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RhyDin's Rules and Regulations


Rules and Regulations Of RhyDin

1. You must be a citizen of RhyDin
2. Help Newbies
3. All Clans, Guilds, and Forums must be submitted to
4. Do not make up dice
5. Unless your name is on the List of RhyDin Gods, you are not a God.
6. Do not disclude people from Mass Spars unless someone has been knocked out or DQed from it.
7. All Characters must have a gender.
8. You may not play more than 5 Characters on One Screen Name
9. Respect the fact that not everyone is as smart or dumb as you
10. Ignore Moders, don't start a OOC fight
11. Unless your character is a Outlaw, respect the Officers of Law
12. If you are going to play a certain Race or Class make sure you know how to, Get information on it
13. If you want to be a certified God, Send the following Information: Your Chacaters Discription, History, Kind of God, and why you think he/she should be a God
14. The moon is always Full in RhyDin
15. No matter how much blood you have lost, there is always some Mage healer who can fix you up in a jiffy.
16. All small critters, whether they be fairies, spriggats, etc. . .have whining rights, and the right to flit above in peoples ears, and to "scuttle"
17. Every building has rafters
18. No one ever drinks beer, only the best liquor there is to offer,or Ale, "wyne" or hard liquor.
19. Above ALL ELSE in Rhy'Din, death is YOUR choice!!