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Hi There !
You have just reached the right destination. No need to click the back button ! This website is jam packed with fun, laughter, poems, useful stuff, wall papers...(long list forget it).. Before navigating this website please take a few minutes and read this..

1. All the files put up on this website are 100% virus-free and safe for download.

2. Files put up here are not created by me but collected from various sources. It took me 99 years to collect all this ;-)

. I do not take the responsibility for the outcome of the files downloaded from this site.
4. If you find anything here which is insulting to you, please don't come crying to me.

5. If, while surfing this website, you suddenly feel like laughing , please leave the room and go out. Then burst out laughing for as long as you want. Don't disturb others.

6. Your ideas , comments and suggestions are welcome.
7. This site is best viewed with with a resolution 16 bits 800x600,& with

This site is always So keep visiting.

Now what are you waiting for? Get ready to splash !!! into The Puddle

And hey! Pleez don't forget to sign my guestbook. :-)


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: The Unknown Guy

ICQ : 69267401