. Somehow the Warden decided I was qualified. Lopresti: Enough yapping, get to work. Shirley, you can step out. Bellinger: Step out? Lopresti: Yeah. The Warden decided you'r free to roam around here ’til Galino’s done. Bellinger: Tell Mr. Glynn I’m much obliged. Excuse me. Sorry, I’m so sorry. How’re you today , Nat? Ginzberg: Just fine, honey lamb. Bellinger: What are you working on? Ginzberg: A new dress. Miles: Fucking girlie queerbait. Ginzberg: Oh, that pierces me to the very bone, especially coming from a jizz ball who murdered his family. (Flashback of a young Miles killing his family) Bellinger: You murdered your family? Ginzberg: Twice. (Flashback to an older Miles killing his other family) Hill: Prisoner number 97M573, Mark Miles. Convicted July 10, 1997, three counts of murder in the first degree. Sentence: Death. Bellinger: You murdered two of your families? My, my, that makes me feel like a down right amateur. Miles: 20 years ago, I shot my wife and my son. I pleaded insanity, served 10 years in the Connolly institute. I was cured. Deyell: Fucking psychopath. Miles: Hey, that’s the pot calling the kettle black, boy. Deyell: Hey, don’t fucking call me boy. Bellinger: Gentlemen, please, no ruckus. At least wait ’til I’m dead. Deyell: They set the date yet? Bellinger: Two weeks. Deyell: That don’t fuck with your head? Bellinger: No. After all the bullshit, the trial, the appeals, the miscarriage, I’m ready to go. I am ready to meet my maker. ‘Course, whether he’s ready for the likes of me is another story. When you smile, you are a very attractive man. Deyell: For a nigger? Bellinger: I’ll admit, I’ve had my prejudices, but now that I am so close to the end I see that all of us is the same. Same needs. Same desires. Miles: Yo, Lopresti! Lopresti: Hey, hey, hey, hey what’s going on here? Bellinger: Just a little fraternization. Lopresti: That is not on the Goddamn program. Galino: Done. Lopresti: Good, get inside. Galino: Careful of the fumes, you might get high. Bellinger: I’m looking forward to it. [Break Room] Sister Pete: Hey. Dr. Nathan: Hey, Pete, I was just gonna come find you. Sister Pete: Oh, yeah? Dr. Nathan: I had dinner last night with Preston’s parents. It’s been a while since I’d seen them. Anyway, I mentioned your interaction program. Sister Pete: Really? How’d they react? Dr. Nathan: Patricia seemed more intrigued by the idea then Lars. Sister Pete: Would you like me to call them? Dr. Nathan: Nope. I convinced them to participate. Sister Pete: You? Dr. Nathan: I always had a really good relationship with them, you know, even though Preston married out of his religion, outside his tribe. It’s funny, during dinner, Patricia kept saying, ’it’s not like we blame you, Gloria,’ which, of course, means that they do blame me for Preston’s death, only they’re too WASP to be confrontational. And then I realized that I blame myself, too. [Sister Pete’s Office] Ryan: Cyril, stop that, put that down. Cyril: Sorry. Sister Pete: That’s okay. Cyril you do understand that you may have to talk to the mother and father and wife of the man you killed. Cyril: Yes. Dr. Nathan. I like her. Sister Pete: When you meet them, do you know what you might want to say? Cyril: That I wanna be their friend. Sister Pete: Ryan, how about you? What do you want to say? Ryan: Hey, we’re not here for me, we’re here to cure him of those nightmares. Sister Pete: No, no, no. We’re here to help you, too. I think you might want to talk about getting diagnosed for breast cancer, about how frightening that was, how kind Gloria was, and how you developed feelings for her, and how that led to you having Cyril murder Preston. Ryan: I still love her, I do. And that ain't never gonna go away. [O’Reily pod] (Ryan slams his hand on the sink, causing his wound to re-open) Ryan: Oh, fuck. [Hospital] Nurse: I don’t understand why it’s still bleeding. Ryan: Maybe Dr. Nathan should take a look at it. What do you say? Nurse: Well, Dr. Nathan’s gone for a few hours. Ryan: What? Nurse: I think I’ll see if I can find Dr. Prestopnic. . Ryan: Fuck. [Sister Pete’s office] Dr. Nathan: Sister Pete Marie. I’d like you to meet Lars and Patricia Nathan. Sister Pete: Hello. Welcome. Patricia: Thank you. Weren’t you at Preston’s funeral? Sister Pete: Yes, we spoke very briefly. I wasn’t sure if you’d remember. Patricia: I remember everything about that day. Sister Pete: Why don’t we all sit down. Lars: When Gloria asked us about coming here, I have to admit, I was skeptical. I’m not sure what good it’ll do, bringing up all those feelings again. Sister Pete: The bottom line, Lars, is that by facing the men responsible for your son's death, you have the opportunity to express things you might not otherwise get to say. Patricia: That’s what I told him. Sister Pete: Right, so, from now until then, we’ll have a series of conversations to help prepare you for meeting the O’Reily brothers. Now at times, the process might seem slow, frustrating, even counterproductive. Dr. Nathan: We can drop out at any time. Sister Pete: Yes, but, ultimately, the experience can be very satisfying. Patricia: Let’s get started. Sister Pete: What’s the single most important thing you want to ask Cyril and Ryan? Patricia: Why did you murder my baby? [Em City] Ryan: Hey. Cyril: Ryan? Ryan: Yo. Cyril: Why do you use the pay phone? Ryan: To call out, Cyril, that’s why. Cyril: Why not use a cell thing? Ryan: You mean a cell phone? ‘cause they’re illegal in Oz. They’re against the rules. Cyril: Hmm. Then why does the man who talks funny have one? Ryan: What man who talks funny? Everyone in this shit hole talks funny, Cyril. Cyril: Him. Ryan: Stanislovsky’s got a cell phone? Cyril: I saw him talking on it. Ryan: Really? Cyril: (Babbles in Russian) Fuck. Ryan: You wait here, okay? I’ll be right back. [Stanislovski’s pod] Ryan: Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai...How’s it hanging there, buddy? Stanislovsky: O’Reily, always a pleasure to see you. Ryan: Yeah, right. You know, a little birdie told me a secret about you and I just came by to see if it was true or not. You got a cell phone? Stanislovsky: No. Ryan: Hmm. Well, I guess that’s what I get for listening to little birdies, huh? Because if you did have a cell phone, you’d let me borrow it. You’d share, right? Stanislovsky: Share? Mmm. Rent, maybe, if I had one, which I don’t. Ryan: I know. You told me and I believe you, because that’s just the kind of trust that we have. Stanislovsky: Yes. Absolutely. Ryan: Well, sorry to disturb you. Stanislovsky: Not a problem. Ryan: Bye, Nikolai. [Cafeteria] Ryan: There you go Niko. Eat hardy. Yo, Pancamo, my brother's sick, I gotta get him back to Em City. Pancamo: We’re in the middle of fucking lunch. Ryan: Look, I don’t get him back to Em City right now, he’s gonna blow chunks into that salad bowl right there. Pancamo: Okay, okay, go, get him out of here. Ryan: Cyril, you alright, come on. You feeling alright, come on, let’s go. [Em City] Cyril: What? I feel good, Ryan. Ryan: Oh, shut up. Stand here and tell me if you see Stanislovsky coming, okay? [Stanislovsky pod] Ryan: Fuck. Fucking phone. [Showers] Stanislovsky: Couldn’t find it, could you? Ryan: Find what? Stanislovsky: The cell phone. Ryan: Cell phone? I thought you said you had no cell phone. Stanislovsky: I don’t. Ryan: Well, then how could I look for something that doesn’t exist? Stanislovsky: Exactly. [Em City] Hoyt: What’s up, jizz? Ryan: Fuck you. [Galino’s pod] Ryan: Hey, Ralph. Galino: What do you want? Ryan: Jesus, can’t a guy just be friendly? Galino: I been here for days and you ain't been friendly. Ryan: Well, that’s why I’m here, to make up for my lack of manners. Mind if I sit? Jesus this mattress sucks. Hard adjusting to life in Oz, isn’t it? Especially with that jizz-bag roommate of yours. Galino: Hoyt’s a pig. I don’t even know why they moved me in here after that French guy died. Ryan: You know what the hardest part is? It’s getting used to life without all the trimmings, you know? I’m talking about sex, a good cigar. Galino: Oh. Ryan: Yeah, a fine bottle of Vino, a cell phone. Galino: I didn’t know that cell phones weren’t allowed. Stanislovsky set me straight. Ryan: Yeah? Ralph, you grow up in America? Galino: Yeah. Ryan: Growing up, who was the one enemy we had, the one country that we never trusted? Galino: Russia. Ryan: Yeah. And Stanislovsky, he’s... Galino: Russian. Ryan: Right. He was telling you the truth about not being allowed cells, but instead of turning yours in, he kept it for himself. Galino: Fucking cocksucker. Ryan: Yeah, if I were you, I’d go take back what was mine. [Computer room] Galino: Hey, you fucker, I want my cell phone back. Stanislovsky: Lower your voice. Galino: Fuck you, I want it. Stanislovsky: You think I carry the thing around with me? I have to get it from the hiding place. Will take time. Galino: Okay. But, I want the cell phone in my hands by lights out. [Pancamo’s pod] Stanislovsky: Mr. Pancamo. A Question. Ralph Galino, is he a friend of yours? Pancamo: We don’t associate. Stanislovsky: So, if he were ill, or hurt in a accident? Pancamo: I don’t care if that motherfucker lives or dies. [Cafeteria] Ryan: Excuse me. (Ryan sees Stanislovsky talking to Hoyt) Pancamo: Where the fuck you going? And don’t tell me Cyril’s sick. Ryan: No, but, I gotta-- Pancamo: No, the only thing you gotta do is go back to fucking work, or I’ll have you and your brother transferred up to making ladies dresses, okay? Ryan: No, but, I gotta-- Pancamo: No, no, okay? Get back to fucking work. Hoyt: (To Stanislovsky) You got yourself a deal. [Gym] (Hoyt and the other bikers force Galino to take Heroin) [Em City] Ryan: Motherfucker! Fuck. Stanislovsky: You looking for Galino? He went for a walk with Hoyt. [Gym] Dr. Nathan: Looks to me like an O.D. Glynn: Let’s get him to the morgue. [Laundry Room] Ryan: You played this one well, you covered all your bases, kept your hands clean, no one knows about the cell phone, so no one suspects you. It’s nice. I think I underestimated you, Nikolai, and I don’t usually do that. Listen, we could drag this thing out, go to war, but you know, eventually, I’d win. So, I say, let’s just work together. Like Russia and the US. What was that called again? Stanislovsky: Dentente. Ryan: Dentente. Exactly. What do you say? (Stanislovsky shakes Ryan’s hand) [Hospital] (Martinez and Dr. Nathan talk in Spanish) Dr. Nathan: Miguel. Miguel. Alvarez: What happened? Dr. Nathan: You're in the hospital ward. Do you remember what happened? (Flashback to Giles stabbing Bevilaqua and Alvarez) Dr. Nathan: You were both stabbed by William Giles. Bevilaqua is dead. Alvarez: You know, I promised myself I’d never get stuck again, and that little freak Giles gets me. (Alvarez notices the restraints on his arms) What’s with these? Dr. Nathan: Standard procedure for anyone from solitary. [Em City] Hernandez: Chico, Chico, Chico. Man, you fucking disappoint me. Guerra: Why, El Cid? Hernandez: I asked you to kill Miguel Alvarez, is he dead? Guerra: No. Hernandez: I don’t like that word, no. Guerra: Carlos Martinez is in the bed next to Alvarez, but he’s having trouble getting a weapon. Hernandez: I don’t give a fuck if his mother's in bed next to him, get the fucking job done or I find me another Lieutenant. Get the fuck out of my face, now. [Pod] (Guerra takes a shank from under one of the ceiling panels) [Hospital] Alvarez: You having fun? Busmalis: Hey. How you doing there, Alvarez? I heard what happened. Alvarez: How’s Emerald City doing? Busmalis: Scary. I’m in constant fear. Alvarez: Well, what are you gonna do? Busmalis: Dig. Alvarez: What? Busmalis: Dig. Alvarez: You digging another tunnel? Busmalis: Shh. I’m almost done. Alvarez: You’re a crazy fuck. Busmalis: You say that tomorrow, you’ll be saying it to my backside. [Cafeteria] (Guerra passes the shank along to another inmate) [Hospital] (Martinez gets the shank under the lid of his food tray) Hill: Prisoner number 98M232 Carlos Martinez, convicted October 6th, 1998, two counts of murder in the first degree. Sentence: Life without the possibility of parole. [Hospital. Night] (Martinez trys to stab Alvarez) Alvarez: Help! Help! Howell: Put it down, Martinez! No way out, so put the shank down, now! Martinez: Fuck you, bitch! Alvarez: Shit! [Em City] Murphy: Count! Mineo: 88K244, 95H522, 96G415, 98T304, 65R812, 98B242, 98B242! Murphy: Where is he, Rebadow? Rebadow: I don’t know. Murphy: Don’t bullshit me. You guys are joined at the brain. Where’s Busmalis? Rebadow: I really have no idea. Murphy: Check the log. Where was he last? Armstrong: On work detail, mopping the hospital. Murphy: I’ll go check. [Janitors closet] (Murphy find a big hole in the floor) Murphy: Great, just great. Central, this is 14. We got a 69, hospital unit. Radio: Roger, copy that. Over. [Hospital] (Dr. Nathan finds Alvarez’s bed empty) [Hill Narrating] Hill: Ultimately, I guess it don’t matter what they write in your obituary ‘cause you aint gonna be around to read it. Newsprint fades, paper turns to pulp. The mark you leave behind has to be deeper. The mark you leave behind has to be on another person's soul.